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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Because he wasn't President at the time he took them. And he knew at least as far back as 2017 that he had classified documents. He didn't return them until 2022.
  2. No, the funniest part is you (all) think he posted it.
  3. But what if Trump doesn't listen to the Supreme Court!
  4. That dingbat doesn't realize the bogus cases campaign for him. Nationally.
  5. He had them in 2017. So no, he didn't. And he never had any business having them in the first place.
  6. This aged well. Nikki Haley says she’s voting for Trump in November
  7. They know. They just use phrases like "poll tax" to allow it to happen because it benefits their side.
  8. They spent $150 at Olive Garden? 🤣 Sorry but even $53 at Olive Garden isn't even an "excellent value." That would be $1 more than 4 orders of unlimited soup, salad and breadsticks.
  9. It was a nice try to deflect from their own true antisemitism while it lasted.
  10. Again, a guy who has a daughter, SIL and grandkids who are Jewish is not an antisemite. I understand why you guys keep doing this given the latent antisemitism by the Dems that was unmasked after October 7th, but it's not working.
  11. The real unified reich has been protesting for months. It will continue well after this gaffe is forgotten.
  12. Been denouncing antisemitism for decades now. This isn't it.
  13. Again, will this be worse than the Reich the Dems have already created in America?
  14. Sweating? Why? It's just another lame attempt that will fall flat.
  15. The classified docs case is dead. So...she was right.
  16. Nothing to believe. It's the truth.
  17. Is old Nazi rhetoric worse than new anti-Jew rhetoric the left has begun to espouse?
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