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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. Robert Reich: Theyve marginalized Bernie at every turn Bernie did well last weekend but he cant possibly win the nomination, a friend told me for what seemed like the thousandth time, attaching an article from the Washington Postthat shows how far behind Bernie remains in delegates. Wait a minute. Last Tuesday, Sanders won 78 percent of the vote in Idaho and 79 percent in Utah. This past Saturday, he took 82 percent of the vote in Alaska, 73 percent in Washington, and 70 percent in Hawaii. In fact, since March 15, Bernie has won six out of the seven Democratic primary contests with an average margin of victory of 40 points. Those victories have given him roughly a one hundred additional pledged delegates. Bernie is outpacing Hillary Clinton in fundraising. In February, he raised $42 million (from 1.4 million contributions, averaging $30 each), compared to her $30 million. In January he raised $20 million to her $15 million. By any measure, the enthusiasm for Bernie is huge and keeps growing. Hes packing stadiums, young people are flocking to volunteer, support is rising among the middle-aged and boomers. Yet if you read the Washington Post or the New York Times, or watch CNN or even MSNBC, or listen to the major pollsters and pundits, youd come to the same conclusion as my friend. Every success by Bernie is met with a story or column or talking head whose message is but he cant possibly win. http://www.salon.com/2016/03/31/robert_reich_theyve_marginalized_bernie_at_every_turn_partner/
  2. Those awful professors part of AL Gore's vast conspiracy network are at it again, with their science and facts to back up their forecasts. Ought to be ashamed of themselves. "Sea levels could rise nearly twice as much as previously predicted by the end of this century if carbon dioxide emissions continue unabated, an outcome that could devastate coastal communities around the globe, according to new research published Wednesday. The main reason? Antarctica. The projection nearly doubles prior estimates of sea level rise, which had relied on a minimal contribution from Antarctica, said Rob DeConto of University of Massachusetts, Amherst, who authored the study with David Pollard of Penn State University. People should not look at this as a futuristic scenario of things that may or may not happen. They should look at it as the tragic story we are following right now, said Eric Rignot, an expert on Antarcticas ice sheet and an earth sciences professor at the University of California, Irvine" https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/energy-environment/wp/2016/03/30/antarctic-loss-could-double-expected-sea-level-rise-by-2100-scientists-say/
  3. yeah man, he really put the smack down on her pulling her arm away. let him rot in jail with ray rice, thats what i say. id be prepared to bring this all the way to the supreme court if thats what it took. woo hoo boo!
  4. That he's making these demands to the team he owes everythjng to for being patient and putting him in a scheme that hides his weaknesses, and gave him noteriety with the best record and a super bowl appearance, just yet again confirms what a punk he is
  5. "....which is totally irrelevant to if he actually committed battery, and cost tax payers nothing ....woo hoo hoo"
  6. "Imagine all the tax payer savings, if people weren't charged with battery for something like moving someone's arm out of the way....woo hoo hoo"
  7. battery? LOL what a waste of courts time and tax payer money dealing with this ... what a joke. http://youtu.be/IPBlqvcyrFs
  8. Roger Stone Drops Bombshell After Bombshell About Cruz Sex Scandal: If It's Not All True, "Sue Me Immediately"
  9. Nice use of proceeds too...funding a sh#tload of misleading attack ads.
  10. Nice comments from.Larry Fitzgerald when they asked some athlete and celebs if TW can win the masters again. LF seems like a cool dude http://www.golfdigest.com/story/watch-will-tiger-woods-win-another-masters
  11. Early.in the seasin, then his luck ran out and be did nothing, except get torched when he got caught in man against a top WR. Butter fingers let 2 picks slio thru his hands in the super bowl too.
  12. Anyone who gives him revis money is crazy. I really don't think any team in the league is fooled by him. The notoriety he got playing with Panthers and his mouth made him mostly a media creation.
  13. I've been skeptical for years, but more recently have followed one on and off for the last few months. If does seem to have some relevance. Thoughts?
  14. The weapons are too easily made, transported and concealed ... can't possibly guard all public areas. Bombing and foreign intervention is not the answer, just creates more resentment, instability, and terror recruiting material. Only surveillance, intelligence gathering, and informants will help address the problem. Of course the bungholes at NSA blew it by delving into the lives of ordinary civilians and foreign allies, to get their jollies off and for political reasons.
  15. Company finally apologises after Tay quickly learned to produce offensive posts, forcing the tech giant to shut it down after just 16 hours. The company released an official apology after the artificial intelligence program went on an embarrassing tirade, likening feminism to cancer and suggesting the Holocaust did not happen. http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/mar/26/microsoft-deeply-sorry-for-offensive-tweets-by-ai-chatbot
  16. Bernie! Bernie! Bernie! Keep going man, make it difficult for that unaccomplished, self-serving, sell-out creep Bernie Sanders wins Alaska and Washington, CNN projects http://edition.cnn.com/2016/03/26/politics/election-2016-alaska-hawaii-washington-caucuses-highlights/index.html
  17. Isis sure are a bunch of bungholes making a video celebrating the murder of innocents, as if it's some kind of military conquest. http://youtu.be/u3Yj0rcgZJ4
  18. Silly, people are seeing what they want in this, creating their own narrative, while missing the boat on what's really going on
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