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Everything posted by RJsackedagain

  1. Tim Couch wanted to blow you .... maybe he better sign with the 49ers, or whatever team Jeff Garcia ends up on.
  2. as long as he can catch the ball ... that's been the knock on him since he joined the big leagues
  3. Yeah, 2.5 million bonus for a guy who's big and can't catch ---- heck, I would have taken half that bonus and I CAN catch!!!
  4. Yes, a running team with no offensive line, but a "good" blocking tight end
  5. So much for the love scenes between Edgar and Chloe .... or for that matter their tea session scheduled for the end of the day
  6. It will be quite amusing if we those who labled Upshaw a 'tard and a moron will be posters enough to eat crow now. Is this supposed to be in english???? I think you might be the tard here!
  7. If we want to know the real reason behind Ralph's vote we need to check with Soprano and his "sources deep within"
  8. Hey according to Sopranos sources deep within, Ralph was actually voting no on ordering chinese for dinner again and that's why he raised his hand.
  9. Did Mort report there's a 50/50 chance they get a deal done this weekend???
  10. Looks like a fake letter to me ... why would Mawae be putting his salary cap figures in a letter to the fans??
  11. Well, according to Soprano's sources deep within, Walt is the father of Sun's child.
  12. Maybe she made a deal with Sawyer, he runs the 7-11 on the island. Looks like next episode he's peddling home pregnancy tests.
  13. ESPN.com's Len Pasquarelli told ESPNEWS that Chad Pennington had a 50% chance to remain with the Jets. This guy makes six figures a year for reports like this!!! Even Soprano could have come up with this one.
  14. Don't think Locke and Jack will be good cop/bad cop with their guest, I think Locke's just got some mental baggage from life ... but of course we won't be able to find out next week because Lost is once again taking a week off for a repeat. I agree with Stojan that was the best episode this season, but why do they have to take so many breaks with this show???
  15. And now he's betting on the kid. I jeard he dropped a few grand on whether teh kid would suit up last night. The best part about this story is the D/C slept through it for about a week until it made national news --- now they are falling over themselves trying to cover him.
  16. Say what??? They cut Williams, Adams, Milloy and Campbell, and this loses the identity of the team for you?? You ever heard of Lee Evans, Willis McGahee, Takeo Spikes, Terrence McGee and London Fletcher?? Williams had to go, Adams and Milloy are starting to show their age and are the Bills really going to miss Campbell?? Doubt they will.
  17. I kind of doubt ESPN's cap figures --- it seems like everywhere else I look the Bills and most teams are in better cap shape than Clayton says they are.
  18. maybe charlie ans sawyer will join the others??
  19. Sounds like the Bills old line coach Chris Farley, oops, I mean Carl Mauck
  20. Jerry is like the 300 pound elephant in the room that nobody wants to talk about ... WHY is he still with the Bills????
  21. I heard TD just bought a house there --- think maybe he knows something we don't??
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