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The Big Cat

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Everything posted by The Big Cat

  1. You could interpret this entirely the opposite way. "once we got into the details talk, the stuff about football, Whaley took over..." that's what I heard.
  2. Wow, amazing who gets blamed for stuff when a team goes 20 years without a QB.
  3. Wow, you really will just dig into an idea, no matter how detached from reality.
  4. then obviously the next thing on the list is how the gm conducts himself in a press scrum with local media.
  5. unlike all the "sources from within" that TBN regularly land, it's the team's owner who can't be trusted when dealing--without anonymity--one on one with the press. it's going to be a long offseason with this level of crazy bfore the WC round.
  6. hey, whatever helps you guys stay pissed at a football team you've elected to follow. please don't let me ruin that for you. go to bed and hug your wives, if applicable.
  7. i know a waste of time when i see one, and in this case i'm staring at a loudmouth on the internet demanding someone refute his claim that jared goff is "highly regarded young qb"
  8. FA are just as unlikely to give a **** about what's on SportsCenter or NFLN, but if you'd rather parse the two, by all means.
  9. Is this your big chance to tell somebody what to do?
  10. all you do is get on this website and hate the buffalo bills and everything about them. don't be cheeky, put your money where your huge mouth is.
  11. Jesus, you really think a bunch of 22-28 year olds give a flying rats ass about what crusty sports columnists from Buffalo think? Really?
  12. Good stuff. It's all utter nonsense, but it's good stuff.
  13. You'd think at some point the local guys would have felt shame having over and over described the simplicity above as "confusing."
  14. LA, SD and SF are all in worse--MUCH worse--shape than we are.
  15. But they're definitely not salty about it, no. And they're certainly not letting affect their work. Heavens no.
  16. Looking bad? And yet half the fans came away thinking it was the media who accomplished that. Never mind the fact that the worst look of all--the only look that matters--was Sunday between 1 and 4 ET. Put "this" at the top of the non-issues of the year, an early front runner. That's entirely false, and this nonsense is spouted every 30 months when the Bills enter into their coaching search. It's simply not true.
  17. A bunch of irrelevant journalists badgering the GM of an increasingly irrelevant football team over matters that are entirely irrelevant to how this team will be built moving forward. Looking forward to chatting about it for the next 10 days.
  18. And that's what I'm most curious to hear about--everyone saying what an abject catastrophe today was--what exactly was the consequence?
  19. Wow, amazing things happen when reporters do their jobs. You mean to tell me valuable insight was gained some place other than a press conference? No ****.
  20. That's what you think I'm doing? Blaming the media for the drought?
  21. It's ridiculous you think that's how these things work.
  22. Yep they pursued the same dead end about team structure, critiquing the ownership through questions to the GM as if he was going to speak for them and their decisions. Now they'll act apoplectic that he didn't, like it's their first !@#$ing days as adults.
  23. Who !@#$ing cares what the national media says?
  24. YEP Once again, our intrepid "reporters" show up to a scrum and are flabbergasted when a scoop doesn't fall into their fat bitter laps.
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