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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. Its fine to joke about Losman's violent, erratic track record, and show your blatant homerism when overlooking his psychotic episodes, until some innocent bystander is hurt. Just hope it isn't a member of your family.
  2. Those numbers don't really say much against his point. His point is NOT that good offensive teams don't emphasize the run AT ALL, but rather that they run far more in the 2nd half than they do in the 1st half. Simply pointing out that playoff teams are good at running the ball in total does little to counter the point he's making. Just playing 's advocate.
  3. Do you think Evans is stupid? Completely serious question...do you think he is a stupid person? Nobody in Buffalo thinks Losman is the starting quarterback, and nobody in Buffalo thinks Losman is going to be re-signed. So if losing JP were too much for Evans to deal with to continue playing here, he'd have the foresight to not re-sign in the first place. He's not going to sign a contract now and then flip a sh*t when they let Losman walk...at this point he can't possibly expect that Losman will be re-signed. Unless he's stupid.
  4. Really ask yourself: does Lee Evans seem like the kind of player who wouldn't try?
  5. Can someone please explain what I'm missing about this whole thing? Time and time again on this board, I see people start sentences like, "I admit he's a great coach, there's no denying that, but he..." or "There's no denying Brady is a great quarterback, but I'm not sure he..." Uh...how can you be so sure? How do we know Belichick isn't the same crap coach he was in Cleveland? Has he not been cheating most of the time he's been in New England? What do we really know about Tom Brady? We know he's accurate, and that he's good in the pocket. We also know these things about Trent Edwards, do we not? And I'd hardly expect someone to say that Trent Edwards is indeniably a great quarterback. We don't know that Brady is at all adept in the mental side of the game, do we? When you know 75% of the defensive calls before you even come to the line, most of that side of the game becomes irrelevant. You simply point and click. No need to think about it. How do we know the Pats* aren't the worst team in the division...the AFC...even the league? Belichick could just be a fool who cheated his way to 3 Super Bowls in 4 years, couldn't he?
  6. Sure its a question, if you like consistently better field position more than some extra touchdowns every year. Whichever guy you pick, its most definitely a close call.
  7. That 'Skins fan was so excited about how clever he'd look with his Sean Taylor jersey pointing out they have the 21st pick, and then your buddy asked him who he wanted...and that look of pure terror crossed his face.
  8. Additionally, it all depends on how you define "conservative" for an NFL coach. Jauron showed a tendency to forego punting and kicking field goals in favor of going for it on 4th down over and over again, even early on in games. How does that fit into his "conservative" label?
  9. I never realized how little the people who go to the draft know about the players available...
  10. Its similar to Hester vs. Parrish...do you want the guy who will lead the league in yards per return (Parrish) or do you want the flashy touchdown machine (Hester)? Do you want the running back who will give you HUGE games and HUGE plays and is one of the most dangerous players in the league on any given touch (AP), or do you want the guy who will consistently keep his legs churning full blast, muscle his way to short yardage 1st downs, wear opponents down, and grind out his yards all season long (Lynch)? In both cases, you can't go wrong either way.
  11. Call me skeptical, but I'm hoping the Bills are finally going to start moving away from this "power run" offense to a more flexible and open attack. Last year, they made it pretty clear they wanted to have a power offense with their playcalling. Fairchild didn't have the horses to run that kind of offense, but he insisted on continuing to call the plays as if he did...and that was one of his biggest problems. Its okay to be predictable if your blocking is THAT good- ours wasn't. And he was in denial, refusing to change the gameplan and spread the defense out. Our offensive line just isn't good enough to run that kind of attack. Here's to hoping the Hardy pick means we're ready to become a bit more flexible with our approach.
  12. If you really don't think Hardy is talented at this point, you're either dim, in denial, or haven't been paying attention. Sorry to be so blunt.
  13. We're likely not going to keep more than 4 defensive ends, and I highly doubt they'd cut any of Kelsay, Denney, Schobel or Ellis for the likes of McDougal or Canty...
  14. So...would we vote off the players we like, or the players we don't like?
  15. No, not really. Having trouble seeing why it can't work. Re-write part of the script, shoot a few new scenes, and then end it however best leads into Day 7. Whats the problem again?
  16. It'd be nice to have a look at some of those backup O-Linemen. As for the rest, I can't see them contributing very much for us.
  17. Thanks for your kind words. You're one of my favorite posters here, and thats been the case since just about the day I signed up. An internet message board poster basing his opinions on facts and hard evidence? Now that is an example other posters can learn from.
  18. Dean does tend to take these long breaks, from what I remember. I think he did the same for a part of last offseason. Not to worry.
  19. Can't find much to disagree with here. Nice post. I understand your viewpoint, and I'm fairly certain you understand mine. Thanks for the back-and-forth.
  20. Sorry! I promise I'll read the handbook before my next post, Doc.
  21. But neither case has worked out badly. We went into the draft without a starting middle linebacker, and we ended up okay. We into the draft without a starting running back, and we ended up okay. This year, we went into the draft without a starting WR, and we ended up okay. But to target a nickel back as early as the 4th round a full two seasons before it will become necessary, when our current nickel back is a young player who can be re-signed, is a different story. The fact is that James was 4th and Youboty was 5th on the depth chart heading into that pick, and by comparison, we have NO decent backup offensive linemen. Under normal circumstances I'd have no issue with a BPA pick anytime after the 3rd round, but again, these seem to be extenuating circumstances...when one position is in dire straights, and another already has a few options. A BACKUP offensive lineman. Not a starter. I'm confident the scouting department could have found us a reliable backup offensive lineman, if they weren't busy satisfying the cornerback obsession. Duke Preston and Jason Whittle have almost zero upside. They are what they are, and it isn't much. This is plain to see. They could possibly be high on a UDFA or a practice squadder...but can you really rely on those kind of players? Should we put all our eggs in the basket of someone who couldn't beat out Duke Preston last year? Even if you're high on someone like that, you should still bring in talent to stabilize the position. That means the only guy that can fit this case...that is, the front office seeing much more in them than we can...is Kirk Chambers. So maybe they think they already have a competent backup tackle. Great. There's still three other starters at risk of injury on every play. Where is their backup plan? I have quite a bit of trust in the current regime...they've found a way to turn this ship around from the disaster they inherited. This overloading of the cornerback position is one of the few issues I've had with them. I don't know that every issue comes down merely to "trust or distrust." I believe people who are good at their jobs can still make mistakes, and can still have flaws. This could just be one of their few mistakes...doesn't mean we shouldn't trust them in the future. The fact that they're capable of making mistakes only means we should try to avoid blind faith, even if we do still trust their vision for the team, and most of their decisions.
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