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Everything posted by MarkAF43

  1. nah this time she was more laid back, i was the one who wanted to punch somebody
  2. hmmmm just one? Yesterday we are driving to wal-mart to look for some shelves for the wall, these 4 people from NJ roll up in a new looking Audi, not one looks over the age of 30 and pull into the handicap space and walk into the store.... it took all my strength and willpower not to punch one to make him handicapped so he would then need the spot
  3. very interesting read, thanks for posting it!
  4. Irrelevant, Rodgers has shown that he can play and as long as the offense keeps clicking it will just reinforce the fact that the Packers made the right call
  5. HFBD finally legal so you get a lot of these :D
  6. wow, so who else on the Bills can we rip on for having "bad" facial hair, or long hair? Mitchell? man he looks horrible he has to be a ridiculous guy to have on the team cause of his hair.... let's run him out of town
  7. Not sure if I would call the AFC east the toughest division in football.... The NFC east in my opinion is much tougher especially since last year we had the 1-15 Dolphins with us
  8. Of course that will never happen, that would be logical, it's kinda like me, I finally went and saw the Dark Knight, and after hearing how great Heath Ledger was, I wanted to try and prove he wasn't as good as people were making him out to be. However once it was over and as we were walking out of the movie, I turned to my GF and said holy sh-- ---- He was that damn good. If people would stop trying to go against the grain on everything they would realize Phelps is one of the greatest athletes of our time and accept it.
  9. so you are saying it's a waste of time since we will be less than a .500 team, we shouldn't even bother playing the games? ok got it buddy
  10. hmmm really? Cause i think plenty of people would disagree with calling McGee average
  11. I was looking forward to attending but due to some scheduling conflicts I will be doing my patriotic duty that weekend.... so I won't be at the game... hope everyone has a great time and hopefully I can find a TV!
  12. I say no.... the last thing we need is someone like Pennington on our roster, there isn't a logical reason to have him
  13. you do realize it is one thing to criticize, but you take this whole thing as some kind of challenge. No one is saying we need to "lock horns with you" as you stated. The problem is that you have taken the things you post about to a crusade level. People here have made it clear their stance on the Peters situation. I have said in the past if he would get himself to camp odds are he would get what he wants by being a team player and honoring the current contract he has. You and I disagree on it, that's fine. You mention us overpaying for rotational and backup players, I don't see us overpaying but I also don't see the problem with signing the players you have before they hit the open market. Plus doing those contracts is probably a lot easier because they are not top tier players. And also, I am not naive enough to think there have been no communications between the Bills and Peters, however the ultimate issue comes down to, who is being hurt more by Peters not being there? The Bills? not as much as what Peters is losing in salary and lost wages, and right now his status as a team player is dropping as well. The hard stance is fine, but as it has been mentioned in the past, the players the Bills have signed to keep them with the team for the most part have shown up to camp and OTA's and worked to get new deals. These statements are nothing new and people have been posting them since this started, however I also understand the points that Peters runs the risk of injury and it's not guaranteed, etc etc.... The problem is that this is the NFL and these players know that any play could be the last one they play and they want to be paid for it. That's fine too. People should at least be able to understand both sides of the argument. And personally i think people have "attacked" you because you keep saying the same thing and it doesn't appear you want to take the view of the other side, try and throw something positive out there sometime and people might back off
  14. why are you so negative? and don't say you are being objective because you have done nothing but take shots at every aspect of this orginization, if you are this dissatisfied by the way things are run here, go be a pats* fan
  15. nothing to see here, please move along Please don't feed or encourage the crusade on your way thru this thread
  16. Just have to see how he will react to his first perceived slight from anyone...
  17. When Manny's happy or when he is miserable? Cause it has been shown, if he's not happy he will go up swinging first pitch or 2 just to get out of the AB...... when he is on and wants to play he is as dangerous as they come, but when he is all upset cause someone pissed in his wheaties then he is a bigger headache for his own team than for the oppositions pitcher
  18. +1 They did not make it to the playoffs in spite of TC---- he picked up that team and carried them into the playoffs. Even a casual football fan could see that
  19. See again, you keep turning this into an issue with the rest of the Bills OL.... I never said that at all, my comments were about the agent, it just shows that all you want to do is turn this into a pissing contest between who we have signed and what we are doing with Peters
  20. As it has been noted in other threads, Parker has other holdouts in the league.... maybe he is trying a " new innovative" approach and advising players to hold out without getting too in depth with the team on what they want? Rosenhaus and his players try to avoid holdouts, but maybe Parker thinks it's the way to go for his guys
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