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Mike in Horseheads

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Everything posted by Mike in Horseheads

  1. Favorite Bills fan whipping boy Dan Dierdork is back!...Fortunately you won't have to listen to him unless your a Michigan fan. http://awfulannouncing.com/2014/that-dan-dierdorf-retirement-did-not-last-long.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter
  2. This... notice you don't see Pegula, Gollisano, Jacobs, Rich or anyone else yacking. The Donald just is hoping to get his name on ESPN. If I'm wrong and he buys the team and keeps them in WNY, shame on me.
  3. 500 miles you wouldn't be Ron L from the Albany area that used to hang with the old Prodigy gang would you?
  4. Well... for better or worse there has been more national coverage of our Bills it seems than in years. Between Kelly's health (pray for Jim), Mr Wilson passing, Bills being in the Hall of Fame game, Andre Reed going to the hall, and in the last week Mike Williams trade, Spikes big mouth and today's revelation that the Bills would also look at Niagara Falls for a new stadium (old news to everybody here) it seems we make the ESPN home page all most every day. I'm also sure I'm missing something, not bad for a small market team! ...Now if we can break the playoff snide it will get even better!
  5. I wouldn't be surprised if the Rich family isn't also involved in some way. If they were willing to spend on MLB which they got screwed on (Buffalo would outdraw either of those Florida teams in a heat beat) why wouldn't they invest in the NFL. They obviously had some interest or they wouldn't have been the Stadiums main sponser and put their name on it.
  6. With all respect, have you been watching the same TJ Graham as I have? He has been a bust with a capital B.
  7. Nice story in todays Daily News about Jim taking his daughter to the Knicks game last night. http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/quit-bills-qb-kelly-article-1.1746414
  8. Super Bowl is never coming to WNY even with a 2 zillion dollar stadium at the brink of the falls. Anybody believing that has been smoking bowls!
  9. I really believe that the Bills have seen enough of Stevie and will take Evans if he's there and try to peddle Stevie J. But I bet they don't get anything more than the 6th they gave away. Interesting I checked Twitter and Mike Williams doesn't have an account to follow unless he dumped it at some point. I guess we'll find out if Williams stabbing injury and hammy are healed when he has to pass the physical.
  10. There is a big field behind The Falls Casino that they could build in. But I assume Harvey Weinstien(sp) owns it.
  11. I wonder if Stevie hears Williams footsteps? If he does I'm sure he'll drop whatever he's got in his hands.
  12. True but Buffalo and the Bills are getting a lot of press because of it. it was a topic on PTI with Tony and Mike on ESPN.
  13. I can't stand this guy but I'll be glad to have his $$$$ keep the Bills in WNY.
  14. There will never be a franchise in Regina Sask! If the NFL doesn't like small market Buffalo they sure as hell don't want the CFL outside of Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. Plus like others have said Canadian's like their football as is.
  15. RIP Ralph and condolences to his family. I can't help but wonder if he has one last gift to WNY up his sleeve in his will to keep his beloved Bills in WNY.... A great long life to be celebrated.
  16. ...I agree with all that say the Superbowl will not EVER be in Buffalo. Along with the the hotel issue there just are not enough Fortune 500 Companies located in WNY and sorry money talks when they want to bring in clients to wine and dine. As for tailgating, unless your going to clear blocks for a parking lot then the the great days of tailgating end.
  17. I understand what your saying but what did you expect great parting gifts from the fans or organization? How about The Buffalo Bills and Sabres home version of management, how two teams tried to top each other on one weekend to anger fans!
  18. Well if the Byrd stories hold that has sure been a banner weekend for Buffalo sports. Sabres trade franchise goalie and captain and LaFontaine resigns and now this, unreal.
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