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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. Again: how much better was Lawyer Milloy than Matt Bowen at this point? Should either have been a starting safety in this system? How much bigger of a hole at SS was there without Milloy than there was with him?
  2. By 2005, Milloy wasn't that much better than Matt Bowen. Buffalo without Milloy didn't have much more of a need at strong safety than Buffalo with Milloy.
  3. Sorry to interrupt...but if true, exactly what is wrong with that? Whats wrong with the Bills feeling that filling the safety position is worthy of the 8th pick, even if they aren't getting the NFL's best safety?
  4. Seriously, I got chills the first time I saw that ending..."tell Merrill to swing away." Fantastic stuff. And I've never understood all the hate for The Village. That twist had me hook, line and sinker. Lady In The Water was indeed an atrocity though, no argument here.
  5. I'm sure he has... The likelihood of McKelvin also having one of the best yards per kick averages EVER is slim to none. McGee is simply brilliant returning kickoffs, and the value of what he does can not be overstated. You've heard with 'don't mess with a good thing'...well don't mess with a spectacular thing. There's just no legitimate reason for benching one of the league's finest return men.
  6. As long as he doesn't get injured, he'll be "fresh." Its not like sprinting 30 yards a couple times a game is going to make him unable to cover recievers. He's only been doing it his whole career, after all.
  7. No. To build up a Canadian season ticket base for the team staying.
  8. Or be happy with good-but-not-great corners in Greer and McGee.
  9. I still think if you can show a team is running with far more frequency in the 2nd half than they are in the 1st over the course of a full season, there's a damn good chance they subscribe to the author's philosophy: pass early to build a lead, run late to keep it. Whether or not he showed enough teams have a habit of doing that to actually make a point, is up for scrutiny, as Dibs points out.
  10. Right. Thats the problem with basing salaries mostly on incentives. You want players who are motivated to win games, not players who are motivated to accumulate stats to fatten their paychecks.
  11. Then you get players who want to accumulate stats, as opposed to players who want to win games.
  12. How does returning a kickoff a couple times a game stop McGee from being "fresh?" Its not like the defense comes onto the field after the return.
  13. Ooooooh man... I read the beginning of this post before I saw the time stamp, and I thought we were talking about ANOTHER CORNER next year.
  14. That wasn't what I got out of it at all. I think he's attempting to disspell the football cliche, "the turnover battle is key." He's trying to say the "turnover battle" as we know it is a bit flawed, as it doesn't take into account something like missed field goals, which is really in essence a turnover...you lose momentum as your team has just committed an error, you lose your chance to score on this drive, and you lose an oppurtunity to push the opposition's starting field position backwards (in fact, it moves the OTHER way 7 yards). In effect, a missed field goal isn't much different than a fumble, yet a fumble helps decide the turnover battle and a missed field goal does not. In addition to omitting missed field goals, the "turnover battle" DOES include desperation tosses at the end of a half, which don't really have an impact on the game. These insignificant plays are given just as much credence in the turnover battle as any INT or fumble. I think he's saying that raw turnover numbers shouldn't be taken at face value, and that when ESPN tells you Team A has 4 turnovers and Team B has 1 turnover, that isn't telling you the whole story. That 4-1 "turnover battle" may not be all that significant as it might not represent exactly what's happened.
  15. The less he returns kicks, the better. A team would have to be CRAZY to replace McGee or Parrish on special teams. I really don't care what this kid did in college...McGee is easily top 3 in the league on kickoffs (some might say one of the best EVER) and Parrish is easily top three in the league on punts. It just doesn't get much better than what we have now.
  16. I'm completely with you. This entire thing is a non-story, and the uproar its caused is hilarious. The only thing I'm "mortified" about is how closed-minded some Bills fans seem to be in not welcoming this kid with open arms into the community as we do with other new players. THAT is the only thing thats embarrassing here. But if there were air to be cleared, the defendant saying "nothing happened" would hardly clear it. Thats all I'm saying.
  17. If Barry Bonds says, "I've never used steroids," that hardly 'clears the air' about whether or not Barry Bonds ever used steroids.
  18. If the negotiation process is completely gone, why do they need an agent?
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