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Everything posted by Trader

  1. Just draft Landry Jones in any round that he will be available if they need to trade up do it if they need to trade down ok too. just get it done and then work from there. I don't doubt that the studies that you have done are valid. The problem is that statistics always work with big numbers but they too frequently fail miserably when dealing with individual situations. There is really no substitute for the eye of a great talent scout.
  2. SJ13 was one of the few bright spots today. Burn Dickerson if you want.
  3. I would take RG111, Cam Newton or Russell Wilson for the Bills. I would also take the Back up QB in Washington that came out last year. Next year I want the Bills to draft Landry Jones. Right now he looks like the best Pro style QB to come out this year. I will reserve my right to change my mind after the combine but right now Landry Jones is my guy.
  4. I thought that JJ Watt was the best D lineman coming out and I posted it here. I loved his consistancy and his leadership at Wisconsin.
  5. Not a Barkley or Geno Smith fan. Landry Jones might be ok. I do like Colin Klein. Actually I would favor a trade for Kirk Cousins the most. I know there are some others but I have not seen any of their college games.
  6. Really? Beating New England without a healthy Tom Brady would be a rather hollow victory. I would rather loose than cheat.
  7. look at every dollar the government spends and ask ourselves. Is this worth putting my children, my grandchildren and and their children in debt to China for?
  8. Tune in the DVR go out and enjoy the sunshine. If it all goes good I will watch it sans commercials. If it goes bad there is always the delete button. Actually I am wearing out the delete button this year!
  9. Depends what you mean by "done". Realisticly the playoff option evaporated when they lost to the Titans. There are some things to be acomplished on a game to game basis. Let's start with beating New England in their yard. They have a better chance of doing that then they had beating the Texans. Also how about showing progress against the AFC East rivals and finishing ahead of Miami and the Jets? I will consider a second place AFC East finish a successful season.
  10. You can diss the MAC but UB beat Miami who beat Ohio U who beat Pitt. Fourth ranked Notre Dame and Pitt played to a double OT last night
  11. I was at the game and my entire group were very impressed with Dysert. It was a very entertaining game and Dysert threw pass after pass into tight coverage and threw hard and he was very accurate as well. It was a fun game that was a defensive battle in the first half and a shootout in the second half. UB's defense played well and pressured Dysert. Dysert is a big strong kid who broke several tackles that should have brought him down. A lot of his balls were dropped in spite of him hittting his receivers in the hands. He has a legit shot at the next level. Also note that the weather conditions were far from ideal. We were very impressed with his ability to trhow accurately into a strong and shifting wind. He is a QB who has played in severe weather conditions and it will not affect him as much as it might some Cali types.
  12. I am going to the game and I will check him out. Thanks for the heads up.
  13. I like Klein a lot. I do not see why he would not fit this offense. He does not have a cannon arm but he is a very accurate passer. Brady did not have a strong arm coming out of college no one says that about him anymore.
  14. So how does the extended berevement leave work? Is it just for Pro Athletes or do Air Traffic Controllers,, Crane operators, Bus Drivers, Airline Mechanics, Pilots, Homeland Security people, Navy Seals, and Middle Managers get cut slack too?
  15. Frankly the Bills along with the spelling of their names are not as important in my life as they used to be.
  16. We don't know but we do know that Dareus looked pretty chunky before his brother was killed. Stand these two guys next to one another and one of them looks like a Defensive lineman and the other looks like an offensive guard.
  17. So far JJ Watt has been by far the more dominant and feared player of the two. They are not lined up against each other but the comparisons will be made. Darius needs to show up big time this week or he slides into the underachiever - potential bust category. Mario Williams was kicked to the curb by Houston in his own words. These two need to lead the Defense. I don' t know if the Bills have the overall talent to win this game but they need to make this a real battle in the trenches and show some real emotion instead of going through the motions.
  18. Coiusins, Romo, Flynn, I don't know enough about the others save for Vick and I do not see Vick taking a team all the way he will always be injured by the end of the season.
  19. If I played like he did the last two weeks I would keep the lowest profile possible. Nothing he has done these last two games says he is an NFL starter at QB. Fitzpatrick is a very good option for a back up QB. To name him the starter without a real option to back him up or develop screams, "FAIL" ! Front office nightmare.
  20. Does anyone know just who Wandstadt is accountable to?. Gailey implied in the interview that he has nothing to do with the Defense. Just who is asking the tougfh questions?
  21. If I were Russ Brandon I would ask Ralph's permission to meet with Bill Polian. There is no long term fix until we get new ownership but someone needs to stick their finger in the dike. That is Dike (as in levee not dyke). And it's Levee not Levy.
  22. Nix, Gailey, Wandstadt and Fitzpatrick have lost this team.
  23. The UB Bulls had a better shot at beating Georgia than the Bills have against the Forty Niners. .
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