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Everything posted by GhostsOfTheRockpile

  1. The line went something like "WAR the Darian Barnes interview giving the Bills more jungle karma this season than the Trent Edwards interview did last season." So at least whoever wrote it was looking long-term...
  2. Is anyone here the guy in Buffalo who wrote that good pro-Bills/Barnes email Rome just read?
  3. - Explained his position on the Favre questions. Has nothing to do with him or the Bills, so he got sick of the questions and told reporters there was nothing he cared about less. This is the quote Rome heard that he loved enough to get Barnes on the show. - Talked about how FB's are disappearing across the league. - Talked about how he loved smashing people, was hoping to do a lot of it for Marshawn this season. Went into how it is important to form a kinship with the RB you're blocking for (a la Lorenzo Neal and Tomlinson). - Rome asked him about his one career TD. Barnes said a pancake block is more enjoyable and important than getting another TD. - Toughest LB's to face have been Ray Lewis ("so explosive"), James Farrior, and Shawne Merriman. - Discussed "National Triumph League," the comic book he's created in which NFL players are superheroes. - Jim said he would have Barnes as a correspondent on Jim Rome is Burning. Fingers crossed this leads to some season-long Jungle Karma!!!* * = unlike Trent's appearance just before the Cleveland game last year.
  4. Agree with the posts above. Although I think the morning guys do a good job discussing the Bills, and I think Bulldog (like him or not) enjoys talking about 'em (despite his frustration with them). But Hamilton and Schopp so clearly would rather be talking about anything else, it colors their "reporting," tarnishes their credibility. Also, am I the only one who thinks Hamilton is sleeping one off EVERY FREAKIN' MORNING? Whenever he's on any morning show, he sounds like he's slurring his words, kicking the beer cans off the couch he passed out on...
  5. Amazing pic. Thanks, Brad. Any chance we can get one without the text on it?
  6. I'm not worried about the Jets keeping the Bills from the playoffs. I think this move makes them about as good as the Bills, MAYBE a slight better. The teams I'm worried about keeping the Bills from the playoffs are the Jacksonvilles, Clevelands, Denvers and even Texans of the world. Fortunately, Buffalo takes on three of those teams. Unfortunately, two are on the road.
  7. I was under the impression that was the purpose of the Marine Drive Apartments a few blocks away...
  8. The land on which the Perry Street Projects currently stand is more than sufficient for a new stadium. You would have to address parking/tailgating, but a creative mind could solve the problem, I'm sure.
  9. The off-season (yes, even training camp) is pretty boring around here. Just looking to spark some discussion that doesn't involve Jason Peters. Let's say some random billionaire buys the Bills, wants to keep them in western/upstate New York, and will completely privately fund a new stadium. Where would you want it? Not where do you think it would go (save the Toronto jokes), but where would you want it if you were asked by the new owner for input. A few thoughts: 1 - Orchard Park, right next to/on top of the current site of The Ralph... infrastructure is there, training facilities, plenty of parking, easy access to several major highways, etc. 2 - Niagara County, either in the city of Niagara Falls or somewhere in Wheatfield, Lewiston, etc... easier commute for the Canadian base the team is trying to grow. 3 - Buffalo, on the current site of the Perry Projects... plenty of land available for development near HSBC, public transportation, (potentially) the Casino, but would alter tailgating as we know it (perhaps make it more like Cubs games with people flooding bars before and after the game?). 4 - Buffalo, somewhere on the outer harbor... access would be a B word, especially come December, as many fans would be forced to use the skyway. 5 - Lackawanna, on redeveloped brownfields... same problem as #4. 6 - Batavia, or some other point along the 90 in Genesee County... might make seasons tickets or spending corporate dollars on a suite more attractive to people from Rochester, Canandaigua, Syracuse and points east. With the apparent apathy of the Toronto market, I am actually leaning towards #6 in the interests of the long-term financial health of the franchise. I get the feeling more folks from Rochester and points east would go to Bills games and more businesses would be interested in suites/partnerships if they had a significantly shorter commute (not to mention access during non-game days for various events). Moving the stadium near Batavia would cut a good 40 minutes or so off the commute TO the game, and a good hour or so after the game when you consider all the folks that would be fighting to head west to Buffalo. Thoughts? ON EDIT: Assume sufficient funds and the necessary political will to accomplish just about anything... within reason.
  10. As I park with a large group behind a house on Abbott for our weekly tailgates, someone can have mine. It will only cost you a chicken finger sub from Jim's. -GotR-
  11. Pats fans at Gillette Stadium make some noise, but it does them no good. The stadium allows sound to dissipate so freely, any yelling or screaming is (largely) futile. Qwest Field is loud. VERY loud. I don't know if fans yell and scream like I've seen at The Ralph, but the stadium roof deflects so much upper deck noise down towards the field, it can be deafening at times in there. As someone noted about being surprised Cleveland wasn't as loud as expected, I felt the same way about Pittsburgh. People made lots of noise, but it just didn't seem overwhelming. Again, stadium design might have something to do with that.
  12. That has to be the most poorly conceived website I've ever seen. The arguments are crap, the stories appear made up (especially the one about Golisano, Toronto, the Bills leaving but becoming an expansion team in the future), and it looks like pure hell. That said, I agree with the above poster. Dipping at least SOMEWHAT into the vast corporate purse in southern Ontario is perhaps the best way the organization can guarantee its continued viability.
  13. A little late to the party, and I'm not going to go back and read through all 8 pages, but my thoughts: 1 - Peters, or any other NFL player for that matter, is not going to sit out an entire season. Not even half. Once these $15,000 a day fines start mounting up, a few game checks don't show up as direct deposited in the bank account, you'll see Peters or any of these other spoiled brats come running back. 2 - That said, people are WAY overreacting for one freakin' day of camp. This was going to happen, it will likely drag on for a few weeks, it'll get done, and all the people saying the Bills are cheap or the front office is stupid or trade Peters or whatever will have wasted all this time and energy getting riled up for nothing. This is how the business works. Get used to it. Wake me when Peters misses a couple pre-season games. 3 - The guy trying to make the race-based argument? Wow... probably the dumbest string of posts in the history of TBD, especially in light of evidence other posters have used to make the contrary argument... and the original poster's silence in the face of it all.
  14. Transit is a very nice course, country club or not. They lost several THOUSAND trees from the storm, so the course has lost some of its picturesque-ness, but it is still fun to play (played there with some clients recently). Several holes are very challenging, varying elevations, you have to make some tough shots... all in all, I think it is one of the top five local CC courses (Crag Burn still the very best). I would say it is comparable to OPCC in that it is very woodsy, lots of turns, varying elevations, etc. I find it to be a very fun and challenging course to play. Plus, they've redone all of the facilities in the past 10 years or so (I was told) so it is nice and modern.
  15. Yes. He works for QUANTUM, which appears to be the re-booted Bond's version of SPECTRE. Wonder who'll assume the E.S. Blofeld role?
  16. Money talks. U$C would GLADLY share the Coliseum with an NFL team if the price was right. Especially considering it would be a temporary move while a new stadium was built. Don't forget the guy who wants to build a state-of-the-art stadium in City of Industry, just outside LA.
  17. Ms. GhostsOfTheRockpile was watching Good Morning America today when this story was covered. Apparently there are a few girls who got pregnant because they just made mistakes, but they alleged there was a group of UNDERCLASS high school girls who formed a pact to get knocked up. Of course, people they interviewed did a GREAT job passing the buck and laying the blame at the feet of people like Ashley Simpson, that other Spears girl, "Juno," "Knocked Up" and other elements of the entertainment industry. As for the homeless man, the actual story (apparently) is that one of the girls DID have sex with him in an effort to get pregnant, but that attempt failed. Of course, she was successful at a later date. And for what its worth, the girls shown on the tv report were... well, to put it nicely... disgustingly awful looking. To paraphrase a man much wiser than myself, "the terrorists don't hate us for our freedom... I HATE US FOR OUR FREEDOM." Seriously? This is what our country has come to?
  18. Agreed. And now I'm regretting my list. I'd like to substitute the redhead on CSI for Amanda Beard. Gimmie Helgenburger (sic), the Transformers whore, and Sofia Vergara any day.
  19. You can't just make the list based off the three chicks you think are the hottest. IF you've only got one (hypothetical) shot at these broads and don't have time to "train" them to do... well... whatever it is you're into, you gotta pick chicks that will prove to be satisfactory in the hay the first time around. Perfect example, that high school pole-vaulter chick is hot, but I'm confident she'd be a wet noodle in the sack. Thus: 1 - the tramp from Transformers (who said “I really enjoy having sex,” says this 22-year-old Transformers temptress. “I’m young and have a lot of hormones. I’m always in the mood.”) 2 - Amanda Beard (I just have a feeling about her... and that body is SICK) 3 - Cuthbert (you know she's into some crazy s--t if she's been with that goon, Sean Avery)* * - which, on edit, makes me think she's tainted in some way. Feel free to substitute Sofia Vergara.
  20. Easy pal, there's no hatred. Your reading comprehension just needs a bit of work. My "get over yourself" comment was in response to your "is anyone going to reimburse me" whine. You sounded like some little brat who wasn't getting his way, that's all. And if that's how you really feel, I repeat: get over yourself.
  21. Every single other STH over that period of time has done the same thing. You're not special, get over yourself.
  22. What they SHOULD do is start offering STH single game seats during the seat relocation process. By seniority seems to be somewhat fair, and it ensures everyone isn't calling in on the same day.
  23. I got in just after 9. But the tickets weren't even available under the pre-sale section. And now they've kicked me OUT of Account Manager. WOO HOO!!! Amateur hour...
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