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Everything posted by GhostsOfTheRockpile

  1. I really like the Tripplet signing... but something is bothering me. Between Schobel, Kelsay, Tripplet and Edwards, is it just me or is our entire D-Line complimentary players? I feel like Schobel and Kelsay are "Phil Hansens" and Tripplet/Edwards/Anderson are at best a very good collection of #2 tackles... guys that would thrive with a dominant hole plugger (i.e. Sam Adams before he stopped caring). I like that these are all effort guys, who bust their a$$es, high-motor, etc. But at some point you need to get guys in there who are game changers - not necessarily superstars, but game changers. That's what championship teams are made of.
  2. As for the moves, all the players Marv has brought in to this point are "if" players. IF Tripplet can make the jump to being an almost every down, stout DT... IF Royal can somehow turn into a productive starting TE ('cause he's getting paid like one)... IF Davis can stay healthy and go from being a 20-30 catch a year guy to a 60+ one... I'm not going to sit here and echo the original poster's sentiment that Marv is already a failure. Its far too early to tell. But as none of these players are proven commodities, it is reasonable to question the impact they might have on the team next season. What I WILL agree with is how disheartening Marv's current (and I stress current) lack of offensive line activity has been. Anyone who watched this team last season knows that was weak spot #1... and to this point, nothing has really been upgraded. Gandy and Anderson still on the left size, an unproven player at C (presuming Preston at this point), Villareal and Peters on the right. I love the potential Peters has exhibited, but there's nothing to suggest Gandy, Anderson or Villareal are going to suddenly blow up and dominate next season, and Preston or whoever else is playing center... well there simply isn't enough evidence there to judge on at this point. Until the o-line is shored up, Holcomb will only be a 7-yard slant passer and JP will probably never get the opportunity any QB would need to prove himself worthy of betting on. Not to mention the running game will remain adequate at best.... ... all that said, you still got time Marv... let's see what you got!
  3. Nobody said he was done. Only that one good season doesn't mean he's a lock more than anyone else to get the job done.
  4. Um, yes. You're looking at Bob Rich Jr. He's not the money man. Bob Rich Sr. is the one with the loot. He's 90+. Bob Jr. doesn't have the cash to buy the team. His old man is worth $2.5 billion or so, but after his death much of that will go to Uncle Sam, the rest dispersed to the other children. Do your homework next time. I guarantee you you're wrong. I live in Boston, I know the Jacobs' motivations. People in Boston hate him because he runs the Bruins and the TD Banknorth Garden (which he privately funded) as a business first... more so than other owners. He makes more money off the Bruins and the arena (his own huge investment) than he would with the Bills. He will not be selling the team or the arena any time soon. Again, do your homework Maguire's Beer.
  5. One good season (with a playoff CHOKE job) does not a good coach make.
  6. Which Roy Williams? Which Mike Williams? I assume you mean the Bills' Mike, who sucks. The WR, jury is still out. The safety Roy Williams has been great for the 'Boys, Dwight Freeney has been a steal for the Colts, and Ed Reed may very well be the best defensive player in the NFL (certainly the best safety). I don't know how you could call them stretches by any means.
  7. The new coach is going to be the sort that doesn't want the headache that is Terrible Owens. And you say "complete" the deal like its been discussed. Other than the schlubs on this board who clearly know nothing about the business of football, who has ever even mentioned this as a possibility?
  8. This has to be the worst thread ever. If you knew anything about the Bills, you'd know why this deal will never get done. You think Ralph would ever sign a paycheck for this guy? You think he'd spend that much on a free agent who's proven he's good at two things: catching balls and tearing teams apart? You think Marv wants this guy? You think TO wants to go to a sh---y team without the means to get him the ball? Even if they wanted to, do you think the Bills would sign one guy to suck up that much of the cap? He's not taking an "incentive laden" contract. Rosenhaus may not get TO the big deal he promised him, but he is going to get him straight cash, homey... none of this incentive crap. And, no, Philly will NOT trade TO. They want to, but nobody is going to give up anything of value for him. The Eagles would have to be VERY desperate... like take a 3rd round pick. And while that may sound like something easy to do - and it would be for a superstar - you're still bringing on a guy who will alienate your fan base (especially in Buffalo), and put his interests over the teams at every turn. And we've seen how well that's worked for San Fran, Philly and even Baltimore. This thread has to die, it reeks of stupidity.
  9. Actually, having spoken with several former Bills one-on-one (guys who have retired but are still very much involved with the Bills), Guy is not very well respected for the job he's done. May or may not be a great guy, I don't know, I didn't ask... but from what I've heard straight from the horses' mouths, he's barely competent for the position. Another guy these former players don't care much for - Roll, the strength and conditioning guy. One former Bill told me he "doesn't know the first thing about fitness."
  10. The value of the Bills has been recently assessed by Forbes at roughly $708 million. You honestly think RW's estate will sell the team at a TWENTY-FIVE PERCENT DISCOUNT??? That's about $177 million less than what they could get. Why sell the team for $531 million when you could most likely get over $700 million? I hope they do, it'd be a lot easier for Galisano or someone else local to buy, but its wishful thinking at this point. Another thing I'd like to take the board's pulse on - WHY THE OBSESSION WITH AN OWNER WITH WESTERN NEW YORK TIES? There are plenty of owners in every sport who aren't from the area in which they own a team. Now, I understand someone like Tommy G. or the Rich family or any other potential owner with ties to the area will likely NOT move the team, as they have other local interests. That said, the ONLY real local hope for the Bills is Galisano. Rich is as old as Ralph, and NFL bylaws don't allow owners to own teams in other markets, so that counts Jacobs out (unless he wanted to sell the Bruins, which won't happen... he built the freakin stadium with his own cash!). My point being, a non-WNY'er owner isn't that much more likely to move the Bills to far away places. Further, any potential purchaser will be inhereting a team with an entrenched fan base, guaranteed ticket sales, operating income among the top half of the league... as a businessman/woman, the only issue would be a new stadium in about 5 years. If they can get that off the ground, the Bills are Buffalo's for a while. But that's a huge "if." Either way, if Ralph/Ralph's estate were to sell the team to out of town interests, it wouldn't be the end of the world. The Bills are no more likely to move than Minnesota, New Orleans or Jacksonville. Its all about the new stadium...
  11. Interesting take... ... but MIKE WILLIAMS??? That passion-less fat pud? C'mon, that guy is as good as gone, no matter how he restructures his contract (which he's already all but said he wouldn't do... "A contract's a contract," says the Tubby One). Put Duke Preston in for the Greatest Bust In Bills Draft History and you've got yourself a deal.
  12. Based on appearances and what "insiders" have been reporting, its turning into a pretty good comparison: meddlesome, no coherent plan for the future, "cheap"... doesn't help it appears as if he thinks bringing in his good ol' boy Marv (who has zero experience in the role he's occupying) will somehow trigger a return to the good ol' days.
  13. Well said. I live in Boston and hate the Patriots fans, but the fact is they've earned their place in history.
  14. I'd say better than Price, but no reason to assume he can be a #1. That being said, a creative offensive mind would be able to use him and Lee like two poor man's versions of Steve Smith and tear defenses apart. THAT being said, Wayne would be nuts to leave an offense that feeds the #2 receiver like Indy's does.
  15. Agreed. Of course, perhaps senility is creeping into the front office and the "brain trust" doesn't even know (or remember) this rule exists...
  16. Another thing: I don't mean to suggest these players HATE us or hate Buffalo, but their desire to win for the community is transferable. They have no REAL loyalty to us or the community, it just happens to be where they are at this moment in their career. And I'm fine with that. If you wanted to populate a roster solely with guys who love Buffalo and its fans, you're going to have a hard time fielding a team.
  17. Do you honestly believe half these players "care" about Buffalo? Most of them don't even live here. Sure some guys say they want to win for the fans because they've been "waiting for a winner" or because "they deserve it," but the fact of the matter is in the modern era of sports there are no loyalties like like. Players play for their teammates and coaches and themselves. To be the best at what they do. The fans and community they play for are largely a secondary consideration. If you don't want to be a sap by rooting for players who don't care about Buffalo, I'm sure there are a few notable Bills you should quit supporting (most notably our me-first running back). I, on the other hand, am going to keep rooting for him and others because this is a business and even though they may hate Buffalo, I believe certain of those players are dedicated to winning a championship.
  18. It sure is. People rooting against the Pats on this board sound an awful lot like Red Sox fans of years past, who would rather sweep the season series with the Yankees than win a World Series. Loser mentality at its best. But congrats to the Broncos... way to capitalize on six turnovers and leave the other team in it to the end. And congrats to the Pats on another ridiculous season of overcoming injuries and shutting a lot of people up. Hopefully our boys can kick their tails next year, but I don't see that happening for a long, long time... they'll be back (which sucks).
  19. You've got to be kidding me, right? That somehow the Pats are overrated because they won their Super Bowls by field goals and because "the refs gave it to them?" You people are the epitome of denial. I live in Boston, and hate Pats fans. They're as obnoxious and stupid as Red Sox fans. However, I know greatness when I see it, respect the hell out of the Pats as a team, and love watching them play. Belicheck is an amazing coach, Brady is already a Hall of Fame quarterback, they are the most resiliant team I've ever seen when you consider the laundry list of injuries they seem to have every damn season, and the Pats run the last four seasons is nothing short of historic. You don't win three Super Bowls in four years because you're lucky or because the refs help you out. The Pats make their own breaks. Everything that comes their way is the result of exceptional preparation and (generally) flawless execution. It pains me to say it, but our beloved Bills are a commmunity college program by comparison. You may not like the fact they own the Bills, or that their QB is a Sexiest Man Alive candidate, or that their coach plays more mind games than... well... someone who plays a lot of mind games, but they are the premier franchise in the NFL. Everyone, including our beloved Bills, is doing all they can to emulate what they're doing down in Foxboro.
  20. Bruschi IS the best linebacker ever, so he prolly could.
  21. Broncos got lucky. He got hit on the one, the ball was in his RIGHT hand, for it to travel all that way across his body I'm pretty sure it went out in the endzone. Should be Pats ball, but there's no conclusive evidence, so correct call was made.
  22. The Pats are going to win this. I have that feeling... living in Boston for a while now, I've come to (unfortunately) recognize the signs...
  23. I was joking. Just wanted to see how many of you were paying attention this late at night. Although Bruschi DOES have more "big plays" than any LB in Bills history, I'd still rather have Talley. But that's about it. Biscuit was a poor, POOR man's version of LT... more pass rusher than LB.
  24. And better than any LB in Bills history... ... man I'd kill for that guy.
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