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The Big Cat

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Everything posted by The Big Cat

  1. In other words it changed no minds. Media's act for the past 10 days has been shameful.
  2. They're asking the same questions over and over trying to get him to slip up. Just because they're confused by something (as they've been repeating over and over) doesn't mean it's confusing.
  3. Rico was the first person to respond to this thread? No kidding?
  4. That was obvious when they came up qkrh two fourth down stops inside the red zone.
  5. For the purposes of protesting scheme, no. In self preservation mode in a contract year, yes.
  6. FireChan is right about a lot of that being hung on pathetic LBs
  7. I was under the impression that KW and Lorax and Eric Wood WERE those guys.
  8. This insinuation that professional athletes would intentionally sacrifice their pride and their legacy to protest and hold hostage their team's success is utterly preposterous.
  9. I hate the idea that the HC has to babysit his players. But ours seem incapable of babysitting themselves/each other. Need a culture change.
  10. So basically our worst nightmares about Rex come true. What will continue to separate fans like me from others is my refusal to just gloss over the latter part of Shady's statement.
  11. Interesting takes. Seemed like support for him was practically universal.
  12. At first, I thought he'd be an obvious choice to come in as DC and return our team to relevance. Upon closer review, I'm not sure that's the case. He had two great years in Seattle following two bad years. The Seattle defense never skipped a beat once he left, and actually got better, a lot better. Meanwhile, in Jacksonville, outside this year, his defenses there were pretty lousy too. Here's how his defenses have ranked (PTS/YDS): 2009: 25/24 2010: 27/27 2011: 9/7 2012: 4/1* ------------- 2013: 28/27 2014: 26/26 2015: 31/24 2016: 26/4 *since his departure from Seattle, their defenses have finished: 2013: 1/1 2014: 1/1 2015: 1/2 2016: 2/7 Soooooooooooo, may be I'm missing something here, but from 10,000 feet, this doesn't look that great. Can somebody help me understand why he'd be a good pick? And if there's no good explanation, then may be we can not throw a **** fit if he's not hired. May be.
  13. People really want a 71 year old that's had one 10-win season since 2009 to come in and be the HC, huh? Looking forward to the tantrums when that doesn't happen.
  14. You don't have a clue how the media and media relations work. I haven't offered a single clue as to how I think things SHOULD be. I only know--intimately--how things are. Take it or leave it. But it's clear that it's a topic you don't know much about. I know for a fact those perameters were set. To a certain extent it's the medias job to ignore them. In this case they did so to their own detriment, asking questions to a guy they KNEW didn't have the answers then whining about it is what this is all about.
  15. 1. Are you responsible for the leaks that started after the oakland game? Questions that won't get answered are stupid questions to ask when your job is to ask questions. 1a. (when he inevitably stammers out his denial) Since only a tiny number of people could have been involved in that decision, who did it? I don't know what "that decision is" so I can't say what his response would/should have been to "it". But it doesn't seem to be getting at any information that wasn't already known. 2. Why didn't anyone in the organization take questions after rex's firing? In this case he would have been so...but regardless, see no. 1 3. Why was Anthony Lynn told to sit Tyrod. See no. 1 4. Were you on board with Rex's hiring? His firing? We already know this answer, it's been reported on tirelessly and he's on record about it 5. Do you think the Bills recent draft history has anything to do with the current record? Why would Doug Whaley have to rush to the microphone before week 17 to answer this? 6. In retrospect, would you have done the Watkins deal? The Lawson deal? See above I don't see how having a press conference to answer these particular questions would have been fruitful. In fact, if they would have held a press conference to ask these questions, most of which aren't timely to the past week's events anyways, Sully's complaint column would have been about how nobody ever answers their stupid questions.
  16. Interesting. I think we toyed with the idea the Rex purged the locker room of its alpha so he could take over.
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