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Everything posted by AnthonyF

  1. I was going to post and gloat as GW showed again what a sad excuse for a coach he is. Of course who am I to talk. GW is paid head coach money $2.5 million and continues to produce very little. At least as the DC and in anothert city, we don't have to second guess his ridiculous calls or decisions during the year.
  2. I think they should have gone for it.... Week 17.... Problem is the Bills were just too unorganized too often on offense and scrambling too many times. Like the second int.... There was no rush and still don't understand what they (or JP) was trying to do. Seems he got too excited.
  3. Losman made two horrendous decisions, but at least I saw some decent playcalling on their part offensively. Usually people are waiting to pounce on a game like this, but did not happen. I take this as a really good sign. Remember they were playing a team with everything to play for and the #1 or 2 defence in the league. Losman has to do a better job reading the defenses and taking control in the huddle. Both ints were just pathetic. Hope no one had money on the Bills.
  4. Why do you think Ontario listeners turn on WGR??? Hint it is not to do with High School sports, Baseball, Basketball or Hockey.... Only one reason and it is the Bills... I run and always have headphones on... Like to listen and laugh at the post game and Monday shows.... Otherwise I and most listeners from Southern Ontario do not tune in to listen to talk about Briere, Afinigenov, Miller, Connely.... Probably the reason Shoop dislikes Southern Ontario callers too..
  5. Difference would be that I believe Lovie won't hesitate to pull one or the other if they struggle.... RJ however remained in the Tennessee game as he put up one of the worst halves of football I ever saw. A saftey, 4-5 sacks, 2 fumbles and 30 yards passing and he was back out the second half.....
  6. Again a decent play call we never use.... We have a supposed mobile QB and don't use his legs at all....
  7. You have to be able to make short yardage on pass plays 70-80% of the time. Quick hite, qb scrambles, an effective TE or back should make it easy.... How we can't even pick up 1 yard in many a situation makes me question, as I've done many a time, the playcalling.
  8. How about being creative and rolling out or JP running. Hell Chad Pennington had a few 15 yard runs on monday night.... Only 37 rushes all year, and very few recently outside 6 vs. SD.
  9. Still looking for comments on the 2-point (or lack of) attempt up 25-20. I think you want to be up 7, not 6....
  10. The 4th down play just looked terrible and reading about the disorganization prior seems to confirm it. I don't know what happened earlier, but if they know they are not kicking from the 28, they have to have better organization on the 3rd & 4th down plays.
  11. Okay I was away the last two games and only caught a bit of the Tennessee game. What I don't understand as usual is that in week 16 we are so disorganized when we are in the 2 minute drill and bad play calling on 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5. Add to that the fact JP does not or is not allowed to run when they have to make a play. How many times when we had Flutie would we call a rollout or qb sneak? If we know we are not kicking if outside 40 then the offense needs to be better prepared and reading the posts again it seems we were not. Also once up 25-20, why not go for 2 and force a td. I think you want to be up by 7 not 6 (5 is a non-entity). I know that 6 is 2 fg's (I can add), but I think 7 is just much more important. Not sure, just want opinions....
  12. California and I park for free.... Obviously if you are there early you are ready to tailgate.... After the border, getting food we usually are there around noon. It is a 10-15 minute walk but you are out in a flash, no traffic.... California is off Milestrip (past the mall, Target, Premier, cinemas, Kohls and the left before the lights....
  13. RJ was putrid that game.... His first half may have been the worst half of football ever played..... Check the stats.... Any production from the QB and we would/should have been ahead by 10 minimum @ half. 10-22 131 yards, 2 fumbles, 6 sacks and a safety.... Please tell me you're kidding when you say that QB wasn't the deciding factor....
  14. You got to be kidding, the first half was one of the worst I've ever seen and our defense was outstanding. He had about 30 yards passing, sacked 4-5 times, a fumble (maybe 2) and a safety.... and by the end he was a spectacular 10-22 for 131.... If ever a fix was in (ie Ralphie calling the shots) it was that day. How Flutie sat on the bench was inconceivable.... As for the best game agreed it was vs. SF around 1992, in SF when Buffalo & SF basically went up and down the field all game, not a single punt and the Bills won something like 38-35 (Kelly vs. Young). Must have been 900 yards in offense.
  15. Just a note after peeking at yesterday's Seattle/SF game... Game 14 and I can't remember one where the weather was really bad. Some wind, but little rain (outside a sudden storm with 2 minutes left vs. NYJ, that contributed to us going nowhere after recovering the on-side kick). Anyhow, happy JP is doing well, now let's see the Offensive Coordinator let him throw the ball for over 200 yards...
  16. How many times do I have to say that I am happy with JP... It is a offensive coordinator and play calling that is sorely lacking. Have you read a single post of mine.... Only when we were throwing 12-15 times during the GB & Indy game I questioned the faith they had in him and whether we draft Quinn...
  17. Can't help myself.... 15 pass attempts, only 4 games over 200 yards and 30th ranked pass offense is not going to move you up the list.... Sorry to state the obvious..... All that said he is playing better, but still not seeing enough to see if we have something.... Remember this is the offensive coordinators fault not JP's....
  18. He is 21 because Buffalo is ranked 30th in passing. Obviously that is what they are looking at. Blame it on the offensive scheme that only now is slowly allowing him to show some of his skills.... These writers are not seeing him have to take over a game or try and win one. Sorry to break you the news.... I am happy to see JP given more opportunities, however seeing the complaints about Joey Harrington here's his stats, using the Anthony line.... 7 of 9 games over 200 yards (190 & 137 other 2)..... You can start bashing me now.....
  19. I surrender.... If 30th is fine with you, who am I to argue....
  20. 6-7 Superbowl Parade.... That is what counts the wins & losses.... But 30th in Offense is fine. My line in the sand was simply stating I want to see passing games in the 200's.... Not a real stretch or asking for the moon.
  21. No you are a dumbshit for being happy with the 30th ranked offense. Hell it is better then 31 or 32.....
  22. We were 0-3 in the red zone because we threw the ball once in the red zone.... Most passes were thrown on 3rd down and we had all of 111 yards rushing on 31 carries. We played scared and while the score looked good, we were the recipients of 2 fumbles (one returned for a TD) and a great kick return.... Fine you are right, because you refuse to look at the facts in that game.... After the first drive 8:08, we had the ball 18 minutes the rest of the game and that was running the ball and keeping the clock moving..... we ran the ball terribly, we did not throw at all and often only on throwing downs. The play calling and offensive schemes were unimaginative and we had 194 yards total offense against a bad team. Whose fault was it???? I don't blame JP....
  23. We have not run the football well at all in those games.... Can only say we did okay vs. the Jets, though 170 yards is not exactly earth shattering anywhere except the Bills fan's world. The Indy game was very winnable and would have been if we did pass the ball more.... Our best drive there was the first drive of the game, when we had JP throwing in tough 3rd down situations. In the end I think we barely had a 100 yards rushing vs. Indy..... We are 30th in Offense in the NFL and that is with an improving offense.... The 29th offense Cleveland is 10 yards ahead of us and 28th Houston is 30 yards ahead. Conversely 31 & 32 (TB & Oak) we are 3 & 15 yards ahead of them. We are ridiculously pathetic and yet you are satisfied????? What makes it funny is that yes there is a light at the end of the tunnel and we have played better. However it is still inexcusable....
  24. Agree 100% about last year and growing pains. Still want to see more from the offense..... So shoot me....
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