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Everything posted by RJsackedagain

  1. yup ... try 35 bucks to freaking just park at Gillette Stadium
  2. Wait, I always thought she slept with Dr. J to get free chapstick
  3. Not sure, but I hope MM encourages Saban to sign some of the Bills' top-notch free agent linemen
  4. Clayton just confirmed it on ESPN Deportes
  5. Breaking news ...... Mortensen is reporting the Steelers should win this game with a 24-3 lead.
  6. The only thing this message is missing are the words "ESPN reports" before it
  7. Mort justed reported .... Boomer has gas on the set today
  8. Yes, but what happens when MM gets ripped a new a--hole by Saban for a bad call in a game or the fans of Fishville start to bust on him for shabby calls ----- we he run and cry like he did in Buffalo and then resign??? Once a quitter, always a quitter!!!!
  9. According to coffee boy Peter King, Ralph was calling TD and Mularkey all the time and taking away from their work. So, maybe Martz and Ralph would be perfect together
  10. a student ... he needs to learn how to stop an NFL offense AND he can practice once a year against USC
  11. while they are at it, maybe Sher can grab a few offensive linemen on the trip east to Buffalo
  12. I think Marv and Ralph forgot about the rule ... or maybe they feel they have addressed the situation since Marv and Ralph are both senior citizens and Marv is jewish
  13. Chris Mortensen is reporting that the Bills have a head coaching vacancy
  14. I heard their other top story was that chicken wings have arrived in Buffalo
  15. Apparently that headset that Mularkey wore on the sidelines was so he could talk to Ralph during the game, not his assistant coaches. ... Good Job PK, now go get yourself another cup of java and continue to blow Manning
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