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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. Because the guy running our offense had a mental defficiency.
  2. Nobody keyed on Lynch or Jackson in the passing game. Thats a crock-o'-sh*t. It absolutely can be the wrong decision. Under normal circumstances, I want the ball in the hands of someone who can do something with it. On a 1st and 10, if I've got a decision between Robert Royal open 5 yards downfield and nobody on Lynch in the flat...I'm dumping it down, and yelling at Royal to get a hat on somebody! If its a third down, and their positions on the field are the difference between punting and moving the chains, then I can see your point. But oftentimes yards after catch is where your chunks of yardage come from, and for that reason I'd much rather have the ball in the hands of a playmaker, even if it means sacrificing 5 or 6 yards at first. There's no upside to hitting Robert Royal over the middle...what you see is what you get. This is the wrong argument, anyway, as I doubt quarterbacks go through all this before they throw the ball. They just hit the first open man they see.
  3. Thanks, Astro! Absolutely. If the plan isn't to re-sign McKelvin when it becomes necessary, its tough to call this a successful pick. It may not be a 'bad' pick in the sense that the scouting department made a mistake, or their value board was set up poorly, or they took a guy who couldn't fit the system...the problem would lie more in strategy and foresight. We'll see if this regime has a new take on the 1st round free agent corner dilemma, as they hopefully realize we can't just continue burning 1st round picks on cornerbacks every 5 or 6 years. Been there, done that, and it just hasn't worked.
  4. Camp fodder/third stringer...what do we have, 5 QBs now? That doesn't seem out of the ordinary. Neither of the additions have NFL experience, so its tough to think of them as good backup quarterbacks.
  5. I think you're getting confused with the dream you had last night...
  6. Trent had more pass attempts. Percentage-wise, Trent has a similar deficit in his passes to the running backs that Losman has in his passes to the tight ends. I'm of the opinion we're splitting hairs and none of this matters, but if one is to be acknowledged, the other should be as well. Not on this team. I'd much rather get the ball to Marshawn Lynch or Fred Jackson than Robert Royal or Michael Gaines.
  7. Trent Edwards had a similar deficit in completions to the running backs. Would you attribute that to: drops by Lynch, Trent not throwing to the RB, Trent lack of accuracy on short passes or something else?
  8. That was hardly his point, though, that this would somehow hurt Hardy. He was just marveling at an agent not being able to realize the Bills just might be thinking about a big reciever...
  9. At least someone gets it. If your DT rotation doesn't go 7-deep, you are doomed. Forget offensive line. Forget wide recievers. Forget the media-fueled myth of the miracle quarterback. Your 7th defensive tackle is your pivotal position. No team has ever stopped the run without 7 1st round defensive tackles. This is irrefutable. If you disagree, you are simply being fooled by the media, and those who aren't observant enough to see the true nature of the game. Don't worry, I've seen through the veil, and I will help you find truth.
  10. I will be absolutely SHOCKED if Royal gets cut. He is, albeit unfortunately, by far our best run blocker and very likely our best reciever of the tight ends we have right now. He's also one of the more outspoken Bills, and there's reason to believe he's well-liked in the locker room. I'd say he's got about a 95% chance of making the team. He may suck, but he's the best we've got.
  11. Like that makes me any less of a caveman? I don't care about Tina, give us a minute.
  12. Because, you know, I can't crack a joke about someone's post without also gathering their real meaning. What am I, a caveman?
  13. I would hope there are less patients this year, actually.
  14. My mistake, you're correct. That means the situation is more desperate than I thought, as he was kind of our utility guy...
  15. Its been a while since you could call the Bills predictable. For years now, they've been botching their most obvious decisions. I'm not talking about a decision like replacing JP Losman with Trent Edwards...I'm talking about decisions that unite nearly all observant followers of the team on one side. Decisions that were far simpler than those in charge made them out to be, and which were plainly obvious to anyone interested in seeing the Buffalo Bills rebuilt successfully. Decisions like prioritizing the offensive line, rather than bringing in scraps from other teams, like your Tutan Reyes' or your Bennie Andersons. Decisions like acquiring playmakers in the middle of your defensive front. For a long time, a three-year stint from an aging Sam Adams was the only serious attempt to do so. Decisions like building a core group consisting of young players rather than retread veterans, who would give your team only a small window before leaving behind a position that would need to be reloaded. Free agency would come and go, 1st and 2nd round draft picks would come and go, and we'd all hold our breath over and over again hoping this team was finally serious about getting better. Opportunity would pass us by, pick after pick would be wasted, and we'd come away disappointed year after year. Enter Marv Levy and Dick Jauron. We held our breath in their first draft, and finally were not disappointed: we spent three draft picks- yes, we did what was needed- to acquire perhaps the last potential impact DT remaining on the board. The result of which is not yet known, but the concept is difficult to refute. We held our breath again during the following season's free agency period, and again, we were strangely satisfied with the results: Buffalo spent over $74 million in total to fix a then-woeful offensive front. The result of which was the 11th fewest sacks allowed in 2007. We held our breath yet again during this season's free agency period, and many of us were simply blown away when Buffalo acquired 3-time Pro Bowl DT Marcus Stroud to anchor their defensive front. The offensive and defensive lines had finally been stocked. The thorn in the Bills' side that the previous management had ignored for years had at last been addressed. Are Buffalo's lines perfect? Absolutely not. But both units have been stocked with brand name players, and both units have without refutation been brought at least to a level of competency. So Buffalo felt comfortable turning their gaze to their other needs. Even the most obvious courses of action will have their detractors...on a personal note, I was one of the more outspoken of those who didn't think Buffalo needed a cornerback. But when the Bills went on the clock in the 2008 NFL draft, many obvious picks that could have addressed arguably more glaring needs (like a pass rusher off the edge, for instance) were off the board. If Buffalo's value board is an accurate representation of future NFL performance, their selection of Leodis McKelvin in the 1st round will indeed be a wise one. And we all knew what Buffalo ought to have been targeting with their next pick. We all knew what the glaring need was that stuck out like a sore thumb. But we had been through this before. We had seen this team fail to address it's most obvious of needs, wasting opportunity after opportunity, season after season, wading through a seemingly endless state of mediocrity. The prospects who could fill the role of the big wide reciever, who could give us the help in the red zone and the compliment to Lee Evans we so badly needed began to dwindle. The Bills came on the clock for their 2nd round selection with three names on the board their faithful fans had agreed upon: Limas Sweed, James Hardy, and Malcolm Kelly. I don't know about the rest of you. But when the 'current selection' notice started flashing on the marquee, I did what the Bills had conditioned me to do for years. I did the only thing I knew how to do. I held my breath. And in the few moments leading up to the revelation of the pick, I nervously repeated the words, "Sweed or Hardy, Sweed or Hardy, Sweed or Hardy..." I did not believe Buffalo would do what I wanted them to do. What I, and nearly all of my fellow fans, believed they needed to do. After all, considering this team's track record over the last 10 years...how could I? And when "James Hardy, WR, Indiana" was revealed as the pick, I could enjoy one alleviating exhale. Finally, I realized the days when we'd pick a Willis McGahee, with a Travis Henry on our roster and an Eric Steinbach on the board were finished. The slate had finally been cleaned, the page finally turned. And what did they do with their next pick? The Bills went out and found the very thing I was so disappointed we were unable to get in the 1st round...they got me my edge rusher. Considering their three-year history, one could say the Bills now have a tendency to actually address their most glaring needs. That sounds elementary, but it is a vast difference from how the franchise had previously been run, and a change that Bills fans can revel in. If nearly all observers of the team can see a certain course of action is best, you can bet those in charge can see it, too. In a way, the Bills have become predictable. As predictable as their fellow NFL franchises, and as predictable as you can be in the topsy-turvy, cutthroat, 24/7 world of the NFL. They're predictable, and I'm loving it. I don't feel the need to hold my breath anymore.
  16. I really like the current home unis. They look sleek and modern without being too noisy, and they're more or less our classic colors. Most of us agree the road unis are a mess, though, so I'd love to see them use the 90s whites on the road again. Since they both use the same helmet, I don't see the problem with mixing and matching two unis when they're both pretty modern anyway.
  17. There's no doubt we need depth along the offensive line. Jason Whittle, Duke Preston and Kirk Chambers just don't cut it.
  18. That did become pretty clear when Leodis was thinking of something to say, and the host blurted, "Well...maybe Deion Sanders?"
  19. Yeesh, give the guy some time. With all the turnover we've (quite necessarily) had, its a wonder he's kept the team competitive. He's done a fine job here. The offensive deficiencies on his track record you astutely point out ARE worrisome. You can hope that can be chalked up to poor assistants and poor quarterbacks, but this can only go on so long without he himself being held responsible. I believe there are more pieces in place now than he's had in any other season in Buffalo, so we'll see. I think we'll both agree this is an important year for him, and that may be an understatement.
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