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Everything posted by KOKBILLS

  1. No...Lets do something New and Hire a Head Coach who is not a career loser or a head coach who would never get Hired by the other 31 Teams...How about that? I'm not blaming it all on Jauron...But at the same time I think quite a few Folks around here who wish to support Jauron do not understand how much He was empowered by Levy...He has basically run this Franchise for 3 Years because He's had veto power on Personnel decisions...Go back and read the interviews with Levy...It's all there...Go back and read the reports when Marv left...They all said that Jauron would be the one to pick up a lot of Levy's responsibilities on the Football side... I understand not wanting to put all the blame on Jauron...I do...But lets not let him off the hook either...I don't think there is any single person in The Bills Organization MORE responsible than Jauron for the product and the performance on the Field...He has to be help accountable...And there is not one single thing that is going to get the Players attention more than firing the Head Coach they claim to love so dearly...It sends a clear message to everyone in that Locker Room...Produce or expect to be replaced...It's as simple as that...
  2. So...Are You saying the problem with Jauron, 7 out of 8 Years as a Head Coach, has been the Players execution? Okey doke... Look...Maybe this Year You have a point...But the Guy is a freaking CAREER LOSER...He reaks of losing...He's a good Man and a decent Guy, so what are the Players supposed to say? They like the Guy a lot because He's a class act...There is no way in hell they are going to throw him under the Bus while He's here because they respect Him...But that does not make Him a good NFL Head Coach...It does not mean He puts them in position to Win Games they SHOULD and COULD Win...You talk about Film and what was there and so on...It's the HC's Job through His Coordinators to put forward a Plan that his Players can execute successfully...The Bills stay in these Games because they have the talent to do so...They lose these Games because their HC cannot match wits with the other Guy on most Sundays...You just can't hide 57-75 as an NFL Head Coach...You can try all You want...You can make up all the excuses and put the Guy on a Pedestal till the cows come home...But at the end of the day it's still 57-75 as a HC, 7 out of 8 losing Seasons and a Guy who will never get another NFL Head Coaching Job after He gets the boot here... Coaches like Jauron are the modern day Players wet dream...They expect Men to be Men and they think You can hard work your way into winning...It's just not the case though...In this day and age of the NFL You have to have it all as a HC and that includes the ability to out-coach the other Guy on Game Day...Jauron may do a ton of things right but in the end He's still a career loser as a Head Coach...And until The Bills Franchise and Bills Fans stop making excuses and start raising their expectations this is what we are going to get from Buffalo Bills Football Year after Year after Year... If DJ returns it's up to Him to prove Me wrong...but the odds are so stacked in My favor as far as Jauron is concerned I'm pretty confident I'm right...I hope I'm wrong, but 57-75 says I'm dead on correct...We'll see...
  3. Not sure...Either one have more than one winning Season in eight as a Head Coach?
  4. I agree that Ralph will try to get Jauron to quit...As far as the win next year or else? Well that's not going to sell any Seats...So I'm not sure about that...The Bills lose a few early next year and You have a lame duck Coach with no one in The Stadium to watch...
  5. Exactly... And the sad thing is these Jauron Coached Teams rarely get blown out...They are in most Games but all too often find a way to lose...Look at the 1-7 stretch this Year...The Bills were in all those 7 losses into the 2nd Half of each Game...A Play here and there and things could have been greatly different...But Jauron could not come up with anything...And decisions He made in the Cleveland and Jets Games may very well have cost us those VERY winnable Games...His Team shows up completely flat for Home Games vs. an average 49ers Team and The Bills biggest rival, the Fish...Jauron has a knack for finding ways to lose...even when victory seems certain, or at the very least within reach...
  6. Who are we to judge huh? Well...Seeing as though "We" can read a Win-Loss Record (51-75 lifetime as a HC, 21-26 with The Bills) pretty easy...And generally Head Coaches are judged by Wins and Losses...I think it's safe to assume a guy who has a losing Record 7 out of 8 Seasons as a HC is not a very good HC...At this point can we not at least ask ourselves if Jaurons one winning Season was a fluke? Lets face facts, one in eight is not very good...Take away that singular winning Season and Jauron's Record is 44-72 as a HC...That's right...A .379 winning percentage...Simply brutal... You wanna listen to the Players...Go ahead...What are they going to say right now anyway?..."Well...Coach Jauron is a proven loser and does not have Us properly prepared on Sundays." Or..."Coach Jauron simply has no answer for a 3/4 Defense..." Come on? When is the last time You heard a Player say a HC needs to be tougher and more emotional? As long as these Guys are not being embarassed and screamed at they are gonna love the Guy...Whether or not Jauron is a decent Guy He simply does not inspire this Team consistantly enough... You may not have any idea what kind of HC Jauron is, but I'm crystal clear on this subject...Actually, it seems to Me most Bills Fans are as well...He's a PROVEN loser...Regardless of His personality (and I know He's a decent Man), He does not do what He needs to do as a HC to Win consistantly in The NFL...Were You not paying attention during that 1-7 stretch? Did You not see a Team that was ill-prepared? Did it not remind You of the 1st 2 Years of Dick Ball? What in Gods Name has happened to some Bills Fans? Have Your expectations sunk SO low that these results are now somehow acceptable? Why would You ever think a Guy who has one winning Season in eight as a HC, AND NO WINNING SEASON IN 3 YEARS AS THE BILLS HEAD COACH, will suddenly be able to turn things around? I just don't get it...What has happenend to some Bills Fans...Have You become so completely drunk on the Kool-Aid that you cant see what is obvious right before your eyes? Or has a decade of losing simply lowered your expectations to the point where a HC like Jauron seems acceptable? It's REALLY sad if You ask Me because if enough people simply accept this garbage we will continue to get more of the same... Those who do not learn from History are destined to repeat it...Look at Jaurons History...The definition of insanity is doing the same thing day after day and expecting different results...Dick has been doing the same thing most of the time since He became an NFL HC...That same thing has been losing...Yet some Bills Fans are expecting that somehow this is going to miraculously change?... I just don't get it...
  7. Well...He's going to be even less happy when He sees those ticket Sales plummet...Between the Economy and the distain for Dead Dick I'm wondering how bad it's going to get...It will not be good if Jauron stays, and you can bet your bottom dollar that Brandon will tell Ralph as much in no uncertain terms... I'm cancelling My NFL Package if Jauron returns...I just can't take this garbage from a HC who is a proven loser any longer...I figure if I'm going to cancel My NFL Package, something I never thought I would do in a million Years, then LOTS of Folks in Buffalo are going to stay away from Stadium...I know it's an assumption, but I have to figure a ton of Bills Fans are pretty fed up...
  8. So now it's the Leagues fault that Jauron is a Career loser? Keep the excuses coming...I'm getting a kick out of this!
  9. Well...Count me as THRILLED you are not the one making the decisions at OBD... The Injury excuse now? Care to take a look at The Patsies IR List? It reads like an NFL who's who... I'm sure the Folks that ran him out of Chicago, because He was a loser there too, will get a good chuckle out of that Injury excuse...Please...
  10. Sure that's the reason He's a great Coach... Obviously it has nothing to do with his 95-77 Record as a HC, 5-4 Playoff Record, or that one SUPER BOWL Ring He has... I'm guessing Your sarcasm comes from the bashing Dead Dick gets for being emotionless...If I'm wrong I apologize up front...But just incase I'm right, allow Me to point something out to all those who do not understand the difference between good and bad Head Coaches...Good Coaches win more than they lose...I know, I know...sounds obvious...But somehow this fact gets lost somewhere with Jauron supporters...Also...Good Head Coaches don't have losing Records for 7 out of 8 Years... If you can't recognize the difference between a HC like Gruden and a HC like Dead Dick than you have absolutely no business commenting on Head Coaches for the rest of your natural life...Stick to simple topics...Things that are REAL easy to understand...Cause your never going to get this NFL Head Coaching thing...Not in a million years...
  11. Sounds about right... And who says a Guy as smart as Brandon can't learn? Not saying He's Polian or even close yet...But who knows...There is no reason to believe He can't be a legit Scout one day...And the idiot that wrote that certainly does not understand how the Bills were run by Levy/Jauron and now by Dead Dick...Brandon more than likely gets told "We need to Sign this Guy" and He sees that it gets done...I'm not sure how much imput He has on Contracts and the amounts but I do know He's not even The Bills main negotiator (Overdorf) on Contracts...So...whatever...
  12. In a freaking heartbeat... He may not be the best HC in the NFL, but He's My favorite HC by a mile...Gruden's personality is 2nd to none...The Guy is dynamic...He's a solid HC, SUPER smart, a famous hard worker...He's perfect for what The Bills need and Tampa would be insane to let Him go...He's only had 3 losing Seasons in 11 as a HC and He's Won his Division 50% of the time...His Playoff record is not bad at 5-4...And of coarse He has THE Ring... Give Me Chucky any day...
  13. The Bills had the talent to win the AFC East this Year and got a 5-1 head start...While I agree that there are needs to be addressed still, with some decent Coaching the 1-7 collapse could have easily been 4-4 or 5-3...And where would we be now? Lets not let Dead Dick off the hook for that rediculous stretch which saw the Bills lose Home Games to Cleveland and San Fran...Lets not let him off the hook for blowing The Jets Game with one of the dumbest Play Calls in Buffalo Bills history... I know He's a nice Guy, his Players love Him, blah, blah, blah...He's still one loss away from 7 losing Seasons out of 8 as a HC...Nice Guy or not, Jauron simply does not have what it takes to Coach this Team to the next level, which is now nothing less than the Playoffs...It should have been the Playoffs this Year...That's why The Bills Organization cannot risk another Season under Jauron...They HAVE to find a Head Coach that can match wits with the likes of Belichick...And Jauron has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt He's not that Head Coach... Don't be fooled by a Team that Plays hard...The Bills played hard throughout most of 07 as well, and they still finished 7-9...That's what Jauron gives You...A hard Playing 7-9 Team...
  14. I thought the Song they did earlier this Year on the Morning Show..."Marshawn" singing "Running Game," was absolutely hilarious! Everytime whoever was Singing that yelled, "Beastmode!" I cracked up... Anyway...As an out-of-towner for almost 20 years now I appreciate WGR, especially Howard Simon in the AM...Maybe it's just the familiarity...I've been either watching or listening to Howard for what seems like a lifetime now...I don't think it's much better or worse than the AM Show here in Charlotte NC...It's just different...If anything, the Show here in Charlotte is a bit more on the entertainment side than WGR is...Lets not forget that Stations want Sports Talk Shows to be entertaining...The days of "hard core" Sports Talk 24-7 are pretty much over...So if you think there is too much joking around, and not enough meaty Sports Talk, it's probably by design...
  15. Ummm...OK... So lets say for the sake of (My) argument The Bills lose next week vs NE...That's 3 losing Seasons for Dead Dick In Buffalo...That means he'll need 3 consecutive winning Seasons to draw even...What would make anyone think that DJ could pull off 3 consecutive winning seasons after watching the last 3 with The Bills...Or for that matter after He's went 8 Seasons as a HC with ONE...That's right, ONE winning Season... For the love of God don't compare DJ to those other Coaches you listed because there is one main difference, and it trumps all...Jauron is a LOSER...His career record speaks for itself...Take out the one winning Season he had forever and a day ago and His Head Coaching Career is like some sort of bad train wreck... Dead Dick must go...The only continuity He offers is consistant losing Seasons...
  16. I don't know about anyone else, but I figured this team out long ago... They have the talent to Win on any given Sunday...They usually Play hard... However...They have a HC who is a career loser and their schemes on Offense and Defense are suspect...That is their achilles heel...With a decent Coaching Staff this Team wins the AFC East going away... That's how I figure it...But that's just Me...
  17. Well if I were you I would not discount the whole "taking a hike" factor because at this point keeping Jauron as HC is a potential PR nightmare waiting to happen...
  18. If only You were wrong rabbit... But Your dead on! And for the life of Me I can't see how some Bills Fans think the lamp of continuity will suddenly be lit...lighting the way for Jauron to become a decent HC...Whatever...Can You imagine how much talent The Bills will have to have to consistantly compete with dead Dick at the helm? Those who have yet to wake up and smell the coffee are advised do so quickly...I don't think anyone is guaranteeing the next guy will be great...What we are saying is Jauron simply sucks out loud...He's a PROVEN loser and there is no denying it...The only continuity you get with Dead Dick at HC is continuously losing...
  19. Even a blind squirrel gets a nut every now and again...Ralph is never going to hire a good HC unless He keeps trying...Keeping Jauron for continuities sake is just about the dumbest thing I can think of...Unless Your some sort of NFL masochist...The continuity of continually losing!!! Oh joy!
  20. If Jauron is around next Year it's a safe bet the Bills will Be 7-9 or worse because that is what Jauron does...7 Seasons with a losing Record as a HC...Expecting 8-8 is actually a stretch with a Dead Dick Coached Team...
  21. The 3 and Out will end when The Bills actually hire a HC that can Win with consistancy...This whole "lack of continuity" argument has to be one of the dumbest I've heard in a while...Lets see now...DJ goes 7-9, 7-9, and probably 6-10 in His 3 Years as a HC...So I ask the continuity freaks this...What exactly can we expect, based on what we already know about DJ as a HC, should we keep Him for another Year?...A HC who consistantly loses, and has a History of losing in the NFL, can be expected to have another losing Season can he not? That's the consistancy He brings...That's the continuity we should expect...He consistantly loses... So why in Gods Name would Bills Fans want to see another Year of a consistant loser at HC? And Oh will it not be fun if the Bills go 6-10 or 7-9 again next Year under Jauron...There is not going to be anyone left who will sit through that garbage live...Not a soul...
  22. Well... I truly believe The Bills cannot be successful with Jauron as the HC...ever... Jauron can be successful at times...That is true...He's had one winning Season in 8 as a Head Coach...So I'm thinking if We keep Dead Dick around we'll get another winning Season in the next 4-5 Years!!! So We'll have that going for us... Go ahead and keep DJ around...We'll see what becomes of these Bills...I already think I know, but I don't wanna go all "doom and gloom" on Y'all...Keeping Jauron is like begging and pleading for failure...He's a proven loser...There can be no denying it...His Record speaks for itself...His Team regressed after a 5-1 start, looked unprepared, sloppy, dazed and confused at times...He has yet to develop one impact Player in His 3 Years in Buffalo...He's supposed to be a Defensive HC but His Defenses have rarely been better than average, and often been less than...He has at times been a BRUTAL Game Day Coach making decisions that had HUGE negative impact on Games...His Challenge Record in 3 Years is not good...His Team is still one of the worst clock management Teams in the NFL...Plays come in slow from the sidelaines FAR too often and we burn Time Outs like kindling...He simply cannot beat Team with winning Records and He can't match wits with the likes of Belichick, or for that matter any of the better Coaches in the NFL..His Teams look woefully soft at times and tend to turn the Ball over in bunches...You want continuity? DJ continuously loses... But Hey...His Players LOVE Him and respect Him...He's a nice Guy...A gentleman if You will...That should be good enough to keep those Ticket sales going strong right? We'll see...
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