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Everything posted by LynchMob23

  1. Also, a lot it depends on what offense you go into. The west coast offense is notorious for the amount of verbiage before the actual play comes out. You move to something like say Chow, it's friendly, but you still better know your alignments and the pre-called shifts in alignment or you're going to look stupid out there! Think of it like a foreign language - the more you can conjugate and do the day to day, they better you'll be. That's why a lot of these younger QBs are learning about the philosophy behind the play to help them along in the ideas behind each play, so they know (or think they know) where the play goes. WARNING - Large Example coming up. Here's the Audibles Gruden uses (or used in 98 with the Raiders) from his mini camp playbook: That's a lot to learn, and that's just the audibles!
  2. And don't forget Ralph is a keen supporter of TV. So because of that, he was probably more than happy to have him paid for the full season, tutor the pups and then glide into an office role with the Bills at the end of this season. I'm sure by the time he gets the okay to get cut he'll either retire or stay on staff in some capacity.
  3. It's always good to go with the "4,5,6" Method as well. 4 Servings of Fiber a day 5,000 extra steps a day (about 40 mins worth of walking) and keeping a journal 6 days a week of what you ate It's been shown to be a keeper. Good luck!
  4. Figured I'd dogpile on this one with ya Lori: When Big Ted plays in a defense, he usually can be seen playing the 0 Tech as well, which as a former center is the single scariest thing a guy that big can play: right over the Center and just destroy whatever is in his wake.
  5. "Man, if that line keeps letting in sacks, Daunte's going to "get his roll on" in a wheelchair...SNAP!" (add optional actual finger snap liberally)
  6. When I was younger, I used it as my folks wouldn't allow us to curse. Since I don't now, I still use it...though it is annoying the number of knuckleheads using it now. From the Urban Dictionary, a few definitions and how to use it properly: A word that is used after a putdown/insult. Dude 1:"Look at those giant boobs." Dude 2:"They're not as big as yours, OH SNAP!" OR a phrase used to signify an unexpected and surprising event. "Snap" is considered the new "Wow". Also can be used with "Oh" such as "Oh, Snap" Oh, Snap! That dude just got ran over by a ice cream truck!
  7. Marv made an addendum to his famous quote when he became GM: "Play at a level your opponent is unwilling or unable to match."
  8. If he'd worked on his backpedaling like this as a Pro he would've been a HOF corner!
  9. Bobby April called the timeout because we had 10 men on the field. Shelton hadn't gone out.
  10. After the sunday night game with Tom Jackson on ESPN.
  11. Bob, I'd say give the OL kids a little time - the learning curve for defensive players is quicker than that of the offense. I think Butler's going to be our starting LT or RT in a year or two and we'll be happy for it!
  12. Va, he's already put himself on the list From the sportsline link on the main page: "We wanted that shutout," Whitner said. "And it was my fault. I underplayed the seven route and he cut up underneath it. I'm going to learn from it, and maybe next time I'll get the interception."
  13. http://www.miamidolphins.com/newsite/news/...8&section=23310 text of their conferences My favorite is definitely JP's: (Is this team rebuilding?) “It doesn’t really look like we’ve got that kind of attitude. I think every year you are rebuilding. Until you actually win a championship you’re rebuilding and doing whatever it takes to get there. What’s the difference if you lose in the first round of the playoffs or the second, you still lost. It’s about winning the big prize and that’s where we need to get to and that’s our goal . There are no moral victories, we have to win and pull off the tight games. It doesn’t matter if we lose by one, it just doesn’t matter, we have to get the w.”
  14. Puhonix, Since you showed up for your licks I can't rib you too much. But I'll say this - beware the disappearing act McMichael (a career receiving TE) is making in that offense. I think he'll be used as a blocker first from here on out under Moo and that's not a good thing for such a potentially explosive team. I think right now it's a mix of the Bills are playing within themselves and the Dolphins tried to do things that didn't help the situation. The one thing I'm glad about with the past two weeks is the Bills have been in both games without explosive offensive output. If that line can hold on for another 1 or 2 secs a play, we might be ridiculous. As it stands, playing smart'll do for me.
  15. And he look a heck of a lot better when he can just rush the passer and cover the run and not drop back into coverage - that probably hurt too.
  16. think Milwaukee Kill-wal-kee Thomas. He was an animal out there today!
  17. I am a newer poster, but I've been coming here a few years now (in fact a friend of mine nicknamed this board "The Mecca" for all the random non-Bills news I've picked up) and T80 had been one of my favorite posters. I pray that God watches over those kids and those of you who knew him focus on the good times and not the sad present. One more thing - life is short folks. I mean all of us have our gripes, our crosses to bear, but it's better than the alternative. Love those around you and make sure we put them ahead of the sillyness we all have! God bless y'all.
  18. Michael PS Haynes...the ps stands for Pretty Sacks...love the old school wrestling reference. One thing: who would be the other two?
  19. suxxorz, pwnd, l33t.... I'm sorry, I can't do that with a straight face and less than 14 pimples on my face, a desire to drink copious amounts of Mountain Dew and little to no hope of interaction with the opposite sex. ...wait, on second thought, maybe I can....
  20. I said all of that to essentially agree with you, I think. I gotta stop the Peyote before games...
  21. Cooper (the third Manning) is pretty laid back dude. Peyton said a few years ago that Cooper was the best out of all of them before his injury. It is weird to not see any pictures of him when they show the Manning family...
  22. JSP, You're right about the Lines, but I think a Tampa 2 vs Mr Culpepper (who really should have 3 picks so far) will give em a chance!
  23. Good point. That did seem a bit too much finesse. And, thinking without my Mularkey-hater shades on/All things Dolphins, Belly boy has dropped it before and they've called it....curious....
  24. Or He shouldn't trust that Rocket Surgeon up in the booth calling plays...
  25. He just ran in the same series both of the gadget plays the steelers did...that's hilarious
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