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Everything posted by shrader

  1. It's a shame he listed Taylor Quiet in those line combinations. As for the draft lottery, I saw a proposal a few weeks back that said each team would get 4 balls. If they made the playoffs in the last 4 seasons, one ball would be taken away. Another would be taken away for having the #1 overall pick in the past four years. There were other conditions, but I forget. I'll try to dig up the link. Anyway, in this system, the Rangers would've been one of a few teams with the best shot at the #1 pick (it'll be rigged to get Crosby in NY). The sabres would've had 3 balls.
  2. I hate it when this argument comes up. Last time I checked, there are 10 other guys on the field at the same time as the QB, not to mention the other 11 guys out there when the team doesn't have the ball. Crazy thought, but those guys influence the outcome of the game too. Of all the mainstream team sports here in the US, I'd have to say football is the biggest team sport. I know I phrased that poorly, but what I'm saying is that an idividual performance will have a greater impact in baseball, hockey or basketball than it does in football. I believe that Manning is the better quarterback. Brady plays on a better team with a better system.
  3. I'll be getting either a Losman or Evans. I need a new home jersey too, so either way, I'll end up with both players. I just don't know which way I'll go with either jersey yet.
  4. That much I know. I was wondering if he was the first in the NFL to sign. It really doesn't mean much, but I was curious.
  5. 1. Not enough (ie. zero) entry level jobs in my field 2. Boston 3. EXPENSIVE! With the same salary back home, I'd be very comfortable. Here, I end up making maybe $200 a month after all the bills. 4. That's my goal. Whether the market improves or not, I should have a place once I have 2-3 years of experience. 5. Nothing really comes to mind right away, so I'll say this: Once I move back, quality of life has to improve.
  6. Based on what I've read over the last few months, yeah you are. The one huge positive that comes to mind immediately, though, is that other board is full of Patriot fans, with maybe 2 other Bills fans. I've put up a good fight, but there is no winning in that situation.
  7. I haven't seen any other reports. Is he the first person from the draft to sign?
  8. I just registered today and from my experience on other boards, I would never even think of starting a thread like this one. Anyway, since it's already been started, I might as well make my first post in here. No other thread seems like the right place anyway.
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