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Blue Chipper

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Everything posted by Blue Chipper

  1. Just thought about the night game next week vs the Broncos. Now THAT game could get ugly. Primetime espn and the Bills sitting at 4-9 and the Boncos trying to win their division. Fans having all day to drink and get rowdy. A cold blustery night and Denver thinking they can rush for 200 yards. If things had only turned out differently this year this Denver game could have been huge. Playoff implications, division on the line possibly but instead we get the Bills dragging ass into the game and the fans wanting everyone from the gm to the water boy fired. Its not going to be pretty.
  2. I almost choked on my morning cofee when I read that link. That is a bit of a stretch but never say never.
  3. I really dont think it will get ugly on the scoreboard. NE is not the same team they once were. Plus with everything that has gone on this week at One Bills Drive I would not be surprised to see them come out and jump on the Pats. However the Bills cant hold a lead and the Pats seldom panic when they are behind in the 2nd half. This could be one of those games that hurt the Bills on draft day becuase the decided to play 4 quarters for once. As far as things getting ugly in the stands- well thats a different story. If the Bills fall behind or if there is one of MM famous bone head play calls....look out.
  4. Did you say real killer? Do know how long Ive been looking for the real killer? Any information that you can give me will be a big help. Sincerely OJ
  5. You're right but it probably has nothing to do with their five lineman. Heck I could probably get 100 yards behind that line if I cut back on going to Mighty Taco and hit the weights a couple days a week. Denver's worst lineman is probably better than our best lineman and Im not sure who that is. Anybody know?
  6. Hopefully you are referring to that guy who writes for the news and not our h.o.f qb.
  7. Do they drug test where you work? Just kidding but I couldnt past #1 and the thought of us using a "vet rb" instead of a player capable of leading the nfl in rushing if given enough carries.
  8. Moulds meets with Wilson at 3pm today. I hope Ralph tells him he can play. That would make MM look foolish though and he does that well enough on his own.
  9. Why does a head coach need the owners permission to suspend a player. Not that Im a Parcells fan but could you see him asking Jones if he could suspend say Keyshawn? Not likely. I feel MM is trying to play both sides here. He wants the team to respect him and Moulds or any player should ever question play calling but he doesnt have the ballsto suspend him so he " excuses" him from paractice and leaves it up the Ralph. Are you kidding me? I hope Ralph says Moulds can play sunday and this is the beginning of the end for MM.
  10. For a minute I thought you were Roscoe Parrish and had a question about the snow.
  11. I would not be surprised if that happens exactly like it is printed. TD has a good if not great relationship with Ralph. Modrak deserves his shot to run an nfl club and will do a good job as long as TD gives him freedom (which is a big "if" knowing how he like to be in control and loves to be in the headlines with his draft picks.) Now MM is under contract and although we may not want to admit it- he is learning how to be a head coach. I think thta sucks that he has to learn on the job training but its true none the less. He was a oc in Pitt. Tom Clements will be gone- once you are stripped of the play calling you know you are on your way out- no surprise there. I think Wyche has been itching to have a more important role with the team and this is it. So I could definately see this playing out this way. Would that be so bad? Let me answer my own question.... YES! We need a change and not one as small as firing the offensive coordinator. I hear Greg Williams might be available. NOT.
  12. Im not very religious but I will say a prayer for him today.
  13. Koren Robinson? You have to be kidding. He has been nothing but a problem which is why he was cut from Seatle. A 4 game suspension for substance abuse. Missed practices. Admitted alcohol problem to the team and the press and he says he will get help. Then a short time later he gets a dui and a reckless driving charge. Yeah lets bring him to Buffalo. No thanks.
  14. Our special teams kick coverage. Both punts and kickoffs have been awesome. Those guys hustle every time out there. For many of the players it is their only time on the field and they give 100% and it shows. This is a credit to the special teams coach and also MM because they must work on it in practice.
  15. maybe Wilson is waiting until after the holidays.
  16. it will be interesting to see what he does with the qb situation in the off season. Either Rivers or Brees has to be dealt so the jury is still out on his pick there and will be until you can see what he gets in return. But you're right the other picks look good. Plus having LT run all over the place will help any gm look good.
  17. Thats exactly what i said in an earlier post today. He has had a bad year and teams are not afraid to throw his way. He is not a top corner. He is however our best corner so what do you do. The debate goes on. I doubt he will be franchised and he and his agent will test the market. Some team will over pay him but thats the NFL.
  18. I could not disagree more. It's 1st and goal not third and goal. Maybe if you are stuffed or thrown for a loss on the 1st two downs you put it up. But MM didnt even try to run it in the endzone. Good teams run it down your throat or atleast attempt to run the ball when you are that close. Plus it was a sideline throw which is longer than any throw on the field and gives the db more time to brake on the ball. A tight end dump or even a quick slant in would be a safer throw than that. Ive said it before I would run the ball anytime you are inside the 5. It's up to your o-line and rb to come up with a score.
  19. not to change the subject but is anyone else upset that there are bowl games on all day monday 1/2/06 when most of us will be at work? Sure the big three will be monday night tuesday night and wednesday night but being a ND fan and their 4:30 start is very disappointing.
  20. Here a few of my thoughts from yesterdays game. First- as far as Moulds consecutive game streak being broken. Thats fine with me. He is a player who has no interest in being with the Bills next season. He also spoke out loud on more than one occasion on his desire for Holcomb to be the starter. Good bye Eric. You have been a good player on an average for many years and its unfortunate that youc career in Buffalo will end on this note. 2nd-Nate Clements can see his big payday slowly fading. He has gotten beat lately more than he has in his entire career. He proclaims himself as a "shut down" corner but teams are not afraid to throw his way. Sure there might be some desperate team that will over pay for him in 06 but hopefully it wont be the Bills. 3rd- The O-Line played better yesterday. The protection for the most part was good. Sure there were breakdowns here and there but when they pass protected JP had enought time to check off and enough mobilty to get the ball off. When we ran the ball Willis got his yards. There were however three or four occasions were he was nailed as soon as he took the handoff. 4th- Coaching was bad. It seemed after we had the big league we took our foot of the gas. The play calls became very conservative and you could feel the momentum turning the closer the Phins got. Maybe if we had pounded the ball on first and goal instead of having JP throw a corner sideline pattern things would have tuned out differently. It would have been 30-3. Instead there is a pick and the Phins drive down and make it 23-10. Willis has not had a rushing td is 6 weeks and we are 1-5 over that time. 5th- If New Englad had lost to the Jets we would be kicking ourselves today with the Pats coming in here next week and a chance to possibly tie for first if we had held on. nd we lost and we sit three games back with four to play. We will not make the playoffs this year and the higher our draft pick the better at this stage of the season. Nobody at One Bills Drive will admit it but this loss and and losses to the Pats, Broncos and Bengals over the next three weeks will only improve the Bills team next season. JP is gaining valuable experience and we will have more talent in the right positions next season if the front office does there job with the draft and free agents. I hate to throw in the towel but why would anyone want to finish 8-8 or 7-9 when that does nothing but hurt your draft position? There is only one team coming out of the East and its the Pats.
  21. Was there a champaign room on the bus? And if so was there sex going on in there. Now that would be tailgate!
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