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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. That pass off of Henries hands was Drew's high ball that Henry has to jump for on a 5 yard dump off pass. Another Drew mistake in my opinion, not Henry's
  2. My guess would be some institution. He must be out on leave and and forgot to take his meds.
  3. Alot of us said we should cut bait and run when we could with no cap hit. Look's like we were right after all. Billy Volek is looking better right now at whatever he was asking back then.
  4. Admitting your mistakes is the first step on the road to recovery.
  5. After that I doubt we will win any other games. I predict a 4 and 12 season at this point.
  6. It may be self preservation to watch this team from afar and not get to involved emotionally. Because this team is going nowhere this year. They may get better by the end of the year, but no playoffs. We are looking forward to next year already. Thats pretty sad, so how can you buy in emotionally when it looks so bleak?
  7. A QB that is mobile and can run around would buy a few more seconds and hopefully a WR comes free. Being able to throw on the run would be helpful. Drew threw alot of dirtballs and high and behind the WR. There is plently of blame to go around but I have always prefered a mobile QB to a pure pocket passer aka: A Statue
  8. I'm on the wagon to start Losman just to see some interesting football again. Bledsoe needs to ride into the sunset and permantely stay in Montana.
  9. Good points. It really would be great to put in Losman right now. When is he ready? Because this team is unwatchable right now. Start McGahee and spell him off with Travis. And for God's sake, let Willis run at the goal line scenerio's.
  10. Oakland must be a kinder place. When the Raiders were at the Colisum in LA you would have been beaten or stabbed if not both.
  11. I really like Volek as well. It's too bad that deal didn't pan out instead. We would be years ahead of where we are now. Not getting Dominic Raiola in the draft a few years ago hurt as well. We missed him by 2 picks. I really hope TD would have taken him in the previous round.
  12. Good post. I agree with most of your idea's.
  13. least been converted to FG's if not TD's. The difference in the game points wise. This game was winnable again, despite the anemic offense.
  14. Travis did have a sucky game today. Special teams really blew this game more than Travis. Those penalties nullified for sure points on the board. At least two field goals if not TD's.
  15. football. Jacksonville has a playoff caliber if not Super Bowl caliber D-Line. J-Ville stuffed their opponent today worse than the Bills. Today the O-Line faced Wareen Sap and Big Ted on the D-Line at the same time. No wonder they got B word slapped. When this teams faces a weake3r D-LIne we will see a magical improvement. But having seen this O-Line face playoff teams, we are not ready. This O-Line needs to improve before anything else improves. I'm disappointed that TD has not really improved the O-Line since coming to Buffalo. MW is a disappointment. This entire O-Line are playing like girlie men.
  16. I'm on board. I dont think we can really gauge how things are going until after week 10
  17. I have a rule to never wager on Bills games. It takes the fun out of it.
  18. Most cool ICE. Did you ask TD if he has a registered name on TBD? If so, what is it?
  19. My check went out Monday. Not sure how days to arrive. Thanks Scott, I hope it helps !
  20. Yes very good post ! It wasn't like we got blown out either. It was a game we should have won. The team played very well for the most part. Lot's of reason's to be optomistic about the rest of the season.
  21. I really hate that pass interference penalties get spotted at the spot of the foul. For 50 yard penalties and worse. They should be 15 yards from the original line of scrimmage.
  22. I noticed your Rollie Fingers avatar. I used to work with Rollie for years at a company in Carlsbad, Ca., Hell of a nice guy to be around. He was/is a consumate professional.
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