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Everything posted by MarkAF43

  1. I think you might be right.... and it just goes to show, even a QB guru like Bill Walsh can be wrong sometimes..... ( and no, I'm not saying he's wrong about Trent)
  2. Just a side note, I don't have time to do all the research, but I do know that Walsh did not want Montana as his QB... He was sold on another kid who turned out to be average/below average, it has been discussed here before but the name is escaping me
  3. hey Ball of Beer, maybe we should bring in Favre?
  4. I am feeling very ready...... so ready in fact I am rocking my Poz jersey at work today
  5. go back and read your first post, that's not the way you stated it...... that's why my reply was what it was...... not trying to be a jerk, just replying to what you put out there you made it seem that he was better than most rookies last year, and well he did have his moments he had plenty of forehead slapping moments just like any other rookie. For the most part, he was par for the course for a 3rd round draft pick and hopefully going forward he improves on his previous mistakes
  6. hmmmm so you are saying Trent did none of that last year as a rookie? cause I can assure you, there are plenty of Bills fans that would disagree again, he didn't play horrible but the bolded part is what you are blanketing rookie QB's but trying to give TE a pass, and last year he did do those same things you list
  7. from my standpoint, i would say one of the problems is, there are a lot of garage type rock/alternative bands still touring who will play in a setting like that. I personally haven't seen a lot of other bands or artists playing different genre's of music who are willing to play a scene like that good luck though
  8. Offer up some suggestions of bands that they may be able to get.... I believe it's still run by Buffalo Place or something like that.... contact them
  9. i was so upset, man i figured it came with the territory..... but oh well, the whole country and world has to be soooo PC ---- oh you hurt my feelings, i think i need to sue you man up, grow a set and deal with it
  10. hey USMC. now I know us Air Force people aren't like you Marines.... but man when I went to basic in 2004 I expected to be cursed at all day everyday...... Figured it would be kinda cool..... but no... they started passing regulations that said they couldn't swear at us...... I felt cheated
  11. Are you kidding me? Unless MM was some kind of deviant criminal or murderer or whatnot, his family members should not have to be ready for anything. The original poster was rude and totally ignorant and if I were MM cousin and he said that to me, he would have been picking himself up off the floor.
  12. regardless of what enhancements it has or it doesn't have, and the multiple arguments to legalize it..... IT'S STILL AGAINST THE LAW . He can smoke as much as he wants, and he can do it while asking you if you want fries with your order
  13. hmmmm we better compile a list of anything else that can be considered racist so we can forward it on to them, so maybe they can work on banning any others we can come up with
  14. I for one actually employ "it is what it is" ... mainly in my job, because after you explain something 10 different times and ways to someone, the only thing left, is "it is what it is"
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