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Everything posted by LongLiveRalph

  1. I've also heard WVU lumped in with Cincy and Pitt as the most serious Big Ten possibilities. I think all three would match up pretty well in both football and hoops. It's definitely tough when you start trying to figure out the conference affiliations and who ends up where. From a football standpoint, it's pretty easy to say "I think Team X could work quite well in that conference." But it definitely has to make geographic sense. For example, putting Boise St. in the Big 12 would be tough. Not for football, but for the Texas women's tennis team to travel there for a Wednesday match. All of those considerations have to be made. From both a geographical and university standpoint, ND has always made the most sense. But when things are going well, they are a cash cow on their own, so it makes sense that they'd be hesitant to want to split TV and bowl revenues with a conference.
  2. 1. Similar results to "the best season ever in the school's history?" For what? A chance to break into the top-5 and a possible shot at Virginia Tech in the Orange Bowl? Coaches want to win championships too, bud. 2. So Cincinnatti is supposed to come off of a 13-0 season, and then engage Alabama in discussions to play each other. Here's how that conversation would go: Cincinnatti: "Let's play a home and home series." Alabama: "Sounds great. Let's make it a four-year deal. The first two in Tuscaloosa. The third in Cincinnatti, but we'll play at the Bengals stadium, not at your field, because we'd like some fans there too. Then back to Tuscaloosa for year 4. Sound good?" Sweet. So out of roughly 1500 NCAA games this fall, we've found 14 that actually mattered. All 13 of Texas's, and the SEC title game for Alabama. Every game is a playoff game!! (Disclaimer: Actually, only two games are playoff games.) Probably because the 2004 Auburn team had a schedule right out of the SEC handbook. Non-conference "opponents" were all home games versus Louisiana-Monroe, the Citadel, and Louisiana Tech. Plus they got smoked by USC in each of the previous two seasons. Compare that with USC's non-conference schedule of at Virginia Tech, at BYU, Colorado State, and Notre Dame. Oklahoma had at least one BCS school in their non-conference games, they played Bowling Green, Houston, and Oregon. Plus, there was plenty of outrage, about how because Auburn's preseason ranking was so low, compared to the #1-2 USC-Oklahoma, that they never had a chance to vault into the title game. But every game counts!! (disclaimer: Every game counts only if you're #1 or #2 in the preseason poll) It's the system's fault that Cincinnati can go undefeated in a BCS conference and not get a whiff of a championship opportunity, but if preseason unranked Kentucky (a basketball school, just like Cincy) ran the table, they'd play for the national championship. And what does 12 years ago have to do with anything? That thinking is precisely the problem, and the prejudice that keeps the "little guys" from becoming elite. The championship is supposed to be an award for one season, for one team. Not for the team which dominated college football in the 1970's, who had a pretty good team this year. It's a good thing George Mason was allowed to play against Connecticut in the Elite Eight in basketball a few years ago. Football probably would've just ruled that Connecticut had a better history, they've won titles before, and their fans travel better, so we'll let them go to the Final Four.
  3. Makes sense...1995 was the year LA lost professional football, giving owners a potential landing spot to move their team, which was used as leverage against their fans in order to get public money approved for new construction. It works over and over again. (Certainly, there are well-established franchises like Pittsburgh that got a stadium built and didn't threaten to move, because it would never happen anyways.) And the stadiums themselves...How have the costs gotten so outrageous??? Have any of you been to Raymond James Stadium in Tampa? It's as nice a football stadium as you could need, want, or ask for. Great sight lines, great field, tons of concessions and big restrooms, and great ammenities and "extras" (pirate ship, party deck, two large jumbotrons, etc. etc.) It was built in 1998 and cost $192 million. I realize that was a decade ago, but even in 2009 dollars, how are these new stadiums getting up over $1 billion??? It's astonishing.
  4. Zonabb I'm with you man. I'm a season ticket holder, I have been since 1999, and for the last three years I've lived in FL and still have my season tix. I still LOVE the Bills, but it's getting harder and harder to support the NFL. The league has some SERIOUS issues, in my opinion, and I would say that 75% of the games on any given weekend are unwatchable. And I'm a HUGE sports fan and have always loved football. But the vast majority of the teams play a game that is dreadfully boring to sit through, to the point that the beer, truck, and boner commercials are a relief! I truly think the league is not where they perceive themselves to be in the general consciousness. I could be in the minority, because I don't gamble (anymore) and I don't play fantasy football (ZERO interest.) Perhaps that would make this weekend's Chiefs-Raiders game more watchable. But as a casual fan, I have to say the league is not a product that I would support. The eight good teams are incredible to watch, and the playoffs are fantastic. The 24 other teams could be tossed into a pile and you couldn't tell one from the other. The mediocre, the bad, and the ugly. There are a lot of things that can happen in the next few years that could have a HUGE impact on the NFL. The collective bargaining agreement, their case before the Supreme Court to remove anti-trust penalties, seat licenses, ticket prices, and on and on. It's rapidly running away from what made the league great. Also, I read a great article the other day which stated that, contrary to popular belief, the NFL LOVES that there's no team in Los Angeles. How many new stadiums would've gotten built in the last 15 years if owners didn't have that "LA carrot" to dangle in front of the local taxpayers?
  5. Exactly. I can't believe that Texas kicker made that GW FG as time expired. The doors could've gotten blown off this whole thing, it would've been GREAT...
  6. Good one, that cracks me up. Maybe the Royals will sign Roy Halladay for $120 million to show the Yankees that they have every intention of becoming an elite team, rather than just a farm system for the big boys. How do you become an elite program when you go undefeated, have multiple quality wins, and are still an afterthought for any type of championship potential? How do you become an elite program when none of the so-called elite programs (other than maybe USC, Ohio State, or Texas) would ever consider playing you? Let's face it...If Alabama lost to Auburn 22-21, and then dominated UF in the SEC title game 32-13, it's highly likely that Bama would still be playing for the national championship. But every game is a playoff game, right? The "every game counts" argument is so off base. It turns out that none of Cincinnati's games really counted, along with 99% of all the other games this season. Didn't we know on October 1st that the final would be FL/Bama vs. Texas? With Boise State, they could always hide behind the "mid-major" argument. Now the system is nitpicking through the hierarchy of their own BCS conferences. Kelly staying at Cincy to "build a national power" is a ridiculous notion. His stock will never be higher, and now is the time to jump. The Big East is a launching pad for coaches, because the system forces it to be that way. It's not that Texas and Bama are un-derserving, with Alabama especially posting several convincing quality wins. They both had excellent seasons. But so did 3-4 other schools. Coaches want to be in a position where: -the best season is school history results in a shot at the national title Not... -the best season in school history, PLUS some losses by other teams with better exposure/perception/history, PLUS ability to actually schedule OOC games and win them on the road, PLUS favorable results from polls and computers, MIGHT result in a chance to play for the national title. You can't blame any Big East coach going somewhere where option 1 is the case, because under the current arrangements, it is not.
  7. Not a huge Poz guy. He's serviceable and I'd hate to say he's the worst in the league, but I imagine he's in the bottom 25%. His lack of playmaking (for example- forced fumbles, big 3rd down run stuffs, slamming a Wes Welker WR as he comes over the middle) has been shocking for a guy who's greatest asset is supposedly his "football instincts." He has stretches in games where he's a beast, and stretches where he's non-existant.
  8. You can take them as you like, as I have. It's one thing to read quotes and it's another thing to watch and hear somebody say them. Asked if his COACHING DECISION to throw the ball was questionable, he laughed at the reporter and said, "No it wasn't. I don't call pass plays to be incompletions." Noooooo shiiiittt Charlie. But a coach can understand that even though they're supposed to be completions, it just so happens that 40% of the time they are not. It was a strange answer and I'm pissed I couldn't find it. I definitely heard it and remember it because of what a douche he sounded like when he said it. I think he realized what a douche he sounded like, because then he went on to the "We were just trying to win a football game right there" stuff. Asked if his scheme was the problem in the Navy game, as one player suggested it was, Weis responded, "I think that question was presented to Ian (Williams), it was also presented to Kyle McCarthy, and from what I understand, Kyle McCarthy's answer was quite different, where he said it had nothing to do with the scheme. So there's a reason why one guy is a captain and one guy is not." You think I'm reaching here? Isn't he absolving himself and staff and the scheme they came up with, and basically saying, "See, even my captain said it wasn't the scheme. So I guess Navy just had better players." Whatever, it's all beside the point. He was always a smug a-hole in my opinion, and I'm certain I'm not alone there, and I would imagine there are quite a few guys in the ND locker room who aren't crying over his departure. Either he's not a very good head coach, or those recruiting ranking websites that consistently put ND's classes in the top-5 are waaaaayyyyy off.
  9. I agree, much of it has to do with the way he barnstormed into South Bend and basically polished his Super Bowl rings and looked down his nose at every college coach in America. As for quotes, off the top of my head, after the ND UM game in September. I looked briefly but could not find the exact quote on the intertubes. But I heard it in a press conference, not sure if it was day of the game, day after the game, or what- When he was being questioned at his press for passing twice at the end of the game instead of running the ball and burning clock/UM timeouts, Weis stated, "I didn't call the pass plays to be incompletions." Basically, "I called the right plays, the players screwed up." _______________________________________ And after the Navy game: Basically, "My scheme is never the problem. And don't criticize me if you want to be a captain."
  10. I thought that what I wanted was Charlie Weis to fail miserably. I thought I wanted to see that smug bastard with egg all over his face. I thought I wanted to see him lose so many games, he was unable to keep his job. Well, I got all of those things...And I wish he was still there. He made Notre Dame interesting, and gave me a reason to root against them, rather than to just be indifferent towards them. I used to flip on NBC and root like hell for Purdue like I was Gene Keady. I loved watching that arrogant prick Weis get frustrated and blame his players, refs, and everyone in close proximity (which "close proximity" to Weis's frame is actually the entire stadium.) Now, they are back to being just another run-of-the-mill midwestern school (sans the national TV contract) with a .500 record who I couldn't care less about. They have been also-rans on the national stage for 15 years and they are fooling themsleves- in my opinion- with the dreams of Stoops or Meyer leaving their big time programs. Notre Dame isn't the "step up" in the coaching world that they think they are. They need to focus on the Big East and MAC coaches. Personally, I think Dick J would be a great fit. He has Chicago ties, he's a molder of men, and 7 wins at ND would be an improvement, and Dick has proven that he knows how to win 7.
  11. It just goes to show how elevated the emotions can become in a classic rivalry game like the Florida Panthers vs. the Atlanta Thrashers. And I'm sure the dozens of fans in attendance were shocked at what they witnessed.
  12. After watching the last decade of Bills drafting players, and giving fans the schpeel that "He's a guy we've been targeting for a long time / He's got great instincts / He's a big game player / He's this / He's that / etc etc etc" I must say that I am shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, with the play of Jairus Byrd. The front office declared when they drafted him that he's a playmaker and a ball hawk, and he does in fact appear to be a playmaker and a ball hawk. AMAZING!!! The boys may have pegged one correctly!!!
  13. What??? I saw the pick where Hester slipped. No fault there. The others??? HORRIBLE decisions coupled with disgusting passes. He had two picks where if the first SF defender didn't catch it, there were two right behind him waiting to make the INT. And on top of all that, the Bears D hangs tough and gives them a chance to win. Was it the offensive coordinator's fault when they went 80 yards in the last two minutes? Or the WR's? It was ALL Cutler who led them to multiple red zone opportunities, but everyone else's fault once they got there??? Sounds suspicious. Even with all the mistakes, everything was in place, until it came time to win the game, which has been Cutler's downfall. Another horrible pass, 5th INT, game over.
  14. Take a look at the recent SEC quarterbacks in the NFL. Subtract the Manning brothers. Look what's left.... JaMarcus Russell Jason Campbell Rex Grossman Brodie Croyle Matthew Stafford (definitely gets a grace period, not putting him in the "bust" list for a few years) Jay Cutler (not a bust yet, great skills, but hasn't proven he can be a leader and a winner. Questionable attitude.) And check out the QB play in the SEC this year. Interceptions, "managing the game", and Tebow off tackle for 7 yards pretty much sums it up.
  15. Mel Kiper just phoned in and said he thinks Hanks is the most complete player in the draft. He recommends Clooney if you can get him in the 3rd round, some great value there. And he likes Scarlett Johanson's "upside" if you know what I mean...Haaaayyooooooo!!
  16. Something sports-related, which would also suck, I'm sure. Like SPORTSCASTER Jimmy the Greek from an ESPN show. You come here and talk sports all day. Why do you bother to worry about the no-talent hacks that you are (obviously) tied down and forced to listen to for 20 minutes every day? You can start a topic here and get a response from 50 different people from all over the country on UB football. But instead you chose to start a topic about how WGR didn't discuss UB football. Don't you find this the least bit ironic? There is a thread on "Off the Wall" titled TV ALERT: UB vs Ohio, ESPN2 7pm 11/10. I noticed you didn't make one appearance in this thread, discussing this extremely interesting game.
  17. I have never disagreed with logic such as this, throughout this thread. However, I HAVE heard all of these items you mentioned discussed on the station. Hell, I've heard them talking Canisius women's basketball. I think the point is that most people tune in for a 20 minute commute. If they are partaking in one of their idiot discussions during that section of time, which takes up about 1/12th of their show, then they get blasted for talking nonsense when you wanted to hear something else. It's just the way it goes. And just because it's local, doesn't mean it's interesting, or people want to discuss it. The interest just isn't there. It's reflected in the attendance at local NCAA events. But I agree, a weekly, (for example, 6:15pm every Tuesday) they should do their local sports update. Spend a whole segment on it, and keep it in the same time slot, so that people who do want to tune in are able to. Discuss results and upcoming games. But even then, they'll get railed because the time slot will be inconvenient, or they didn't even mention that recruit from Chicago who visited Niagara last weekend. 95% of radio and television sports hosts/analysts/announcers/etc suck (according to the masses.) Yet people continue to tune in. I will agree they should have a functional knowledge of all sports, and they don't seem to on WGR. It's even more embarrassing when they are almost proud of declaring ignorance on certain sports. But it's a 3-4 hour show. It's not easy to do 5-days per week. And to say "They didn't even mention UB Football's loss" during the 15-20 mins that you're listening is really a stretch. If people are looking for on-air talent to "break down" games for them, then they've got their own problems. Frankly, I couldn't care less what Whitey or Schopp or Colin Cowherd or Mark Schlereth thought about "Team X" last night. I saw it, and I know what I thought.
  18. If you were so interested in UB you probably would've gone to the game. If you were there or watched it on ESPN2, you should be able to form your own opinions about the coaching strategy, who played well, and who made mistakes. Why would you, being the great UB Bulls fan that you are, need Howard Simon (who you already hate) to tell you what happened in a game the night before? Were you talking up the game all day Tuesday to all of your friends and co-workers, telling them that UB was on TV, and you're really excited to watch? Did you listen to WGR this morning??? (Don't worry I know the answer is yes.) Merryl Streep is a godawful pick. If Chevy Chase slipped past #2 then you know it's rigged. (And Olawkandi?? I thought somebody said those guys never discuss NBA...Hmmmm...)
  19. Remember when ESPN used to have NHL 2Night every night? Remember when they used to show hockey highlights on Sportscenter? Remember when NASCAR used to be relegated to the 58th minute of the 60 minute Sportscenter, until ESPN signed a television deal with them, and now they spend 15 minutes on it??? Promoting your own station is the essence of professional, that's what they're paid to do. You're really shooting the messenger here. WGR (or ESPN) is a sports station, and all sports will get the "gloss over", even UB football. But they are not going to go out of their way to promote something that 1) Doesn't help their station, and 2) Doesn't have a huge following anyways. At the point that they were talking about T.O., lets face it, T.O. was a HUGE storyline in Buffalo. It was a Bills player in the "entertainment" world for the first time in a long time. People were interested. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but nobody is really interested in a 3-7 UB team. Did you listen to their whole 4-hour show, or are you just pissed that they weren't discussing what YOU wanted to hear for the 20 minutes you were in your car??? And since when did "THEY PLAYED ON ESPN2" mean anything? Just because something is on national TV doesn't mean it's newsworthy. They show drag racing on ESPN2, and there was a guy from Buffalo racing, should they spend 45 minutes on it?
  20. The most ridiculous (and yet not at all unlikely) scenario I heard was on the Scott Van Pelt Show on ESPN Radio the other day, where he and somebody else were discussing how either Florida or Alabama gets upset before the SEC title game (say Auburn beats Bama), and then the 1-loss team beats the undefeated team (Bama knocks off FL), that the SEC champ (Bama) should still play in the BCS Championship Game, regardless of the other undefeateds. So...I thought the current system was so great because "every game is a playoff game." I guess not.
  21. [Tomorrow morning in a car in WNY:] Howard Simon: "We've got Kyle from Depew on the line, go ahead Kyle." Kyle: "Hey Hose, hey Whitey. Two questions....Um, what do you think Adam Mair needs to do to break into the lineup? And , uh, have you guys ever used Amazon for CD's and book purchases? Have you noticed anything strange about their shipping rates and transit times lately? I'll hang up and listen." Howard Simon: "I'll tell you what, I love Amazon. Last year for Hannakuh, I had all eight nights covered completely via gifts from Amazon. It's a great site, I think the ---" (Whitey jumps in) Whitey: "Who even buys CD's anymore? What a waste. This past weekend, I...(story continues for 35 seconds but seems like 35 minutes.) [Tomorrow morning, here at Stadium Wall front page]: Topic: WGR is a JOKE!!! Don't even discuss Sabres game last night!! Next 2 pages: They suck / Schopp sucks / Bulldog is a hack / Howard Simon hates Buffalo / WECK sucks too / Brad Riter is fat / MENSA my ass / Only game in town / I hate them so much I only listen for two hours a day
  22. The fact that this study was NFL-funded is significant, even if it was a simple, error-prone phone survey. For years, the NFL has denied results of numerous other studies under the guise of, "Our own internal efforts to study this very serious issue are ongoing. Thus far, we have shown no direct correlation between playing football and decreased cognitive abilities blah blah blah blah blah." There are hundreds of current and former players who are enrolled in a decades-long study where their cognitive functions will be tested yearly throughout their playing careers and on into their retirement, with further brain study after their death. Although it may take a while, that is going to be the one that blows this thing open. The NFL acknowledging the results of the phone survey is a step in the right direction, even though it basically has them admitting what everyone in the world outside of the NFL already knew: Tackle football injures brain.
  23. I suppose it's a function of your own personal spirituality and point of view. For example, some might consider it to be Kelly, Thomas, and Smith. Or Perreault, Robert, and Martin. Some might say Pizza, Wings, Beer. Others might claim the trinity to be a sexually adventurous girl who is open to all three inputs. Your definition that references God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit could work, but it seems a little ridiculous and fictional.
  24. If there is truth to the rumors of this upcoming "uncapped" season, then don't expect the Bills to win (or even get involved in) a bidding war for any big-name free agent.
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