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DC Mom

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Everything posted by DC Mom

  1. Carp-heaving is just how I put food on the table for my wee ones. I am putting my resume out there to see if I can catch on to something else, no such luck so far.
  2. Where I come from, the spelling "azz" is derogatory slang for Donkeys. While we can call each other "azz", people outside of the Donkey community are not supposed to use that term.
  3. I hate Lurie, his smug face needs to cave in. Nevertheless, I agree with his stand here. Owens cannot try to whine his way out of another deal (like he did with Baltimore).
  4. Donkeys are jackasses. Please correct your post with the proper spelling.
  5. The NFL sure has done terribly since the Rams and Raiders moved. They must move to LA post haste!
  6. The holier than thou attitude in this thread is inane. The facts are simple: lying about how much time you put into a job is effectively stealing. However, there are some important things people are missing here: Posting on a message board, checking your stocks, day dreaming, talking to co-workers, getting coffee, etc. are ALL unproductive uses of your time at work. Is it stealing if you do that stuff while on the clock? No, it is not. You are being paid for your time there. The rate at which you work is something you have to determine with management or your client. If you are goofing off more than acceptable, you are being dishonest or dishonorable but you are not stealing. I guess I forget the last time someone was prosecuted for petty larceny when he took too long a crap while at work. Goofing off at work is the definition of a gray area where reasonableness needs to prevail.
  7. Well the NFL is at least run by a lawyer. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
  8. Are there any survivors? What fans were stoned and why was Bloomberg okaying this?
  9. Hey, keep building the straw men and try to avoid actually addressing the faultiness of your arguments. You claimed that if people didn't believe in God or heaven, they would be less likely to commit suicide in any form. Basically, that the religious do not value life because there's a potential after-life or something like that. Obviously, you do not believe this yourself, since you just provided a laundry list of stereotypes that show that result probably would be mixed. Yes, perhaps religion motivates people to sacrifice their life for good or ill, atheists are more likely to hold more dearly to their life and less likely to give it up for the good of others. Whoop de doo. Oh, I cannot make generalizations about atheists? Sorry, I forgot that it is fair to generalize about the religious who are more diverse and larger in number. Sorry, my mistake. Well, while the religious might be experts at becoming martyrs and terrorists, at least the atheists are good at the whole mass murder thing. Huh? You say. Whoops!: Mao Zedong: Over 40 Million Chinese murdered Josef Stalin: Over 20 Million Murdered Pol Pot: Million+ Keep flaming, I'll flame back. Unlike religious types, I am not restrained by politeness or decency.
  10. Oh, this is a good trick. Assume that if someone defends a religious person, they must be some sort of hateful person who claims that homosexuals are doomed to damnation. You know, you don't really have to write these posts, I can write them for you. Stop being so predictable.
  11. Hmm... when I did say you had to read the Bible? Instead of assuming someone is saying something, you should actually learn how to read what someone else says. Of course, you have already said you are an expert at being self-indulgent.
  12. I am only trying to pay homage, father.
  13. Your wish is my command, JSP. I am the biggest poseur on this board.
  14. It would lose the alliterative value in that case.
  15. This mother-f--ing donkey does, but only of the carp variety.
  16. I have been watching Al-Jeezra all day long and haven't heard any word about the forthcoming prisoner abuse trials for the insurgents treatment of their POWs. Does anyone know when this will be on? I always thought that beheading and torturing prisoners was against the Geneva Convention or something.
  17. But the Bible also makes it clear that everyone is worth a damn and we should do what we can to make this world we are in now a better place.
  18. Some people like despair and meaninglessness, some people like to think they are smarter than others, hence atheism. We can throw arbitrary psychological pejorative carps back and forth all day long and have a gay old time.
  19. I guess that's why there are all those religious fanactics who protest abortion, the death penalty and assisted suicide...
  20. That's a rather superficial, although not unusual, explanation for religion and the idea of God. If you start out with the assumption that there is no God, then it's predictable to try to explain the existence of religion as some sort of psychological side effect. It's only natural to protect your ego as an athiest by putting faith into a theory that puts down the religious as victims of their own fear and weakness. That way, you can consoul yourself with the belief that you are stronger and more intelligent than those who disagree with you. IMHO, it's only human nature to filter belief into a way that bolsters one's self-esteem and removes the possible threat that something might be more intelligent. Atheism is just a natual by-product of this line of thinking.
  21. Interestingly, the theory was originally proposed by a French Jesuit named Georges Lemaître. Some argue that part of the resistence to this theory came because of the kind of person who proposed it. The whole transition from static theory to Big Bang theory kind of shows that while science may eventually accept the best working theory, scientists are just as stubborn as anyone else and are relunctant to let go of the theory that they believed in. Many brilliant scientists would not accept the theory by the time they died despite its overwhelming scientific support. Either way, the Big Bang theory at worst moves back to the goal posts when it comes to God. You could say what created the Big Bang and have it countered by then what created God, but at least with God you can get in to metaphysical questions. Any scientific theory cannot do that. Science deals with the HOW of the world. Religion and philosophy deal with the WHY. The spheres can be seperate on a broad level.
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