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Everything posted by SouthernMan

  1. In era when few of us get a pension at all through past employers, I can't feel sorry for Joe D who only gets $1200 and change for approximately 13 years of service in the NFL. Keep in mind that he had a free college education and can carry the cache of being an NFL Hall of Famer. Those are pretty good resume enhancements. Unless you're a complete loser, how would you have trouble finding employment especially in a region where something of a local hero? Can anyone seriously say Joe would have trouble finding a decent paying job in the star-struck Buffalo area? Nobody forced them to play football for the salaries and benefits they agreed to. It was a pretty sweet deal at the time. Did Joe have a problem getting a job after football? What makes him so special that he's whining about having to work until he dies. Did he not plan for retirement? Sounds like a case of sour grapes because today's NFL has come a long way from the days of cold showers in War Memorial Stadium. Back in Joe's day, football was a 6 month a year part time job. Today, it's practically a 12 month job, considering the level of conditioning and preparation needed to compete and keep a job. I guess I just have trouble feeling sorry for guys who've been idolized and received perks and financial benefits throughout their lives that the vast majority of us can only dream of. Today's rock stars have wised up to the ways of the record industry and are more financially secure than the founders. Should Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga have their paychecks garnished and siphoned off to beef up the bank accounts of Little Richard and Jerry Lee Lewis? Fun Fact: In 1982 Joe competed in the NFL's Strongest Man Competition. The other contestants were Lyle Alzado, John Matuszak, Mike Webster, Steve Furness, Curt Marsh, and Bob Young. Only Marsh and DeLamielleure are still living and Marsh has had a leg amputated. Consider yourself lucky Joe D and count your blessings.
  2. What, no love for Drew Bledsoe? Happy birthday Drew. Thanks for all the great.....oh wait....nevermind.
  3. I was being facetious. In other words, "wouldn't it just figure...". Kind of like when the Colts were able lure star tackle Will Wolford away with a offer that was anything but fair to the Bills. If I remember, the Bills had to match their offer. The problem was that he was offered a contract that would match the highest paid player on the Colts team, or something to that effect. The Colts didn't have anyone with Jim Kelly numbers, so what they offered wasn't exactly apples to apples. I don't remember the exact details, so don't jump up my ass if I didn't get it exactly right. But the bottom line is that it was a screw job, and the Bills lost their starting tackle. Of course, the following year, the rule was changed so that that sort of underhanded negotiation was eliminated. Too late for the Bills.
  4. This is nitpicking to the nth degree. The whole left side of center is lined up a little crooked. The left guard is probably the one responsible for getting it out of alignment. OK, so they're not perfectly parallel with the line markers - big deal. The players aren't synchronized swimmers, the USC marching band or the Blue Angels. So they're formation was off by 8 inches....it wasn't really violating the spirit of the rule. The Steelers blew coverage and deserved to lose. End of story.
  5. Here's something we can pretty much count on.... For the 2013 draft, the rules committee will realize that head-to-head match-ups should carry more weight than the strength of schedule setup currently used. This year however, Miami (who should be picking behind Buffalo, based on their 2-game sweep of the Bills) will draft a perennial probowler at # 9 whom the Bills coveted, and the Bills will then reach at #10 for a defensive back or pass rush specialist who will struggle to get on the field and will become a journeyman NFL player when the contract is up. see: Patrick Willis/Marshawn Lynch, 2007 draft to see how much that one change in draft position can effect the outcome The "strength of schedule" over "head-to-head" draft slotting rule seems convoluted to me. Using that line of logic, why not have playoff teams seeded according to strength of schedule?
  6. Someone in this forum actually has a brain. Best post I've seen in a long time. BTW - generally speaking, players who've been on the Bills team love playing in Buffalo. It actually does have a decent reputation among NFL players as a good destination. But the reality is that potential free agents are veterans with limited years to play, and they want to play for teams that have potential to be winners in the near future. Rebuilding projects aren't typically at the top of the list for most FAs.
  7. I didn't read through the entire thread, so forgive me if it's been repeated, but I'm shocked at the number of posts by readers in this forum that more or less condone bad bahaviour, since after all, "it is a football game". When did discourteous and vulgar behaviour become acceptable in a public setting? I don't care if it's a football game or the local library. It's not o.k. or acceptable to act that way in gatherings of people that could be offended by the language or action. The families acting respectably should sacrifice their day at the ball park so that drunken idiots can blow off frustration in an unacceptable way? This is a sad statement of where America is as a culture if the majority actually agree that such behaviour is ok in the setting of a football stadium.
  8. That is some convoluted logic. Is there any road game that they have a better chance of winning than any home game? Why is 8-0 so out of the realm of possibility? Skins, Jets, Fins, Titans, and Broncos. Although I'd say the odds are against them running the home table, to say they're "not going 8-0 at home" seems presumptuous. Not one of the five remaining home teams is any tougher than the Raiders or Patriots. It would be a tall order, but certainly possible.
  9. The NFL should be consistent with it's rules. If a handoff exchange between a QB and RB goes bad and the ball ends up on the ground, that should be called the "oops rule" and have the ball spotted at the point of drop.
  10. I'm sure he's losing sleep over that. Expect a fax or telegram from his agent in the near future, begging for you do consider him "alive" again.
  11. Why do you care if he drinks? Why so "fascinated" by what Jim Kelly does during his leisure time? The Entrainment Tonight and TMZ mentality in the country has run rampant. America has turned into a bunch of gossipy old washer women and voyeurs.
  12. I know, weird, huh? Just like a real person would do! BTW - that blue collar mentality, coming from his humble beginnings in East Brady, is one of the reasons he fit in so well in Buffalo. It really took hold once he got all the college-aged Hollywood playboy big man on campus stuff out of his system and got a dose of reality in Buffalo, I believe he came back to earth. Especially since he was surrounded by several other big egos with those super teams. I think guys like Thurman and Kent kept him in check if his head got too big. The 1989 Bickering Bills were a turning point in his maturing process. Does he tip a few? Does Dolly Parton sleep on her back? Are the Kennedys gun shy?
  13. Hard to tell from that photo of the two in their uniforms, but I could tell right away which one was Fred. I'm guessing not identical. Identical twins don't necessarily take identical paths. Former Bills LB Ray Bentley has an identical twin who never played in the NFL. Don't even know that he played football at all. The article reminds me that of all the bashing Marv has gotten for the recent personnel problems, Fred is one with a Marv connection that is still paying huge dividends. Where would he rather be than right there right now?
  14. Ditto. We used to hit Duff's back in the 70's, early 80's as a reputable joint to get great wings and cold beer. Went there last fall for the first time in about 30 years. A complete dissapointment for me as well - especially after bragging on them to the wife (not from WNY), who'd never been there. It's turned into a tourist thing, kind of a poor man's suburban Anchor Bar. The place was packed with out of towners and yuppie types. Back in our day it was just our little dive. I lived very close, so it was a fairly reular destination. Interesting note: like so many longtime Buffalo establishments, it's barely changed since the mid-70s that I remember. Dingy as ever. People talk about "Buffalo Wings" as if there's some great secret recipe. I'm in suburban Atlanta and there are actually a few places that have the sauce right. A place close to where we live has great tasting chicken, they're fried just right (crispy), but their sauce is horrible. We go there when we want wings out. I order them "naked", and after being served, I dress 'em myself from a little jar of the "secret recipe" (Frank's & Margarine)sauce taken from my wife's purse. Voila..real wings, the way they're meant to be. I now forget what it was about the last Duff's wings that we all disliked so much, but just remember they weren't very good. Don't know how they managed to screw that up.
  15. Big deal. Some casual posturing, akin to a politcal candidate stating, "as president. I'll...(fill in the blank)" File along with Jennifer Gish article under Mountains and Molehills
  16. If you didn't see it, you didn't miss much. I expected more - maybe some interesting quotes, more strategy talk between teammates, or sideline insight. Short version: Fitzpatrick saying "punch it in" when they were on the 1 yard line and screaming like a girl when they scored.
  17. A team that has a stout defense that wins games for them shouldn't have as much concern about their QB. That doesn't exactly describe the Bills D. The secondary, which not long ago was considered the strength of the defense, is now a weak link and susceptible to being dinged for big gains by any QB (like Brady) that has great chemistry with the receivers and throws with great accuracy. Also, there are plenty of teams that have backed up their starting QB with an experienced vet who can fill in adequately until the starter can return. Tyler Thigpen? Not exactly what I had in mind.
  18. Not so sure about a "real possibility of beating the Patriots". Anything is possible. But comparing the talent of the two teams, it's going to take A. Some lucky bounces B. Turnovers C. Brady having an "off day" at the same time the Bill's defense is having an "on day". I think the Pats at home will be a good measure of where the Bills are as a team. Don't want to be a downer, just giving a little reality check. Great to have two wins and no losses, but we beat a team with a coach already on the hot seat and a good bet to be in the running for the Andrew Luck sweepstakes. The other team, not exactly a powerhouse and also missing it's entire starting receiving corp, nearly beat the Bills at home. They would have if not for a couple of dropped sure interceptions. If the Bills have a convincing win over the Pats, or are even competitive and still in the game after the second half two-minute warning, I'll believe they're a team to be taken seriously. I fully expect Brady to carve up our porous secondary and head back to Foxboro victorious. Hope I'm wrong.
  19. Let's enjoy the victory - it was a great game -one of the most exciting in recent times. But I'll hold off on making playoff arrangements until they can consistently compete with the top teams. They showed signs last year with a near win against Pittsburgh. But until they show consistent play at a high leve and they are a feared opponent, fans of the Jets and Patriots et al, are penciling in a "W" on their prediction cards. Until the Bills prove otherwise, they're still perceived as a .500 or under team. Call me a skeptic, but after 10+ years of heartbreak, I need to see proof. The Bills are relatively weak team. Fitzpatrick's heads-up play made them winners this week. So, what happens if Fitzy gets hurt and is out for any extended period? How confident would you be in the team then?
  20. You should realize by now, it's of no use to be rational and make sense in this forum. I agree with nearly everything you said. I love Fitzy as our QB, but his arm strength and accuracy are 2nd tier talent. Fortunately, he's able to counter those weaknesses most of the time with his intelligence and awareness of the defensive formations. But if the Raider's defenders didn't have those stone mitts in the 4th quarter, the Bills would likely be 1-1 in the standings. If the Patriots blow the Bills out, as I believe they will, the Stadium Wall masses will be echoing you're sentiments next week. This week, you're just a "Negative Nancy" trying to throw cold water on the euphoria. The Bills have beaten one team that absolutely sucks (KC) and another with the home crowd behind them, but only by the grace of God and the butterfingered Raider DBs. I'd love to be wrong, but I think Bills fans will get a dose of reality this coming weekend.
  21. Didn't see any comments on it, so sorry if it's already been discussed, but what was with the blind zebras? Dareus was being held and tackled throughout the game - probably could have had at least a couple of sacks if not for the mugging he received everytime he got close to the QB. And somehow, the officials totally missed it.
  22. I'm not a regular listener, but on the heals of the exiting opening day win, thought I'd tune in Morning a.m. to hear the viewpoints. The Bills seemed to be the main topic for the time I listened, but my god...THE COMMERCIALS! One day, when I have nothing else to do, I'd like to take a stopwatch and time the commercial time to program time ratio. I'll bet in any given hour during their morning show, it's at least 50% commercials. Obnoxious local yocal ads to boot! I hit the mute button on my computer keyboard, and everytime I randomly un-muted it to hear some Bills talk, there was a commercial. After about an hour I just logged off. Hardly heard more than 3 minutes of Bills talk (or any other sports) in all that time. With tools like this forum and other internet sites at our disposal, unless you're driving around Buffalo and can't be on-line, I can't see any reason to listen to their station.
  23. The whole new look is superior than anything in years. If only they could have some grass stains and mud the look would be complete. Maybe in Miami*. They look like they came to play football, as opposed to the footie superman pajamas they've been donning at home the last 10 years. My god, they were awful and the teams who played in 'em have been terrible. Good riddance to indigo blues. *Random thought while watching 'fins last week: Is that the only stadium (Miami) that still has a baseball infield track in place until November?
  24. Kinda right back to where we started if they were to do that. May as well just put it back to the way it was before this season.
  25. I must have heard them say that. Hell, I don't keep up with every rule change. Figured no OT in preseason. Thought game was over at 0:00 mark of 4th quarter, tied at 32-32. Turned it off (wathing streaming video on net) Saw the score this morning, 35-32 OT...What the? I'm usually the first to be an apologist for annoucers who get scrutinized and criticized for every error (who's perfect?), but these guys are just not big on details. side note: I like Tasker and all, but he really goes overboard the opposite direction in his attempts at not being a homer.
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