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Everything posted by Trader

  1. Wandstadt will be asking that question when he reviews the game film.
  2. George Wilson is a great guy with sub marginal talent in my opinion It may be catching up to him. Williams has had two bad pre season games in a row. Searcy is not there yet. Delano Howell has looked better than all of them. Byrd got fried yesterday big time.
  3. The starting Linebackers did not get it done yesterday, they were caught out of position. The DB's are not going to stop a runnng back with an OL blocking for him on consistant basis, that is a Wanstadt problem.
  4. Aiken and Ruvell Martin are easy cuts I like Roosevelt and he might have moved ahead of Clowney and Hagen on his preformance last night and in camp. I would like them to keep 6 receivers.
  5. Young is your number 2 QB, Brad Smith and Thigpen will be gone in a few days. the Bills should be looking to the waivier wire for a young Practice squad type. Yes I know thay have to sign one to the active roster first then they can put one on the practice squad later.
  6. I want to see Mike Stratton hit Keith Lincoln again in the AFC championship game. Maybe I just want to be 17 again!
  7. If he was not drafted then he is an undrafted free agent and he can sign with whoever he wants.
  8. A few years ago we converted a backup WR to a Safety and it worked out ok. We appear to have a log jam at WR. Why not try it again? N Roosevelt would be my choice but Ruvell Martin might do it also.
  9. I don't see Aiken on this team. He was singled out by Tasker on the broadcast for a half hearted blocking effort that resulted in Tashard Choice being on the receiving end of what was called the "hit of the game". If he is unwilling to block he will not be the 5th or 6th receiver on this team.
  10. If they redo the rankings after that fail the Bills had on Thursday night they will be lucky to get to number 25 let alone 12. Let's look for a big improvement next week!
  11. A rookie QB puts up a 145+ rating against a "good" D. It is substantial news. The Bills were embarrased in their first outing. It is what it is.
  12. Yeah, It is his money but I would have liked to see him spend it in Buffalo rather than in Canton. When you combine his appearance with the news of the sale of the Browns for One Billion Dollars, you wonder just how long we will enjoy this franchise here.
  13. Yea .. no most would not feel that way about Russell Wilson.
  14. I am hoping that Young wins the job because his physical talent is huge. Chan's comments are worrisome he is not the kind of coach that singles out a position without a reason. You have to wonder if he is looking to bring someone else in. I also think he may be thinking that VY is not working hard enough on the mental side of it. I think Thigpen is hopeless just not enough talent. VY has the physical talent but as we have seen so much of being a QB is mental. You have to wonder if VY can get it done.
  15. Sanders and Young appear to be struggling at this point. Asper & Jasper (sound good together)
  16. I don't agree, Wilson has made it perfectly clear what the future of the team will be. He intends to own the team and keep it in Buffalo until his death. After that the team will be sold to the highest bidder. There is no committment on the part of the Wilson ownership to keep the the team in Buffalo after his death. I do wonder if the tax laws for the wealthy are about to change if it will force his hand earlier than planned (re Cleveland). Wilson has made public statements to the effect that, "... the Fans need to appreciate the team now". Most of us understand exactly what that means.
  17. I do think the Bills will live up to the number 12 ranking. I am surprised that they are rated that high. I would rather have them exceed expectations than fail like Philly did last year. They are ranked number 2 in their division which is where most optimists hope they will be. If they finished one in the AFC East I think we all would be shocked and delighted.
  18. Not Really Patriots retains it's full meaning without the word Boston in it. Bills looses meaning without the word Buffalo in it.
  19. Does anyone really have a problem with, "The Niagara Frontier Buffalo Bills"? Is that so different than the New England Parriots
  20. Of course their rent reflects the cost of property taxes but many of them do not make that connection. I agree it is a private business or it is not. If the taxpayers have to pay there should be no relocation ever. I do not want to pay a penny more in property taxes than I do now we are already in the top two or three taxed situations in the nation. The last time I looked only CT and Ma were higher. NO MORE TAXES EVER!!!
  21. unfortunately Western Ny has become the rust belt version of Appalaccia. The area lacks the only commodity that is valued in the NFL-- money and large businesses the kind that pay exorbitant amounts for luxury boxes.
  22. Yep, I would want to keep the association with "Buffalo Bill" in the name. I do think it's a great metaphor for football. I do like the "Niagara Frontier Bills". I would make the offcial name the Niagara Frontier Buffalo Bills but I think people would naturally truncate it. Canadians might prefer to call them the Niagara Frontier Bills. On the US side it might just remain the Buffalo Bills. I do think they should have some uniform distinction when playing in Canada and I think it would be fun if the Ralph were filled with U.S. and Canadian Jersy's representing the same team. Just because it's a change does not make it bad. Sports fans who believe that the Franchise can keep pace just by posting a winning record are ignoring a lot of accounting in a post Ralph world. This probably belongs in a separate post but there are a lot of good reasons for Wilson to sell this team before the tax law changes. The capital gains tax will increase by 5% from 15% to 20%. If the Bush tax cuts are not continued and in addition there is the additional taxation burden on the wealthy (Ralph Wilson) that the health care law will implement. Ralph might save his estate 8% of one Billion dollars if he sells before the tax cuts expire or if they are implemented only on the wealthy. Let's see how much is 8 % of one Billion? = It's more that the total income of everyone on two Bills drive.
  23. The International Buffalo Bills The Can-AM Buffalo Bills The Niagara Regional Buffalo Bills. Has there ever been a bi National sports team in history other than the Buffalo Toronto World Team Tennis experiment? The concept seems to fit the Mary Wilson story in the news rather well methinks! Another Thought How about another uniform when playing North of the Border? College teams (Oregon) do great with this.
  24. Actually that is not a bad start. I also think the transportation suggestions and the stadium location ideas have a great deal of promise. I do think the Bills could be more creative in thier promotions north and south the border by offering groupon like hotel/transportation packages at attractive prices. What I do know is this, we will be hearing more about this topic in the nearer than we think future. We the fans might want to get in front of the issue where we can contrbute the process rather than wine about the result.
  25. The city of Buffalo and it's suburbs including Rochester and Syracuse will not be able to support the 21st century Bills in the post Ralph era. Sorry traditionalists but you are on the wrong side of history. Buffalo is not Green Bay. Buffalo is in a unique border town situation. We are a short commute from a huge population center. If you want to save the Bills get ready to accept the inevitable and welcome an association with Toronto. I do think a stadium near the border is a must. I also think that we need to offer something to those Canadian fans that will turn them from NFL spectators to Niagara Frontier Fans. There is a huge difference in those two concepts. I know that there are some small minded provincials in Buffalo who demonstrate the lack of creativity that is our regions reputation. I do believe that the majority of fans in Buffalo are far more hospitable and open minded than most fans. It's time to embrace the new opportunities of regionalization and have some fun with it. "If you always do what you have always done you always get what you always got." Isn't it time to try something new?
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