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Mike in Horseheads

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Everything posted by Mike in Horseheads

  1. This is such a upbeat topic at this point! I'd should be happy that my Orioles are in first but now believe that it's cause the AL East sux....sigh Wow you can cut and paste! Congrats.
  2. Great point, Marino had great stats and what did he ever win? NADA....You can take any stat and manipulate it for what your argument it. Take baseball, the great reliever can come in with a three run lead, lead give up two runs and leave the bases loaded and he gets a save. Or he can come in and strike out the side and get the save. Look at the stats, they are tied in saves.
  3. Agreed... I also don't believe that the plan was to shove EJ out there right away but Kolb couldn't make it past the rubber mat and plan B was on.
  4. Thanks! Just wanted to make sure my 80's brains weren't fried. You are also right as to the fan base reaction at the time. I don't think I was on "prodigy" yet at that time that was TBDof it's time for a lot of us.
  5. I don't remember Polian desperately trying to save his job when he traded for Bisquit. I'm not saying he wasn't, please refresh my memory.
  6. WOW!.... Silly me I thought I saw promise for the 1st time in years and I support Whaley for rolling the dice on Sammy, we haven't had a GM since Polian with balls enough to do it. I truly believe the offense will be better this year without Stevie and Moleki (sp) could be a wildcard at TE if he's healthy. Yup losing Kiko is HUGE but so isn't having Spikes in the middle to stop the run. Call me crazy but I'm still BILLieving that this team can do 9-7 and grab a playoff spot. The last thing we want is Terry Pegs coming in and blowing up the front office. He should have done that with the Sabres and blown out Regier and Ruff from the the get go. Whaley and Marrone don't equal those bozos.
  7. I'm under contract for another year but fired the first shot a minute ago and cancelled auto renewal. First offer was 5 bucks off for 6 months, then 8 bucks off for 6 months and declined both. That was just the first contact and didn't escalate as I'll wait a while now and see what peeps are getting and then go to retention.
  8. Oh no you don't mister, I've been called that for many years!
  9. Pegula at $973,465,742.25, minority owner will be someone from the Jacobs Family and "Delaware North Entertainment Center" will be built either in NF or where it can tie in with First Niagara Center and Harbor Center.
  10. Maybe everybody will get off TPegs and the Sabres. We know he's NOT CHEAP just had to learn $$ isn't everything in sports and the Sabres will be a force in a few years. He has shown his commitment to the city with his investments in the hotel/hockey complex. Maybe Golisano and Pegs are going all in and I'm all in. No debt service is awesome!
  11. Like I said Schumer and Cuomo wouldn't give Rodgers the time of day unless it was to revoke their passports.
  12. Sorry... but why would Rodgers even meet with Schumer and Cuomo. They wouldn't give him the time of day.
  13. IMHO, it's a get out of jail card for the NFL. Kind of like when the Dodgers moved to LA and the reason was Ebbets (sp) Field was old....As for the Ralph, it's old but has great sight lines (some say best in the league). I have to believe their is enough luxury seating (pry needs updating) and don't buy the BS that a retro-fit will kick them out for a year. Somehow Green Bay and KC did it.Fine put in temp seats at UB or play some at The Carrier Dome. It's the NFL TV is the money! ...Which leads me to huge new stadiums, look at MLB all new ones are smaller because as TV has improved to HD why pay a **** load of money to go to a game when you can stay home? NFL doesn't get it. LOL...it was just too easy note.
  14. Very troubling is how Jerry brings Ralph's name in to make his case. This from a person who has done nothing but trash the guy until he died. Sad.
  15. Might be a slight correction in order I think the Patriots have a double murder on trial now. :} The gang of ten are the only employees left at The Buffalo News...
  16. Didn't he also say "you guys got it all wrong" or something like that to the press?? No wonder the guy doesn't stay in the B-Lo in the of season, one week and he's in trouble. Update...http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/06/02/marcell-dareus-arrested-again/ "the media put things out there the wrong way"
  17. Hopefully they fixed his feet also, since they hurt last year enough to keep him out of multiple games. I'm sure he passed the physical, he hurt his back carrying the bag of ca$h out the door they up fronted him.
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