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DC Mom

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Everything posted by DC Mom

  1. Wait, I thought FFS was a dude, now he's a "gal"? Please explain.
  2. Is this some sort of sick joke? I see nothing funny in the results. Just crap about Iraq protests and Wikipedia.
  3. Yes, let's just spend ANOTHER season treating the season like some sort of training school to him. There are 52 other players out there. Let's just put the best player on the field and be done with this training crap. If the guy is the best QB then he will be a starter, anything else would be a waste in today's NFL.
  4. Whatever happened to Cricket wireless?
  5. No, Marv is looking for more of a high-character guy like Akili Smith to provide competition.
  6. Actually the average income of the family who sends their kid to state school is higher than the that of the ones who send a kid to private school. The reason for this is the generous financial aid available at the latter.
  7. I think he struggled most on NFL Countdown than anywhere else. I didn't think he was too bad as the third guy on one of the NBC teams. He was improving.... It just was hard to listen to the guy b/c you felt sorry for him whenever he did badly. But anyway, I actually like Phil Simms.
  8. How could the defense get any worse from last year. Seriously. Replacing blitzing every third and long with blitzing every other third and long would be a pretty simple way of improving this "Dawgged" scheme they have.
  9. Geez, if Fairchild thinks that Fitzpatrick is worth bringing in, then just trade a mid-rounder for him and put him in the mix and keep JP. I doubt the Rams can expect anything more although I doubt they will part with him.
  10. He may look like Keanu, but he talks like Bobby Boucher.
  11. How many of their jobs pay that well? I am not being sarcastic. I am just wondering how many high-paying jobs they create.
  12. The key here is whether Wyche was forced out or not. My feeling is that this was his choice either because of the loss of MM and/or his continuing health problems. Doesn't he need a heart transplant at some point? In any event, I hope that this was a decision on his end. I see no reason why he should have been let go. I guess the true story will eventually come out in the media.
  13. Me too. My defense picks in Madden are always solid. I am very good at adapting the scheme to the personnel.
  14. Since Marv Levy. Too young for much b4 Marv.
  15. If you vote for Wade Phillips, I am not sure what your problem is.
  16. Wow, I never picked up on that being his name. Considering my awareness of all that you just said, it's kind of sad that I did not.
  17. If you do, please PM me. I'd really appreciate it. And no, I am not looking for free legal advice.
  18. If Norfolk makes F150s why would they be losing people or closing down soon? Despite the drop-off in sales the full-sized truck market is strong, is it not? Didn't Ford sell almost 1 million F150s in each of the past couple of years?
  19. This isn't baseball. When was the last time was there a trade that involved cash in the NFL? I think the salary cap doesn't really allow that, but correct me if I am wrong.
  20. I saw that Wife Swap. First time I ever watched the show. The guy was fired as a manure shoveler and has been doing the household/childcare stuff. The woman avoided home, worked at night and then stayed out for several hours at some casino before she came home. They said it was some place in upstate NY.
  21. Wow, TKO really was upset about Jauron.... except not really.
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