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Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Dwight Drane

  1. Nice to see Scott give his blessing on the thread.......where were you all this time? Getting your salad tossed by a young boy?
  2. Just to spice it up one night....I watched a black guy shoot a load in her hair forgive us all!
  3. What's even better is when my sausage gets taken in by a nice, hairy beaver
  4. Nothing like watching a pusssy and ass getting rubbed at the same time.
  5. Now that my giant rooster is here to save the day......all is well. Admire my giant rooster
  6. If my little Chefie's happy...then I am happy.
  7. Blow or Hand? PS....sorry about the hangnails last night
  8. Sorry about the bad break. I know a lot of the guys here are busting on you because of the possible hazy priority level, but the fact is you have tons of time, work, and emotion into your son's young "career", and seeing something like this go down hurts both him and you. As correct as anyone may be in their assesment, that does no good to cure the sting that you feel.....and it is a legitimate pain. I am involved in the ultimate hard-luck story industry.....horse racing. I can relate 100% to the pain and frustration you have now, as I once felt that way until I was able to harden myself to the fact that those are the risks that come along with the game. You've enjoyed the highs of watching your son dominate at times on the field, doing something you both seemingly have a passion for. The mind starts to wander in that situation.....he's young....what if he keeps improving at this level.....what if he is able to get into a program and dominate there too...what if a scout at a college game notices him.....etc...etc. Your seratonin receptors are firing on overdrive as you celebrate his on field accomplishments...and have huge reason to HOPE about the future. When you have a huge setback like this.....it is truly a psychological drug taken away from you. Not only do you have to deal with the reality of MRIs and HMOs, but the "high" was just taken away from you and you are going to have some emotional DTs for a while. This is natural.......there is plenty of time to sort things out long term in the regular game of life for your son, but for now it hurts like hell......and I understand. You know the game well enough to understand the odds. If in fact the knee is shot....in a few months the sting will start to ease and your son will have to sort some things out. All you can do now is use this as a timeout to re-evaluate the reality of the situation and objectively refelect on all aspects of your son's future. Even if he never hits the field again, that doesn't take away all the awesome experiences you have had with him over the years. Once the shock...anger..and grief take their natural course...I am sure you can bring things into perspective. Until then...your angst is real. Just don't let it linger into bitterness or you will miss the next opportunity to enrich your son's life.
  9. Says the guy living in San Francisco who enjoys cooking.
  10. I hope you like a$$ play, because I'm gonna tickle you from down here, ALLLLL NIGHT!
  11. I think that's what he is hinting at. DC is a F'd up place. If you value your soul, you stay as far away from that place as possible. I'd feel cleaner getting a hummer from a prostitute in the bathroom of a used car dealership than I would having anything to do with politics.
  12. "Look at the ass on that Brazilian chick." or "We're F#@$%d"
  13. Who's next? Tim Raines 100-1 Dino Ciccarelli 80-1 Tom Kite 50-1 Greg Louganis 12-1 Alexi Lalis 75-1 Rolando Blackman 100-1 Other 1-9
  14. The Dranish Panickers..........makes a good name for my fantasy football team. Since there is no real demand increase in many of the failed markets, and the banks were already allowed to mark up their inventory to unrealistic levels, how do we get out of this without the government printing and buying all the way up? The main damage is done.....control has been consolidated, assets have been spit up, and the laundering chain put in place. I think the whole world knows the playbook....it's just a matter of how long it takes for the game to play out. For anyone that has been through a blizzard, or a hurricane.....you just try to survive the storm as it is happening. The next day you survey the damage and try to unclog critical infrastructure. We have made it through those steps. Problem is....you usually have to go through a period of time afterward where the power is out, nobody goes to work, and everyone just sort of hangs out with the radio on, eating tuna and drinking warm beer. We are just STARTING that process. What happens if another hurricane hits as you are in limbo from the first? Remember, the mechanics and psychology of inflation are not the same thing. When they work together it will be a disaster. I have said from the beginning this will end in war. I am glad things have held off, but this is all too much of a trainwreck to resolve itself. We are lucky China is patient at this point....although you can say they've been at economic war with us for decades and their patience will win the day without ever having to fire a live round. The middle east on the other hand.........
  15. Don't worry....the government and evil corporations are now one in the same. Now we can all be paranoid together. Someone asked why Immelt was on the advisory board....???? Speaking of checks and balances, the 2nd Amendment is a pretty good one. I can sense people that were willing to give this administration a shot at the beginning are now losing patience, and fast. I think perceptive folks can see the true colors shining through. Smoke and mirrors only work for so long.
  16. That is awesome. One life experience I've never had is catching a foul ball or a puck. I've been to I'd guess, around 500-600 sporting events and have never come close. I would gladly let my computer hit the ground for that chance. Someday I'm going to have to cheat and go watch BP before the game and go knock over some 10 year old as I chase down HRs.
  17. You may want to question the effectiveness of an operational chief when his choice in a mate is this lacking. He must have married young, before he was anywhere near the industry. I guess not as bad as getting nailed wearing women's clothing like some of our finest.
  18. Ok....if you usually don't get hot girls, but have one now and are stressed enough to post here........I'm guessing the chick is loaded with baggage, is probably crazy and picks fights or needs drama in her life, something doesn't feel right to you but she is too hot to ax at this point. If I am wrong and you are just tired of her and don't trust her....dump her. If I am right....dump her. Your sanity isn't worth it. Go back to 6's you can trust. A lot of us have had girls out of our league but they end up there for a reason. Think........Terrel Owens
  19. I'm sure he wanted to satisfy a little more than a foot fettish.
  20. You would think a guy like that would carry at least $100 in cash on him..........huh?.....
  21. Israel hits Iran in the middle of all the distractions. If I had to guess. 6 billion people is too many. Come'on......look at the regulations that have gone through recently. Eventually it is easier for them to just use tools at hand to kill people off. I also enjoyed the extra hour stock trades were going through today. That was a first. Wonder what China needs this time?
  22. If you don't expect anything of someone, you shouldn't get frustrated. I used to get frustrated here, but then I figured out where everyone was coming from. Now I treat the site for what it's worth.
  23. Is it a falsetto sort of scream.....or a deep, roid rage scream?
  24. Yeah....graduate from Florida Said Unqualified Quick question....do you live in a stand alone place, or a complex down there?
  25. If you are the one that released the strain, wouldn't it make sense to unleash it on your own people first in a mild form so they can build resistance to it.....then when the big one hits, you fare the best out of everyone? How can the big one hit? You can answer that question, doctor. It can also hit with a second release of a different strain later on. Your chances of mutation go up a heck of a whole lot as this continues to spread. The CDC is pumping out PSAs. I am not saying this is a giant killer....in fact, if you argue that it isn't, wouldn't forced vaccinations be unwarranted? Why is the CDC and WHO slowly ramping this up then??? There is something wrong with the timing of this. A situation like this is exactally what I am worried about. Our buddy Obama comes out today in the middle of a giant unemployment announcement and says he is deeply worried. The clowns that represent you are passing every piece of restrictive legislation possible. I have said from day 1 it could be nothing, but if you don't look at this situation with extreme caution, you don't understand geopolitical dynamics.
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