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Casey D

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Everything posted by Casey D

  1. It's called the windy city because of blowhard politicians spewing hot air, not the wind.
  2. I am sure they will move the game to Detroit.🙂
  3. This post convinces me you are just a troll. The rhetorical question to you post is Why? What would have first down have gained that made it a bonehead play? Think carefully.
  4. The Dolphins run approach was their response to what the 49ers and Chargers did to them. Buffalo used the same approach and stayed in nickel to try and take away Hill and Waddle. Except for a couple of huge plays by the Dolphins, it worked. But it left the Bills vulnerable to the run, and the Dolphins sort of stayed committed to it. Dolphins failed to make a full commit, however, as that is not what they really want to do. It is a game of chess, and McDaniel made some good moves that Bills perhaps did not expect. Bills will have to further adjust.
  5. Based on some of the posters, you probably should have left about 5 hours ago.
  6. He's no Mike White, that's for darn sure.
  7. I see him getting released right after the Bills win the Super Bowl. That will show him.
  8. Exactly. The most likely SB winner has about a 17% chance, so when you accept the fact that the best team has an 83% chance of not winning it all, you can relax a bit.
  9. Happiness is the gap between expectations and reality. When you expect a Titans-like performance every week, you will end up being dissatisfied.
  10. He did make some nice throws. But ultimately on 10 points. Not good enough.
  11. Dallas barely beat the Texans at home. Stuff happens. All that matters is the W.
  12. And scored 10 effing points-- 3 largely meaningless. No style points.
  13. Come on man, they won. Not everything is always going to be perfect. They had the game in hand the whole second half. It was bad weather. Take a time out.
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