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Everything posted by MarkAF43

  1. I cannot stand when people say "happy hump day"... first of all wed is not always hump day for everyone , and if you are saying it, i think the meaning of it should change
  2. HFBD all (root beer) for the two youngins
  3. Why are you so bothered by the "apologists"? They don't occupy just professional sports, there are the same type of people in everything that happens in the world, there are people who you would consider apologists for the people who setup and carried out 09/11. Why is it such a big deal to you? It is the way society is...
  4. well that makes 2 of us, been my biggest problem and the reason for me joining WW to get it all back... what kind of work did you do in the AF before?
  5. John I have been an air force reservist my entire 4 and a half years and i love it, if you were in, and you miss it, get back in there we need more good people
  6. nah depends on what branch he goes...... army or marine reserves hell yea.... Navy or AF not so much
  7. sweet, starting school in the fall, that may come in handy.... thanks for the info
  8. nah, you would be fine, as long as they submit them to the plan you had coverage with during that timeframe you are good..... what ghetto insurance plan do you have now?
  9. not necessarily true..... you piss of the loyal Rochester area fans, you weaken the fan base, and don't forget that there are a fair amount of people in Canada who don't want us there.--- so in my opinion it's not a good thing and I for one, would be against it happening.
  10. with that statement you have confirmed to everyone reading this you are a moron
  11. Been there many times and who the hell actually goes down there before 11?????????? oh wait, i know the kind, and it fits you to a T
  12. anyone else starting to wonder if elegant is tied in with Dilldo or weenie? they seem too much alike, with the whole holier than though attitude
  13. John spread the love..... he has irritated more than DC Tom so far
  14. Discipline for violations of the law relating to use, possession, acquisition, sale, or distribution of substances of abuse, or conspiracy to do so, will remain at the discretion of the Commissioner. from the article you sent me, there is nothing showing Lynch violated the law with any of the above mentioned
  15. do you have proof that the results of a civil suit and not a criminal case can place him in the leagues substance abuse program? Cause that doesn't make a lot of sense unless you got proof to back it up
  16. how can i put this nicely in words...... hmmm well i can't so lets just say
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