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Wagon Circler

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Everything posted by Wagon Circler

  1. Don't worry, Kawika. A.M. is certainly taking his time. He is now the lowest first-rounder left unsigned. I thought yesterday would be the day, but it came and went.
  2. Your thoughts on player of the game? While I have seen the love for Nick Harris, I'm going with the X-man, Xavier Omon, who looked much different from last year. Just beats out the Chroisen One who made plays under pressure and seemed comfortable out there. Poise,oh Chroisen one.
  3. Alvin Bowen got in a big hit too. I mention this because we may need TWO outside'backers. Kawika looked slow.
  4. I try to prepare in advance by expecting them to lose. Then, it doesn't hurt quite as bad. But once the game starts I'm still yelling and throwing things at the TV. The low point last year was the Jet game. At the two minute warning, I actually started to believe they could win. Just keep running the ball. Man, did I lose it! I think my family got scared ( Ihave heart issues. The Bills don't help that.)
  5. No, let's wait for our quarterbak to get killed first. Ryan Fitzgerald could be a breath of fresh air. At least Hamdan would move up to no.2.
  6. I especially enjoy reading the negative stuff which you don't get from Chris Brown. The tackle situation has me worried. Chambers may end up starting. I don't think LW has the quickness to play LT.
  7. I've been thinking this all along. That Bell is the starter by week five. And closet yiddishists on the Stadium Wall- Love it.
  8. With that last name, Ican't tell if he's samoan. Is he Samoan? I'd really like a samoan.
  9. Bottom line- the guy was a winner. Considering what has come since him, his career in buffalo looks better with age.
  10. What's his B*tch look like? Dick "Big pimpin'" Jauron.
  11. You can't have too many good cornerbacks....
  12. When you lose games (Jets, Cleveland, Dallas, Denver) in the manner we have the last couple of years, it's really hard to see the glass as half- full.
  13. If we can just coax Kelly out of retirement...
  14. Count me in as one of those who had unreal expectations for Poz in 08. I thought we were getting the next Urlacher, a guy who would make a bunch of big plays and a slew of little ones. I was dissappointed in his season. He just did not big game changing plays or big hits. I wanted Ray Lewis. I got London Fletcher, you know, the one past his prime. I'm hoping for more in 09. This team NEEDS more in 09. Stuff the run Poz.
  15. I thought the interesting statement was that we did not even huddle once! I see hope gentlemen.
  16. Yes! The skooby post is back! Gentlemen, start your engines! We're better than the k-gun! Edwards is comparable to Kelly! Skoob, do you know how long it's been since our passing game was higher than 25th? Remember how Edwards went into a shell at mid-season and just checked down? CAN WE SEE HOW THIS THING PLAYS OUT!!!!!
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