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Everything posted by AnthonyF

  1. Only once I can remember the D doing it when called upon (the three & out vs. Houston) that gave us the chance to win. Otherwise they fail over and over in the 4th quarter in particular. This was the first game in the last 5 we allowed under 400 yards, which is a joke. Some stats and random points..... Game 1 vs. New England - They run out the clock the last 6 minutes... Miami & Minn - Both score and get close in the 4th. Minnesota misses a pass that would havbe put them ahead the last minute NYJ - We get to 21-13 and they promptly score the next drive 60 yards Det - Hold it the last 4 minutes, converting a crucial 3rd & 5 to end the game Indy - Hald the last 6 minutes Jax - Tie the game on their last drive with 29 seconds left. Includes a qb scramble and 4th & 15. SD - 80 yards 8 minutes.... Can't stop them from scoring a TD. A Fg and we had a chance.... Add to that we keep running when we are gaining nothing....
  2. Spoken like a true fan..... We've earned veryone and had terrible luck earlier in the year....
  3. I've commented in the past that we have benefited recently in the takeaway battle, due primarily to luck and have upset many on the site. I put to you that both Favre's fumbles, were the result of incompetent qb play, not any skill on our part. Generally the majority of fumbles are just bad breaks or hitting the carrier in the perfect place (remember the Ref who caused JP to fumble vs. NE). Add to that a ball popping up perfectly and then being returned for a TD (McGee vs/ Indy) and you have everything going your way. Now Favre threw a terrible Int returned for a TD, almost as bad as JP's vs. Houston. Favre's other int was a ball popping up in the air at the goal line. Then JP get's hit in the elbow and throws an int vs. Jax, that promptly is fumbled and the Bills recover. Point is the only earned fumbles are those the result of blindside hits, which is usually the result of the right play call. Interceptions often are great defensive plays, proper positioning or the result of a bad pass..... Earlier in the year we got very few of these breaks or did not take advantage of them. However to me fumbles are just luck and we've had a lot of them the last 4 weeks. What is your position or comment???
  4. Got to agree...... Best seats I ever got was Flutie's 1st or 2nd game vs. Jets.... Sunny 55 and I paid $15 for the pair 25 rows up at the 50 yard line...... Never beat that one, except for Giants Stadium December 89, when Kelly got injured the first SB. Ugly day and agin paid about $15-20 and it was a rainy day and we were covered at the 40 yd line. Games that are not sold out are generally harder and unless the weather is really bad tomorrow could be the same. Does not mean you will not get cheap tickets though. Go to the busses and see if they have leftovers. Not difficult in the end though...
  5. First we are not going to have these breaks every week (talking fumbles, which outside blindside hits, are really a coin flip as we have not coughed any up on our side). As for yards given up.... Chicago ate us alive as did Detroit and New England the second game.... so we have been weak on those losses also.
  6. every week. Teams can run and pass on us.... We have benefitted from breaks (i.e. fumbles) and actually won 3 of the last 4. Indy, Hou & Jax have made us look like swiss cheese and here comes LT. Maybe the weather is a huge factor, better be if our offensive play calling reverts to Indy & GB. In any case I still don't think we've opened up enough Our offense better score, as it would be a minor miracle if the D holds SD in check....
  7. I love that reasoning..... Favre handed us 3 turnovers (the last a gift at the 1 yd line) or we are in serious trouble.... Losman does that and we'd demand his and the coaches heads..... Against Indy we get a great special teams play, a fumble return for a TD and another fumble and do nothing on offence, because basically we waved the white flag and said "we refuse to score in the red zone or try and pass" and the coaches are hailed as heroes.... A loss is a loss is a loss, Indy was never in trouble or behind after our opening FG with all the big plays we got..... The Indy game, here's an analogy.... Remember Ali-Foreman..... Rope a Dope.... The Bills played it to a tee, but forgot to counter punch (ie play offense) and basically were hit all game....
  8. I just want the Bills to put some trust in the offence and let's see if JP is the future..... Yes 2 good games (really based on the endings) after the two offensive paly calling fiascos (GB & Indy). Still want to see more. They are still treating him with kid gloves and have a leash on him.
  9. Of course I am not saying throw 50 times. However last week JP had only 165 (40 on the last 2 throws) which is below average. I'd like a bad game to be 165 yards, average 230-250/game, with games over 300.... Let's look at other QB's and this is what you see. JP is way behind, because of the offesive scheme.... After the first quarter vs. Houston he had only 70-80 yards until the last drive. Wildly inconsistent. Tired of the leash they have on him.
  10. Unless there is a snowstorm/30 mph winds, they will put up 27 pts easy. Time to actually win a game with offense.....
  11. Again we are playing a below average defense (looks better based on their offensive output) and are scared to play offense. They have allowed 27 points the last 6 weeks (Oakland only had 14) Yes Merriman is back, but please don't shut down the offence. I will commit heresy here and hope that SD puts up 35 points against us, so we have to try and score 36. GB & Indy were flukes where we got lucky on TO (silly int @ 1 yard line and sorry to say 80% of fumbles just are the result of luck see Favre's and tell me otherwise).
  12. Reading the ESPN QB rankings I see the Leinart threw it 51 times & Carr 54. Please I do not want to hear they were losses..... I still really want to see what JP can do... or if he can. May not be the the right time this week if the weather is bad.... Also curious to see how the Texans torch us on the ground and follow up with less then 10 rushes. Not looking forward to seeing what LT will do....
  13. He threw it to the back with the Jax player all over him, which accounted for maybe a two yard gain and a painful hit. He is petrified right now to run. We've seen a few times he has laid a receiver (usually a back) out.
  14. I am happy we are doing better and it is nice if we do have a serviceable, hopefully great QB.... All I wanted after seeing our coaching staff turtle against GB & Indy, was a chance to see if we have anything.... It's amazing to see how carried away this site is when we talk QB's.... I want to be entertained when I watch a game and the Bills were not doing that earlier this season. I still see JP needing a lot of work. At the game Sunday, I am consistently amazed how scared he is to run. There were a number of situations he could have run, but continued his progressions and/or made a pass to the checkoff RB, when we had room to run. I am still worried the staff has the handcuffs on him.... I guess also he is now in Jim Rome's good book (wasn't much of a fan last year, saying getting rid of Bledsoe was wrong watching JP), as he will be on tomorrow. Unless of course he starts calling Joyce Patty Losman (Chris Everett).
  15. Whole second half they shut him down again. Case in point 3rd and 7 from the Jax 35 and they run a draw, lose 3 yards and kick from the 38. Here was their second half drive cahrts and end of frist half.... 01:11 1:11 BUF 20 2 8 End of Half 15:00 2:03 BUF 15 3 -5 Punt 08:41 2:23 BUF 37 5 13 Punt 14:56 1:37 BUF 20 3 9 Punt 12:00 4:24 BUF 38 7 24 Punt 05:13 2:15 BUF 16 3 6 Punt 00:28 0:28 BUF 40 4 36 Field Goal
  16. Actually if I was the Bills, you call timeout at first and goal. You want time on the clock if they score. Jacksonville still had 1-2 timeouts and if they score, I want the ball not a flip of the coin starting overtime to decide the game. Always amazes me coaches thought process.....
  17. Plummer, Bledsoe, Brunell, Culpepper, Warner, Leftwich Benched.... Vick blowing hot and cold (receivers have the droppsies). Eli, Rothlesberger, Grossman wonderkids looking terrible and who knows what to do with Favre.... As said JP still has plenty to prove and the Offense has to be more creative and throw the ball mire, but I shudder to think how we'd have reacted if JP had games like Grossman or Eli or Rothlesberger has had.
  18. What a gorgeous day, very comfortable, seemed like there was no wind, until I watch Lindell try to make 43 yard fg into the wind at halftime. He was short on about 3 trys. Good thing we had the wind the final drive. Wind probably the reason Losman was just off on the PI to Evans in the second quarter.
  19. I was there as planned (sellout or not)... Though it made the decision easier.... Unfortunately it is just too long a day away from the family. Left @ 8:00, got delayed finally made Peace Bridge another 45 minutes-1 hour, quick stop at Target for spouse (and Premier for a drink) and make it to the stadium @ 12:45. Hard to find scalpers as it is not sold out and are in the stadium 6 minutes into the game. Trip home with stops is 7:30, thus 11:30.... Can only do that once a year....
  20. Amazing how DB has 8 teams that he could go and screwup.... Has any QB made more money and produced less the DB. He does not seem like a bad guy, but the results are always the same. Everyone falls in love with his size and arm and ends up with a team that underachieves. As for the teams above.... GB, Minn, Det & Minn... 4 teams with already stop-gap QB's.... Oakland & TB - Should get a QB for the future and develop him and the team - Not put a slow-footed statue behind the line. Phil already has Jeff Garcia, who while older has the same credentials if not better offensive stats during the early 2000's that DB had, just not the height and arm strength. KC has Huard behind Green and why would the Jets give up on Pennington? Buffalo did the right thing when they cut DB after 2004.... Mike Mularky however did a lousy job executing it in 2005 and we still don't know what we have in JP. As for Parcell's, give him credit he gave the ball to Romo and was not bullied by Jerry Jones and looks like he made the right decision.
  21. The Bills showed some flare and offensive creativity Sunday, which they did not the prior 2 weeks. I wantg to see more of that. When you are basically out of the playoff hunt, you have to make decisions for 2007 and to me the still unanswered one is at QB... Do nothing the next 2 weeks (like GB & Indy) and we regress, whether we win or not...
  22. The Bills used one timeout in the final drive.... It may have helped in the play call or may have not. In anycase it meant nothing in terms of time, as JP would have spiked the ball instead of call timeout and the result should have been the same.
  23. May try that this weekend if the Bills game is not blacked out.... Sort of like Picture in Picture (PIP), I'll do a coat on a piece of wood and set it up beside the TV.
  24. How about Buffalo playing their games, using their strengths and having Kax & SD adapt. We did not do that vs. GB & Indy... You know what go watch paint dry. I want to enjoy the games and make decisions for 2007. Sports is ENTERTAINMENT.... GB & Indy were 2 of the worst games I ever saw, because Buffalo had no interest in trying to win.
  25. Why I have been on this site was how upset the offence made me the prior 2 weeks. Simply the fact that the offence had no interest in winning or seeing if we have any future with this QB. It was one thing against the 30th ranked pass defence vs. GB at home to do absolutely nothing and conveniently forget Favre gift wrapped 3 turnovers, but then to utterly give up vs. Indy after the first drive when we got to their 10 yard line using a mix of run & pass, I was apoplectic. Now the next 2 games at home are going to be really, really difficult. Fortunately we are home. But if DJ regresses and the games are as interesting as watching paint dry I will be very unhappy...
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