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The Big Cat

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Everything posted by The Big Cat

  1. You have a funny way of reserving judgement.
  2. However you'd like to refer to having piss in your pants over whatever this team does, have at it.
  3. Every crusade begins with but a single arrow fired.
  4. Dabo works for me: https://twitter.com/jnsanchez/status/818856172467982337
  5. yeah, you think bradley'd be jazzed to coordinate for one of his old assistants?
  6. A successful OC does not a successful first time HC make. There is literally nothing "pathetic" about any of this. Surly is an entertainer. He's not an analyst. Proceed as if. Don't like his show? Don't buy a ticket. Don't follow his thinly veiled click bait. We have precious little time on this earth, why do anything to compel people whose PURPOSE is to be negative? I've never read a single one of his columns. Never will. !@#$ THAT A successful OC does not a successful first time HC make. There is literally nothing "pathetic" about any of this. Surly is an entertainer. He's not an analyst. Proceed as if. Don't like his show? Don't buy a ticket. Don't follow his thinly veiled click bait. We have precious little time on this earth, why do anything to compel people whose PURPOSE is to be negative? I've never read a single one of his columns. Never will. !@#$ THAT
  7. Yeah, I highly doubt that the prevailing sentiment here is that Pegs should have set a precedent by micromanaging assistant hires...
  8. I give him 18 more months there, tops. Oh wait...didn't even take him that long before he got scooped up by BR/
  9. Two biggest marks against Rex coming to the Bills: Light on details Loyal to his own detriment No surprise they're what did him in.
  10. OBD owes its fans one too? So a team that was a botched kickoff and a missed FG away from playing a meaningful game in week 17 is tantamount to the one that lost its first 14 games. Yep, okay. Some of you have no clue how organizations interact with their customers/the public.
  11. And it's a ****ty reason to keep a QB at $27.5M, imo. But I hear you.
  12. Let me be clear: I think there's folly either way you manage TT. I won't be bummed if he leaves, I won't be bummed if he stays. I couldn't really care less.
  13. Um. The calories burnt here (at least for me) equate to precisely $0.00 of ad revenue for the links I didn't follow and $0.00 in sales for the papers I didn't buy.
  14. Okay, first, the Texans went to the playoffs by winning--by far--the worst division. Second, The Chiefs have WON GAMES because of scores on defense and special teams. Finally, I don't see how a rookie, or any other QB for that matter, could produce significantly less than Tyrod did from a passing standpoint. So this idea that bagging him means bagging the seasons is something I don't buy.
  15. What is a horse shoe? What does a horse shoe do? Are there horse socks? Is anybody listening to me?
  16. They're Even Steven over the last THREE years...is that good? No, not at all. Is it a dumpster fire? NO. But they have a BETTER win pct. since 2014 than 14 other teams. And they're tied with two others. So what does that tell you? They're exceedingly average since 2014, since the year we know--definitively--Doug Whaley has been steering the ship. We've won 24 games in that stretch. Five teams have won 15 or fewer. Nobody here is satisfied with continuous mediocrity. But Jesus, let's be honest with what it is. And abject failure it is not.
  17. Exactly. They don't have a HC or a QB. Precisely whom in the fan base is insisting that all is well?
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