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Lt. Dan's Revenge

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Everything posted by Lt. Dan's Revenge

  1. And to play devil's advocate, in a poll done at the end of last season by ESPN, which asked NFL head coaches who was, in their opinion, the best referee in the business, Hochuli was tied with Mike Carey as the leading vote-getter. That has to tell something.
  2. Amen. I would love to see that, if not at the Ralph, than at whatever stadium he is at on Sunday, because we know it won't be on Monday when the MNF game is played in San Diego!
  3. Jones, along with probably half his teams roster. After he out-benches them.
  4. Hochuli has clearly been one of the NFL's most respected and consistent referees for years now. The guy blows one call, albiet in a very large spot, that helps lead to a different outcome in a game and now he has to receive hate mail and face public humliation like this? Not to mention, although he did make the incorrect call, this could have been nulified if the league didn't have the ridiculous rule that says you can never use instant replay to review a play like this particular one that was blown dead. The guy is obviously sympathetic for what he did, and is even responding to these idiots e-mails. Am I the only one who thinks that a lot of people, especially hundreds of these San Diego fans, are going a little overboard. Hey, stop the Broncos on one, just one, of the SAME two plays they ran BACK-TO-BACK to score the touchdown and then take the lead with the 2 pt conversion, and San Diego goes home with the win anyways.
  5. Get a ticket to the game on Sunday, sprint onto the field during half time with your football and sharpie in hand, avoid the yellow coats, and see if Bruce would be so kind as to take a second away from his speech to give you his John Hancock.
  6. This also has to be the first time in history some moron has tried to bet avatars. Hilarious.
  7. Seriously, at least that ItalianMob or whatever it is Broncos troll that appears every now and then makes a little sense and is objective. Although, what can you expect from a Raider fan who is probably already starting to paint his body those ugly shades of black and silver and polishing his gay skull for the next home game. Go back to doing your dominatrix with your fat wife buddy.
  8. I second that. The only thing is, I'm guessing it will be pretty hard to get this loser to come back on and man up to his bs.
  9. Damn right! Although...In Oakland it might be pretty hard for most to afford the delivery
  10. Edit: The only good thing to come out of that piece of trash city is our runningback . Can't wait to see him take it to both his hometown and this douchebag that feels the need to pimp such a crap team and organization in general. And by the way, before you make all these McFadden predictions, make sure he gets out of the walking boot first big guy!
  11. My thoughts exactly. The Bills can only beat themselves in a game like this at home, particularly this year IMO.
  12. I agree. It's much too early to right off the Browns.
  13. Love the optimism, and I tend to agree. With the way our team seems to be coming together, looking at the schedule I think anywhere from 10 to even 13 wins is very, very possible.
  14. For sure. Both Britt and Underwood have A TON of talent. It will be a damn shame if Teel's poor job getting them the football causes them to slide down draft boards.
  15. I agree with much of what you said here, particularly the importance of shutting down their screen plays. But, Matt Jones a good wide receiver? You've got to be kidding.
  16. I was in the middle of section 102 and had the same reaction as you did. Kinda the, think about it for a second....eh why the hell not, type deal.
  17. Agreed. In fact, dib, if you wanna post at least a few times on each and every topic that is posted on this site, that would be great. Even if you start making useless crap up, I would not object if it means seeing that more.
  18. I tend to agree. As far as im concerned power rankings are often based on very little actual game-analysis. More like writers feeding the general public a quick tidbit of where they think teams stand. As if being ranked #9 or #14 really matters in the least at this point.
  19. It is insanely early to be developing any type of NFL playoff brackets.....But I'll read anything that has the Bills getting a home playoff game with a smile on my face anyways!
  20. I can see why Carucci would have us ranked at this spot. I for one am not completely sold on Pittsburgh this year yet. I don't know if their defense is going to perform like that on a weekly basis, and their offensive line still has a ton to prove IMO. Their week 1 was impressive, but I'd like to give it a couple more weeks before we start assuming that they are in fact a better football team than the Bills as a whole...
  21. I noticed that too. Clearly Collier's health is in his mind. If that ridiculous fan even knows who the player is
  22. I'm thinking that Pos is going to be set up for a huge game also due to the presence of Stroud facing three backup interior O-linemen. Not to mention how it will help the rest of our D-line.....We just have to put up some points on their defense and we should be looking 2-0 right in the face.
  23. That is a great point. I think our new defensive line rotation will be absolutely pivotal in this game. The Jaguars will also be starting 3 backups out of the 5 O-line positions. These two points make it a distinct possibility that any fatigue factor from the heat will have more of an affect on the home team IMO.
  24. Haha, exactly what I was thinking. Strangely amusing. Anyways, Bills-27 Seahawks-17. Big games out of Lynch and Evans, and I'm smelling a defensive or special teams touchdown. Maybe both
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