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Ned Flanders

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Everything posted by Ned Flanders

  1. What he said...hell, I'd settle, gladly, for a Chicago dog, and a sixer of Old Style.
  2. Thought the same thing last year...but I'm on the short side of 50 now, so that may have something to do with it...but as I've said before, I think many believe that purchasing a ticket gives them a "contract" to act like a complete A-hole for three hours.
  3. That was the play right before the botched fake FG...believe it was third and three at the time...the liklihood of the pass to Price succeeding was pretty small, and the fake? Well, it fooled no one. With the Bills up 7, grinding out the three yards via Willis should have been the way to go, but it's e-z to say that knowing what the outcome of the two plays were...
  4. This map sez 'Pokes and breasts in Albany area: NFL TV map
  5. There's always been drunks and as Rockpile said in another post, it goes back to the War Memorial days. I've been coming to Rich/Ralph over 30 years...went to the opener back in '73...and while there was always a party atmosphere, it seems like the drunks these days are alot more vile than 20, 30 years ago. I was at the Jet game last year and while there was the usual shenanigans, it seemed like everyone took everything much too personal, there was a lot more "In your face!" incidents than I ever remember, many of these incidents between Bills fans. The mentality seems to be, "I paid my $45 for this ticket and I'm entitled to do anything I want for the next three hours, and if you don't like it, go F yourself!" I'm afraid that mentality goes far beyond the reaches of the Orchard Park police and stadium security.
  6. They're actually from Buffalo...read the article, they're Bills season ticket holders. They nailed the Washington experience...pretty decent assessment and pretty much mirrors the experience I've had in other NFL venues.
  7. Never liked the GT home "dark" gold jerseys...the GT/ND game was hard to watch; both with gold helmets and GT wearing a jersey that was a shade darker than the ND road whites.
  8. Six year DTV subscriber and the service has been down less than 45 minutes TOTAL in those six years... You're spewing the same crap that cable emits.
  9. I've always had good luck around the bus lot. These guys have 40+ tickets and there's ALWAYS some schmo who missed the wake-up call, and too hungover (or still in the bag) to get his arse on the bus. If you're just looking for one or two tickets at game time, head over to the bus lot.
  10. Game was on in Iraq, but some insurgents from Lackawana drove a truck into a pole yesterday and prevented Buffalo area TW subscribers from seeing the game! Keep your powder dry and get back pronto.
  11. But I wish they would bring back the CA cap with the halo on top... Oh, the Sabres...WTF is with the number up near the front shoulder? Ray Charles could have designed a better look...
  12. 1981 Roland Hooks "Hail Mary" game vs. Patriots. Hooks catches the TD to give the Bills the win...we're in the upper deck near one of the tunnels...though many "fans" had left, the roar after the Hooks catch was LOUD. Anyways, right after, I look down the tunnel and coming running from the pi$$ers were dozens of guys, most with their pants still down around their ankles, to see what the big cheer was about...and ugly, ugly, scene.
  13. I spent some time with the Navy in San Diego in 1976...and yes, that was the era and that was the song played after every score!
  14. I also liked from that game: REVENGE IS BEST SERVED COLD
  15. Again in 1980, Bills DB Jeff Nixon starts the season on fire, had several INTs in the first few games. Week Four game vs Oakland, a sign reads, simply, NIXON FOR PRESIDENT. Unfortunately, Nixon gets hurt during the Oakland game, and I think he was out the rest of the year, only to be replaced by a more-than-able Rod Kush, who also goes down the next game at San Diego.
  16. Remember the sign, but I think it was 1990 AFC championship game...Bo got hurt (ended his career) the week before vs. Cincy.
  17. 1980...Bills start the season with three straight wins. Oakland comes to town and a sign at Rich reads: NO FAH KING WAY RAIDERS
  18. Yes, interesting link...too bad the guy's a Pats fan.
  19. Kelly vs. Bledsoe? Not quite Kirk vs. Picard...
  20. Getting same thing w/Hotmail...there was a post a few weeks ago about this. Saw on a Hotmail users blog that the problem should be fixed shortly, don't know about Yahoo.
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