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Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Dwight Drane

  1. I would bet almost everyone here knows someone that has had a serious flu over the past few weeks. We are in summer...this isn't normal. I have the TV on in the background and the Surgeon General/CDC just ran a PSA on the swine flu gaining traction and to prepare for a larger outbreak. Argentina is overwhelmed by this, and South and Central America are getting hit. Over 1 million in the US have gotten the swine flu and the Catholic health system in Buffalo is in an outbreak and are preventing children under 14 from visiting their facilities. Deaths are starting to pick up. Things such as "containment areas" and "mass containment busses" are being spotted around the country. There are full blown preparations taking place, and plans for mass vaccinations in the fall are being floated. Unless people are laying in the streets, many will not pay attention. Given this administration's power and control grab, would it surprise anyone here to see mass programs installed because of this flu?
  2. Why, most certainly! I go for the ponies. With Craigslist, at the last second 2 years ago I ended up with a 3 bedroom place for what worked out to be $750 a week. Nothing fancy, but it beats $300 for a hotel each night. Before the economy tanked, the average person in Saratoga could pay 6-10 months of their mortgage by just renting out their home for 6 weeks. They probably will regulate out Craigslist somehow. It is too easy.
  3. I go to Saratoga most summers and I use Craigslist to find a home that someone is renting out. By getting rid of a broker, both sides save money, and the best part is that I can wait until the last second for people to skitch on their commitments and a place gets freed up for cheap. The people are usually just thankful they were able to still rent their place out on such short notice even if it is for less. It is a simple tool that screws over a bunch of different legacy revenue producers.
  4. I think a better question would be.....given the information age where any able-bodied and motivated citizen can pull up every thinkable piece of information on anything or anyone, why do we keep putting the same corrupt, self-serving rodents into office to represent us?
  5. You joke....but if you are Rh- you can make some good cash. I used to "donate" at Somerset Labs in Amherst between classes and would take home $7k a year tax free......all while reading and getting a free lunch. Five minutes from UB. Nabi used to do it in Florida, but I think they are done. Instead of getting a job as a ballboy, try getting a job at a local stripclub. Not as a dancer....but as a host/bouncer/bartender. Orlando is a booty-trap with a bunch of good looking young girls and tourists around all the time. If you are really lucky, you'll meet a girl that can support you. All you need to know is how to say "I understand.......How could she do that to you?.........That B word...........My uncle did that to me once too." Now you're all set.
  6. Pros: 1) Jason Peters is an athletic freak that has both enormous size as well as muscular tone. 2) Because of 1, he has above average speed, strength and balance for his position 3) Because of 2, he is an ideal choice to run behind and IDEALLY, use in misdirection 4) He was acquired on the cheap, but was rewarded with a stepped up contract prior to expiration 5) The only player with the physical stature of Peters available to replace him was Jason Smith of Baylor Cons: 1) Jason Peters lay face down with a torn groin at the end of 2007, and in my opinion has not regained his same level of speed and balance 2) Jason Peters did not take his injury seriously and held out of all training and team sponsored rehabilitation while at the same time demanding another contract adjustment 3) Jason Peters is a highly functioning invalid, given his score on the Wonderlic 4) Because of 3, Jason Peters is not an ideal choice in an offense geared to quick, intelligent decision making, which the Bills have assembled the pieces for over the past few years and look to employ this season 5) Jason Peters put unreasonable demands on the team given his production level and dedication over the past 18 months This does not mean he was unreasonable in wanting an extension for his overall body of work Result..... The Bills made what I consider to be a wise decision given Peters play after return from injury, their new offensive philosophy, and the position Peters and his agent had taken As for his ProBowl visit last year, anyone doubting Union politics in the NFL needs to understand the power the players have. Watching Troy Vincent in action off the field as well as talking to many former players will let you know how tight it is to those with understanding. For the love of the baby Jesus, they all wore a Gene Upshaw patch on their jerseys, even if they all weren't on board. Will the Bills be a better team because of Brad Butler in the lineup instead of Peters.....no. But when you take salary, system, draft picks, and the example this trade sends into account....the franchise is ahead on a whole.
  7. I predict you will have a smashing performance, and will be sporting your PhD on Thursday. For $200 in my Paypal.....I will reverse my prediction.
  8. You can't smuggle in a horn easily, but you can get an empty balloon in without a problem. Once in, inflate said balloon, pinch sides of valve.....slowly release air.....deafening high pitched squeal.....x72,000. When Brady has the ball, it will sound like the SPCA on a megadose of Viagra.
  9. You must be 11 years old to not understand the Union does what is in the best interests of a Union. Or you are in one.
  10. I will admit, I have booed twice at a Bills game. Once when Mularkey botched a series at the end of a half. The other time last year when Peters whiffed and gave up sacks on 2 straight plays. I was angry....and I don't care enough about sports to get angry anymore. That should be a barometer of how much Bills fans are disgusted by someone who thinks they are the best, but doesn't give any effort. Although, it hasn't quite rubbed off on the Sabres "fans" yet.
  11. You are getting warm.......it was a UNION play. The Union guys give a few names for everyone to vote in. Peters was key because he ends up looking correct in going against management. The Union sends a message, "you want to play hardball and underpay one of your top guys? Then we'll make sure you look like fools, push him through the Pro Bowl again, and force you to pay the man." It softens up management for the next battle a bit. No matter what team it is, even if they are correct in wanting a player to honor a contract.....union ball don't work that way.
  12. Peters doesn't fit the system the Bills are installing on offense. You need to be able to think on your feet. Peters is lucky he can tie his shoes. Peters became a Pro Bowler with Dockery next to him. While Dockery underplayed his huge contract, he probably also covered up many mistakes by Peters. On raw talent, Peters is top 5. Considering what the Bills want to do with Edwards and their skill set, the trade was a sound decision.
  13. How about Moorman? You can say it's after the punter, but it's really because he's white as can be. Plus, he'll probably have his way with multiple ladies at the park. Or....Eightball
  14. Hire a stripper and play a game of washers. Over the nip is 2 points. A leaner on a boobie is 1 point. In all honesty, do what Chef Jim said, but I'd lose the liquid and add some squid and shrimp.
  15. I have a rat terrier and she is FEARLESS! She hates big dogs and since I took her in from the pound, I don't know the source of her fear/anger. I agree that it is so nice to have a little one. I take her for a few short walks, get her riled up to run around in the yard, and otherwise she is of little to no problem. Smart little thing too. Any dog is a good dog, especially if you don't have kids and are responsible. I have had a Rhodesian Ridgeback with a touch of pit in her, a Sheltie, a West Highland/mutt....they are all awesome and would do anything for me. The biggest question in my mind is your type of home and exercise level the dog needs. I like big yard/ big dog theory.
  16. Well, being Korean myself, I would go with a little of both....and a refreshing Coors Light to wash them down.
  17. The Cargo Bin on United flight #2367 from Aukland to LAX
  18. I can understand wanting to lock them in. I am surprised the city hasn't left them for dead the way the front office has acted. I had seasons going back to college for $5 in the Aud. I had them when I lived in Florida. I just couldn't stomach the style of play anymore. When the Sabres were bad, you couldn't give tickets away. I kept them an extra year and scalped every game for 3x the price...so I do owe Quinn a thank you for that. Last year I don't think I made it through a game on TV from start to finish. If the team is sold and Quinn and Darcy are gone, I will come back in a heartbeat. I just feel like I would be supporting Nazis now. By the way....you have the best resale value on a % basis if you need to sell seats. Club seat holders are lucky to see their money back...you should be able to get $20 for almost any game, $30-40 for nice games, and $50-75 for Toronto. Also, you can go to the boxoffice and upgrade for single games. Do yourself a favor and treat yourself to Studio 200 tickets one night. For an extra $50 a seat, you sit at a table with waitress service in the club section and nobody is there to bother you. It is like a suite for 1/3 the price. Section 4 I believe puts you next to Robitaille for the game. He'll chat you up with Sylvester if you are nice and know the game....which you qualify for both. Have fun!
  19. Gag me.......if you are going after some stray Argentinian 'tang......don't be a pu$$y with freshman college lit class poetry.......hit it....and hit it like you mean it. The way Washington works....they probably have info it was a guy, and in a deal to strongarm him out after his Stimulus shenanigans.....bargained with him to say it was a woman and save face. Who knows. One thing I do know is I hope nobody on this board comes from big money and is involved in politics, because there is some crazy kinky stuff that needs to be done to get these peoples' rocks off. I am sure there are some legit factions, but one of my biggest life lessons was to spend some time with a friend at Georgetown. It was like a Mark Foley candy store there.
  20. This thread was ripe for a pixieland link........you guys are losing your touch.
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