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DC Mom

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Everything posted by DC Mom

  1. That's a rather nasty attack. Besides, I think you could potentially reconcile both situations. In the 50s, owners felt that the backlash would hit him in the pocketbook. Now, fans have changed and would prefer to win regardless of the head coach. On the other hand, I wonder if owners were simply subconsciously not thinking of black candidates when they were envisioning the ideal coach.
  2. He's also over 65... not of course like that should matter to the current administration nor should it disqualify him anyway.
  3. I actually heard that later on it was revealed that he was killed over a different matter, not the own-goal.
  4. I have a treatment that I'd like to pitch to you, Kelly. Let me know when would be good for you.
  5. Sherman will not be named today. They need to interview at least one more person.
  6. Is that really the case? It seems like there was talk that we would interview Jerry Gray and that he was told they were going to go in a different direction... that doesn't seem to mean there actually was an interview.
  7. It's any minority-not just blacks. Rivera, for example, is hispanic and would qualify as well. Hold your horses. Only two candidates have been interviewed thus far. Likely more than one minority candidate will be interviewed. Cotrell and Rivera perhaps.
  8. I guess folks don't want to bother registering or something...
  9. Why hasn't there been any mention about the last president. I thought he was in a coma... are we to assume that he's dead?
  10. Except that Vanderjagt might have approached the kick differently if it was closer in.
  11. Whatever happened to Black Bear or Brown Bear or whatever that poster's name was?
  12. Wasn't the spread crazy big anyway? I think it was just revenge for the drunk kicker comments by PM.
  13. As long as he has some head coaching experience, I am fine with him.
  14. Is there a connection between the two jarthurs?
  15. Bill Belichick looks like he is going to cry.
  16. Did the Saints players actually like Haslett?
  17. I don't know, but Herm Edwards was just a defensive backs coach when he was hired.
  18. Marv does love the kicking teams and he did coach them himself...
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