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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. Scumbag....even the stacked audience is booing her
  2. place got 4.5 stars out of 39 votes, thats pretty good review https://www.google.com.sg/search?q=Yeahya+Flavour+of+Asia+in+Swindon&rlz=1C1CHWA_enUS618US618&oq=Yeahya+Flavour+of+Asia+in+Swindon&aqs=chrome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=Yeahya+Flavour+of+Asia+in+Swindon+reviews
  3. Happens in boxing too. Like when the Korean fighter died fighting ray Mancini. In boxing case it led to changes like reducing the rounds from 15 to 12 http://www.insidethegames.biz/articles/1031077/alan-hubbard-the-fateful-night-which-changed-the-future-of-boxing
  4. Given a choice of Bernie winning the primary or bills winning the super bowl, Id take Bernie. That's how much I want to close the lid on the Clintons.
  5. Speaking of Langer, didn't they ban the long anchored putter he's using ?
  6. Theyre idiots reshuffling the deck to over pay for fitz. I hope they get what they want.
  7. Really seems like women and African Americans are carrying her. Women I kind of get, but African American I don't. So I asked an African American friend why is she so strong in that community? He said people get it wrong that African American = poor vote. That many African americans with felony records aren't eligible for voting, and that many poor that are don't vote. That leaves educated , higher income types like him, who vote for her because she's elitist and they think thats aligned with their interests. Go figure.
  8. Can't believe how poorly spieth played 18. Bad tee shot OK, everybody hits them. But the 3 putt for double bogey, especially the first one came up 10 ft short? Now a bunch of guys are back in with a chance. How is it these guys are champions? Call him what you want , but tiger never did that
  9. doesnt sound like hes in a good place “I can’t explain it,” said Els, “ … I couldn’t get the putter back. I was standing there, I’ve got a 3 footer, I’ve made thousands of 3-footers and I just couldn’t take (the putter) back. ... “And then I just kind of lost count. The whole day was a grind. I tried to fight. I’m hitting the ball half decent and I can’t make it from two feet. I’m not sure where I’m going from here.” http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/golf/masters/2016/04/07/ernie-els-first-hole-masters/82770008/
  10. Ernie els 7 putts on first hole. wtf? http://youtu.be/EIJWTAGT2bg
  11. I dont think he started out that way. I read the history of his losses and early on there were a string of incredible shots by opponents that beat him....holed bunker shots on final holes, holed shot from fairway, and of course the mize chip. I think over time he developed a phobia and kind of self destructed fearing the dramatic would happen to him again.
  12. Video has emerged proving Aussie golf great Greg Norman was robbed at US Masters http://www.news.com.au/sport/golf/video-has-emerged-proving-aussie-golf-great-greg-norman-was-robbed-at-us-masters/news-story/2bd0a30432a29471c86f33b519cebe4e
  13. Ruined importance of regular season for hockey and basketball, so why not try it too?
  14. Sure whatever just like the kids playing soccer on the beach or the families at the UN shelters. As I said, that state sponsored terror sure is a good deal
  15. pretty good day for the Israeli terrorists too ... knocked off 2 more Palestinean children while they were sleeping. That state-sponsored terror sure is a good deal, get the best weapons in the world, and get to kill as many civilians as they wish without any concern for repercussion Two Palestinian Children Reportedly Killed in Israeli Airstrike on Gaza read more: http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/1.708384
  16. Martin Sheen Making ID Docuseries About OJ Simpson's Innocence in Nicole Brown Murder http://mstarsnews.musictimes.com/articles/110463/20160331/martin-sheen-docuseries-o-j-simpsons-innocent-nicole-brown-murder.htm
  17. Yeap you clowns are right. So obsessed are the left with taking away your right to drive a 10 mile/gallon RV 2 blocks to seven eleven, they actually altered the laws of the physical universe to make carbon retain heat from the sun that would otherwise go back into space.
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