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Everything posted by loyal2dagame

  1. i dont know about that..... tim brown did return kicks...... i give him a 4.5 on the toughness scale
  2. 2+2=5 what if C-A-T really spelled dog. woah- thats heavy ogre
  3. you can easily say the same thing for jerry rice as rathman,craig and taylor had something to do with his success
  4. biggest problem/reason you might be in trouble is that week 5 you lose your qb,te(olsen),defense, and a runningback(bush). week 4 you lose your best receivers- boldin and jackson.
  5. besides boldin and maybe jones drew, you may be in trouble. is the league head to head? how many other owners?
  6. well, the bills current no huddle isnt like the no huddle the bengals and esiason ran, or the no huddle the kelly bills ran for that matter. the team is slow to the line, and when lined up still take 5-10 sec to snap the ball. maybe they are running it slow now to make sure everyone knows where to go when its fast and furious? even with this form of the no huddle, i highly doubt trent will be calling plays ala kelly. third, TO should be telling trent which routes are working, so that when he runs them again it results in a catch, first down, or touchdown. a qb's field vision should be good, but they dont see everything. and in trent's case, he seems to be nearsighted. maybe is time for a new contact RX? you know, so he can see downfield.
  7. espn news reporting dungy lost it on vick for drinking in public. i would have to believe vick is a real dumb a$$ or just doesn't care about reshaping his image and more importantly getting himself back on track in life
  8. only problem is that they have been putting this "good" team together since 2000
  9. http://buf.scout.com/2/238621.html brown was cut to save on the cap
  10. bledsoe and the bills d that were completely ineffective in that game. the bills deserved to lose and lose they did. that is a game i'll never forget. i drove back from allegheny state park at 7:00am on new years day to see that disaster happen. i should have stayed camping/sleeping/recovering and sold my ticket
  11. my take on those geico adds is that there is money staring you right in the face, and the people are too dumb to notice
  12. didnt the bills release ruben brown? he didnt leave for more money as a free agent
  13. channel 2 has stated how kelsey and denney's spots on the ROSTER are in jepordy
  14. been there (bledsoe vs steelers 2nd and 3rd stringers), done that, same result as usual
  15. careful there, tom brady has not been annointed the second comming of teddy......yet wait until the end of week 1 to see brady part the red sea. and belicheat will still know all of his team's opponents plays and formations and signals. it'll come out in the media that the burning bush told him
  16. i was going to say clements also, but after just 2 years, i dont think i can say he "made it" in sf yet
  17. while that may be true, you are comparing apples to oranges. you cant compare a god(teddy b) to a mere mortal(kelsey)
  18. wanst the same said about carl lewis and ben johnson at one time?
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