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Everything posted by BillsWatch

  1. Two more words; Blocking ineligible I hate to doubt Buddy's nose but he sometimes sniffs other things beside news!
  2. Dictatorships are some of the best run goverments - the problem is that a dictator who knows how to get things done is often followed by a dictator whose idea of governing is padding the wallets of his relatives. Tito was an example of a dictator who did very well for his people not just those from his ethnic group or family. Hopefully this dictatorship will last a long time.
  3. Happy Birthday Ann. I hope you get a 'saintly' present.
  4. Did not see a post regarding his birthday and day is almost over.
  5. Sorry no camera this year. I travelled light from California. Back home now.
  6. You are completely right on this issue. It is not security just posturing. The SAME bag can not be brought in can be bought inside, the same bottle of water without a cap can not be brought in, etc. The NFL has joined the jokers at TSA at being pathetic.
  7. Yep. I believe she is married to Michael Shanks. Daughter, Mia Tabitha Shanks, with Lexa Doig, born 13 September 2004. This explains why she was not in most of last season of Andromeda.
  8. Do not forget to create a website. People google to find groups and I have got a lot of backers that way. Our group is over 100 and we have not pushed regulars yet in newsletter.
  9. Send me your mailing address by PM. I'll mail you that magentic schedule you wanted. I picked up a few extra at game.
  10. JP will do a lot of throwing on the run from right side of line. Mike Williams and Villarrial are doing a damn good job protecting JP. Hopefully someone can help Gandy (Daimon Shelton maybe? That guy is a load!) with protection clipping him.
  11. At the Suoerbowl with my closest 9 friends. I suspect for me to be that lucky, I'll have already won that contest that year for a free trip to the Superbowl with you 9 closest friends. I have already started the list and I am just waiting for the notice I have won. When that happens you know to bet on the Bills.
  12. Hmmmm tastes like Aligator when you do not cook it that long.....
  13. Stripes? Stripes as in Zebras those insanely overpaid neatly blind people on the field? I am not sure if he is complimenting him. Is he related to up'Chuck DICKerson?
  14. Well they could do a DNA test on the ball if it is important. Skin cells will remain on it from Losman. I do not think Jason 'the Thing' Peters has skin cells....
  15. No but Bills DID try to get Jennings to play center as he did in college but he didn't want to because other positioins pay more. It works both ways - some of the players who teams want to play center want to play other positions.
  16. I went back and checked my photos from that tailgate and only one survived. Not sure why. The one that survived? This one of SDS. http://img277.imageshack.us/my.php?image=pict04246sm.jpg
  17. Head and shoulders? What a waste of effort with baby doll shirts .... Sorry. I'd offer to help but the only tool I use are bitmap ones.
  18. Can you add the "Seniors" group picture to this thread?
  19. Looking forward to it (yu coming to tailgate) already. Some people who came later had some problems getting served - I do not think they are used to people in parties coming in at different times hence being in 'common" room works out better. We (aside from Lancaster Steve and his lovely, not-skinny wife Lisa) are not "box seat" type of people.
  20. Denney has also not been playing bad just not well enough to be #1 in depth chart. He also kept Constantin Ritzmann on roster and this year he is on PS rather than competition. Maybe TD thinks white high-motor DE's are undervalued which is why he has been grabbing the best? I agree with Bailey over Jennifer as well as Mary Ann over Ginger
  21. There were a lot of odd things going on in that defense. An example - we saw Kelsay and Denney lining up next to each other. Gray changed the defense so teams could not use tape from last year like Pittsburgh did to neutralize our defense.
  22. Not this year for me. Flying to CA and back for game took too much out of me. The good news is since I went to bed earlier I was able to get to tailgate earlier.
  23. If anyone needs some space to host pics or some thumbnails for pictures, let me know via PM and I'll try to accomidate. No pictures from me this year, I travelled light since I was flying in from CA.
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