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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. It goes great with the Easter ham. (Or any time for that matters).
  2. Half of the staff didn't have masks in the upper deck concourses. After I saw that, my mask was off.
  3. Saw him a bit during one preseason game and he ran well. Has that eye for the endzone. Congrats.
  4. AC joint is where the clavicle connects to the shoulder at the acromium. My sprain caused such an impingement that surgeon cut 1 cm off clavicle.
  5. Watching Get Up this morning ( I know...), and RG3 was given the simple question : Over/ Under- 9.5 wins for the Cowboys. His answer: "right on". Astute prognostication. Maybe he is betting on a tie. Perhaps I will go back to my crossword puzzle.
  6. Several months ago, I had to have rep send me cards if I did not want to use mobile tix. I got cards about a month ago. Call rep.
  7. 2.5 hrs to OP from Big Flats. 3 hrs to get back home.
  8. Volleyball that is played indoors. Six players on the court at a time. It has been an Olympic sport long before beach volleyball.
  9. Am I that old that I can remember watching that show? Of course, we only had 3 channels.
  10. That's OK. Nobody on this board would ever criticize you for making an honest mistake. 😀
  11. I still wear this jacket to the games in winter time. Beer stains and all!
  12. The problem with looking at his stats, a majority of his tackles were 7 to 8 yards downfield. This puts the d in a difficult position. If he could ever learn how to tackle his man near the los, the d could be so much better.
  13. Gotta love the people who don't use return button in a post. It looks like a rambling post most typically found on sports message boards.
  14. I'm surprised that Gilmore isn't on this list, the way all the commentators talk about him.
  15. I love that first clip. Now if we can get all the d-linemen to run each other over, he's got it made.
  16. Played on neighbors vacant lot when we were kids. Too small for HS ball. Graduated to flag beer league. One night, I was riding with a teammate in his Jaguar xke between bars. We slid into a ditch and I smashed my face and lost my glasses. Worst injury of my career. But we still made it to the next bar.
  17. We had an ice storm down here in the Elmira/Corning area. It took an hour to drive what should have been a 15 minute drive. We turned back toward home and after another hour, we made it home to watch the game. After the int. in the 3rd quarter, I got po'd and went to take a shower. The Bills scored and recovered the onside kick while I had a towel wrapped around my waist. What a game! Only playoff game we had missed until this year. Looking forward to next season!
  18. Most of the passing plays this year found Morse getting pushed back into the pocket, with the KC game his worst effort. On running plays, he could never make the block at the point of attack, allowing penetration which broke up most running plays. When he was hurt, Mongo showed much more promise at center.
  19. The biggest problem is that either Daboll doesn't call passing plays for the TE, or Allen refuses to pass to them. Not being at home games this year doesn't allow me to see entire plays, but what I've seen on tv is hard to tell if TE's are open or not. Oh, how I miss not going to the games.
  20. And he didn't make a tackle on a qb blitz all year. Fundamentals were lacking for the entire linebackers. Coaching staff upgrades would be nice, but McD has his good old boy club.
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