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Everything posted by GhostsOfTheRockpile

  1. I always thought Fox had the worst NFL highlight/halftime show of all time. ESPN used to be good, but over the past four or five years has gotten worse and worse as more of these dopes started yucking it up, making ridiculous pronouncements, trying to sound intelligent without having actually WATCHED the games, etc. But now I'm watching NBC's show and I'm starting to rethink my position...
  2. On top of the bomb PI and the Reed PI taking away yards from JP, be sure to add Lee's drop on that bomb down the sidelines in the first half.
  3. Let's also not forget Lee's drop on that bomb in the first half. And maybe I'm the only one who noticed, but JP is starting to master that "pass-and-duck" where he chucks a bomb just before he ducks out of the path of an on-rushing d-lineman. Almost a carbon copy of the play to Peerless against Cleveland this pre-season.
  4. Clayton: The Dolphins want to avenge their season-opening loss to the Steelers. Nick Saban isn't happy about the mental mistakes in the opening loss to the Steelers. He has had extra time to work on the little things. The Bills are exciting with J.P. Losman at quarterback, but they are prone to a lot of mistakes. Saban will try to take advantage of those mistakes to come away with an easy victory. Prisco: This is a must-win for the Dolphins. They can't go 0-2. The Bills played well last week, but going on the road two consecutive games is tough. It won't be easy in the Florida heat, either. Even so, they keep it close. 'Fins 24, Bills 20. King: I like the Bills a lot more than I thought I would. But if you think they're going to win at Nick Saban's house, after Saban limp-wristed the replay flag in the fourth quarter during the Pittsburgh loss and after the Dolphins have had three extra days to prepare, you're crazy. Feel free to add anyone you wanna throw under the bus.
  5. When he puts together a D that can consistently stop the run, then I'll start talking the unit up as "scary." Until then, we're only halfway there as a defense. Thank god Mularkey still doesn't know what "being physical" and "pounding the ball" means, or this could have been a vastly different game...
  6. Easy, now. We're 1-1. Our D got run over in the second half and couldn't hold the lead in our loss. They just beat a team that is clearly without identity (and horribly overrated) on offense. I think he might turn out to be a great coordinator, but let's hold off on the he's-leaving-to-be-a-head-coach talk for a season or two...
  7. I disagree, Fezmid. Note 4 to the Pass Interference rule in the NFL rulebook states there can be no pass interference AT OR BEHIND the line of scrimmage. Was Reed a yard downfield? Perhaps... but on those WR screens EVERYONE blocks the d-back at the line. Horrible call. Second, Reed DID NOT engage his man until Roscoe caught the ball. He was up on his man, yes. But on the replay, you could see Parish catch and start to move upfield as Reed's hands are engaging the defender. Either way you slice it, it was a bad call. But then again, who cares?!? A "W" is a "W," baby!
  8. I have to think Moorman set some sort of record with FOUR punts downed inside the 10 yard line?!?
  9. You're right, and I'm sure it will be handled quietly between the league and the team, but these things have a way of leaking out. Hope we'll hear about it... This episode (and the blown call on Roscoe's TD today) once again shows the perils of making the refs beyond reproach and removing all accountability from their position.
  10. First, they blow the sideline call on Donte's interception last week (granted, it would have come back anyway, but for professional refs to blow potentially game changing plays like that is INEXCUSABLE). This week, they completely botch the call on Roscoe's TD. Not only did Reed not engage his man until Roscoe caught the ball, but as Kelso noted on the broadcast, there is NO PASS INTERFERENCE on passes behind the line of scrimmage. Again, it likely will not effect the outcome of the game at all, but it is inexcusable for professional refs to blow these calls. [/rant]
  11. Has the NFL offered up any explanation as to why the whistle was blown on Donte's pick and subsequent TD run last week? I understand it would have been called back anyway due to the alleged "block in the back" by Nate, but the replay clearly showed Donte was no less than a yard from the sideline when the whistle blew. If its as simple as "the ref blew it," fine. But an explanation would be nice. (Of course, that may be asking too much of the holier-than-thou NFL.)
  12. Its the MARGIN by which the Bills lost, not THE reason. Its ludicrous to assume the game would have played out the exact same way had the Bills kicked a FG on 4th and 1, or gotten a TD there, or JP not taken the safety.
  13. Am I the only one who isn't terribly concerned with the loss of Vincent? Don't get me wrong, he's a hell of a leader for the team, great mentor for the young guys, etc. But as far as his game goes, he's on the downside of his career and isn't the Pro Bowler he once was. He is certainly more experienced than any player we replace him with, but does his presence make the defense that much better? All I've been thinking about since I heard the news is how - of all the starters on both sides of the ball - he's the most expendable player not named "Shelton." I actually like the idea of Ko learning trial by fire. Sure, he will make mistakes and I'm sure he and Whitner will combine for some broken coverages,... ... but since he can't singlehandedly win the Bills a game, is there any reason to worry he will singlehandedly lose one? Sorry if this is a little rambling and not quite coherent, I'm just wrestling with this notion that they Bills are better of with Simpson in my head. Haven't quite fleshed it out 100% yet.
  14. From the article: "Linebacker Takeo Spikes, who also injured his hamstring in the game on the same series, called the move baffling and said it signals that the coaches are making this a rebuilding season, much to his dismay." Maybe I'm reading too much into this (and lord knows I hope I am), but am I the only one bothered by the "said it signals that the coaches are making this a rebuilding season, much to his dismay" part? I think we all know in the back of our heads this is likely a rebuilding year for the Bills, but as they showed Sunday they can still be competitive and make this an entertaining, .500 year. Does this move spark a "mutiny" of sorts? Are players tossing in the towel already? I'm never one to panic about stuff like this (these guys are professionals, competitors, etc.)... ... but for some reason that comment by the writer (no direct quote from Spikes provided) just doesn't sit with me right.
  15. Is it at all possible that the "sworded B" is the chest logo and the slug is the shoulder patch?! That I could possibly live with. Still, the slug needs legs. Give him legs, put him in a circle with two crossed swords underneath like the old logo, and you got yourself a deal.
  16. Again, to suggest games are fixed without any evidence is preposterous and stupid. However, I will agree that the shield protecting officials in ALL sports is a relic of a bygone era. With the stakes so much higher for ALL parties involved, refs need to be held accountable to ALL parties involved, not just closed meetings in league offices. Sports are played faster and with more force than ever before. Technology has made it easier to second-guess every aspect of every game. Refs in all sports have been left in the dust to one extent or another, and it may be impossible to rectify.
  17. Amen. Quit whining, the Bills lost to a better team. Good teams overcome a few bad calls. I'm certain you people could have sat and watched the game with a Pats fan, and he would have had just as many calls to complain about. Whitner never stepped out of bounds? Agreed... but the Bills still couldn't do anything with the extra possession and great field possession. And whether or not Nate blocked the guy in the back, it was stupid to even put himself in that position and place his hands on the guy's back. Royal's penalty was a phantom call? I can see that... but the Bills still failed on 3rd and 2 after the call. A good team can get a couple yards when they need it. For all the trash talking that goes on here directed at other teams' fans, as a group us Bills fans can sound pretty ridiculous a good deal of the time. To wit, this "shadow conspiracy." Take a lead from your beloved team: don't make excuses, take the loss, move on. I agree there were some horrible calls, and the disparity in penalties is cause for concern (as if the NFL is going to actually look into it), but to blame a loss on the refs or suggest they have it in for Buffalo is something I'd expect from some 8 year-old crying after losing in gym class.
  18. 97 Rock on Spikes: Hammy tweaked, walking the sidelines, hoping to return. (Same for Vincent... but so far Ellison and Simpson looking like capable back-ups...)
  19. Our seats are in the Rockpile section. Not as good as the ones we had back in the days, but I'll take 'em!
  20. My father and I had seasons tickets from the 1986 season through the 1998 season. That last season I was in DC my freshman year of college, and the communte for more than a game or two a season was too expensive. I spent four years in DC, then the past four in Boston for grad school, always making the commute for opening day and another three games a season (I'd say I averaged four home games those years). I recently moved back, but had to pass on purchasing any tickets as I was unsure of where I'd be working. Fortunately, I recently started a great job in downtown Buffalo, and am happy to report that as of today (and thanks to a kind soul on CraigsList who's wife wants him to spend more time with this three and two year old daughters), my father and I will be returning to Rich Sta... er... The Ralph as seasons ticket holders. For this season, and hopefully many to come.
  21. Are we talking underrated league-wide or just by Bills fans? If we're talking just by Bills fans, I'm going to say, despite his short career (thanks to injury), Damien Covington. Or Phil Hansen (still can't figure out if he was as good as he was SOLELY by virtute of being opposite Bruce). Or Henry Jones. But if we are talking a player lacking league-wide recognition, it has to be someone like Darryl Talley, Hull, Cowart for a little while, etc.
  22. By the end of free agency, Darcy is going to again show why he's one of the top three GM's in the game. McKee at $4 million per? I love the guy, but HA! What a waste of money for a blue-liner with limited offensive abilities. Chara at $7.5 million per? For a guy who's an annual playoff ghost? HA! The Bruins need so much help elsewhere, its scary. Putting 15-17% of your cap number into one guy is ludicrous, especially one who's afraid of the biggest stage. Luongo, Jovanovski and Blake in the $6-$7 million range is also pathetic. When are these GM's going to learn? You're better off getting two stellar players at $3.5 per year and building quality depth, multiple lines, etc. than you are paying for a "splash" free agent. Morons. All of them. Rock 'em Darcy. Can't wait to see who he picks as this year's Toni and Teppo, or the next Gratton-for-Briere swap (fleecing?).
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