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Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Dwight Drane

  1. They left a few off the list: No filming of midgets in hot air balloons No mother-in-law on mother-in-law action No use of fecal matter unless the consistancy is at least that of a Snickers bar No Hitler moustaches No Asian amputees
  2. I understand it will be easier for people like me to get covered.....like I said though, the first scan the doctor says inconclusive and I am told it is probably fine. Now what are the odds I am able to get another test done under a public plan? If I was without insurance, I guess I would have had to go on Medicaid.
  3. I'm cool, thanks for the thought. I should be going strong all the way to the apocalypse! I will be on surveillance though for the next 7 years and will not be insurable as an individual. I need CT scans and X-Ray/Blood done every few months and I have been to 8 different hospitals for tests/care over the past 10 years. The system is under stress as it is, and it is far from perfect. In fact, I don't know how older folks can deal with it. I really fear what will happen though under a government system. By the way....notice how quick the Birth Certificate issue died! You didn't even see me touch that one though.
  4. Kelly...you're really working hard on this one. I respect you more than the average Liberal scum that lies with a straight face because I think you really feel you are doing the right thing. You have passion at least...and I appreciate that. That video tells you what the plan is. Now I choose to take BoBo at face value when he said multiple times that he wants a single public option, and they might need to start with something a bit watered down for a few years. I pay out the ass for private insurance as someone who is self-employed. I also have maxed out my deductable and co-insurance this year. I would have died if I was on the government plan. My first ultrasound (which I was able to schedule on my own and have done within 2 weeks) came back as inconclusive. The Dr. said he didn't think it was anything. I went for a second opinion at Roswell (which my private insurance entitles me to do). In a matter of 6 hours not only did they tell me it was cancer, but they had me in a CT machine, chest X-ray, blood tests....and had me on the operating table within 36 hours. I was then given chemotherapy over radiation...MY CHOICE! If I was on BoBo's plan, your wet dream would have come true and I'd probably be dead now. At the very least the cancer would have continued to spread. Since I had cancer before, they certainly wouldn't waste a 2nd test on me if a Dr. said things looked ok to him. I will continue to pay out the ass for private insurance and be thankful that I can afford to do so.
  5. And the federal income tax was temporary and not capped at 20% because that was deemed to be outrageous. Watch this: Obama Lies.....Granny Dies
  6. That wasn't the only example.......the system is to put a quantitative value on a human life using age and health as a guide, in the case of determining who will receive "scarce medical intervention". I understand that tough choices need to be made in certain circumstances. Problem is, this program that is getting rammed down our throats is going to multiply those circumstances exponentially. Countless amounts of people will die while waiting for approval from a government stooge. Countless more will die waiting for access to tests and proceedures even after approval. Countless amounts will die when approval is denied. Obama is on record saying they need to sneak single payer healthcare in through the backdoor. This plan is devious and would be a disaster....and the average American can smell it. The current system is not ideal. Hospitals and Insurance Companies play games in order to stick it to the patient. I know first hand from having to deal with the system the past 10 years. I blame providers as well as insurance. I also know that the system is stressed to a breaking point right now with a lack of quality providers to keep up with current patient load. This new plan that takes away patient responsibility in paying and takes power away from the doctor as well will break the system for good. It doesn't take a math major to see what will happen. I think healthcare needs to be more affordable. This is not the way to do it. By trying to shotgun this, they are only bringing scrutiny on themselves.
  7. So it is ok to value one life over another? Understood.
  8. If GG is around......have you heard anything "special" about to happen, say the weekend of August 22nd? You've been quiet lately.....that scares me!
  9. I'm Sure They'll Be There To Do Paperwork Just up on Drudge now..... I'm sure DC Tom will burry his head under another 3 bags of sand and have an oh so clever insult mocking my faith or sanity.
  10. "Principles for allocation of scarce medical interventions" Once again.....what is going to happen to the United States medical system once 50 million new patients are added, doctors see their salaries cut, and control is taken out of the hands of the provider and patient and given to the people who have devised this system? An MRI in Canada takes 6 months to be completed. Is that scarce? A CT scan.......A 15 MINUTE CT SCAN......4-6 months wait. Is that scarce? Everything will become scarce except for being able to get antibiotics at the walk up grocery clinic because you have a sniffle. This isn't partisan.............this is right/wrong. You are smart enough to see where this very well could lead.
  11. Did you read this? Do you not understand that nearly every medical procedure will become scarce once we add 50 million patients to the system? Oh....I am sure you will have tons of qualified people clamoring to become doctors to meet the demand....at 1/2 the salary and being told by the government how to treat their patients. This paper determines the Complete Lives System is the best choice. It's only a paper though, right? What if I wrote a paper where instead of determining a healthy 25 year old was worth 7 sick 70 year olds......I said that a Christian was worth 7 Jews? Or a white was worth 7 blacks? To quantify one human life over another in absolute terms is just plain sick. Yes....when the ship is going down....women and children to the lifeboat first. Funny thing is.....according to this Complete Lives System....we have it all wrong. All the working men ages 15-40 should be saved and we should let the little kids drown since we don't have as many resources "invested" in them. Anyone who defends this is a Sick Fuk
  12. Glenn used to laugh too. He figured out the deal eventually. Heck, I used to laugh. Rush is a tool. O'Riley is clueless. This isn't a Republican thing.
  13. The fact that you can't take the temperature of the current situation just goes to show how chaotic the end game will be. I am not even blaming you for this, as I know plenty of good people who can't do it as well. There are plenty of quotes and literature on Emanuel out there. Obama has surrounded himself with some sick people. I would let Cheney and Rumsfeld babysit my kids before I'd shake the hands of a few of these clowns Obama has making his policy. The country is bankrupt. The past 12 months has been a disgrace watching this cash grab. People are waking up though. You won't have to listen to me much longer. The wheels are in motion and a direction is being chosen. I chose my new screen name a while ago because the line that separates good from evil would become clearer for all to see. That line is starting to shine through. While many still don't understand what is taking place around them, soon everyone will have to choose sides. Many will be brainwashed into defending evil, but many will chose it on their own. Watching the reactions in this forum over the past 2 years has been a great learning tool for me, and I thank everyone for leaving little doubt in my mind where this country is headed. We are just finishing up the preseason and entering the regular season. I am scared to see what the SuperBowl will look like.
  14. As long as the crucial 3% of the public, and 60% of the military understand what the deal is.....we'll all be just fine. The rest of you sit back, and have fun doing your Olberman/Maddow impressions. That is, until you crap your pants when reality comes knocking at your door and Fantasy Pundit is the least of your worries. I always wondered how the Germans got away with it.
  15. Are you people fruity? Go google "Ezekiel Emanuel Complete Lives System". It's not worth arguing with people that don't want to seek out the truth. This is Obama's top medical advisor and brother to his COS. One of his quotes from 2008..."Doctors take the Hippocratic Oath too seriously." Another one of Obama's advisors says that as time and effort is invested in a "born fetus".......after a few years of living it starts to be considered a human being. This goes along with Emanuel's theory of only giving coverage to people ages 15-40 and let everyone else cross their fingers. People are waking up. Hopefully this is a peaceful revolution. Baring that I hope it doesn't turn into a civil war.
  16. Obammy's Grammy He says he would have paid for it because it was his grandma.....NO SHICK!!! That is the point. 99% of us don't have that money, so it's easy for you to impose rationing when you are above it all. (i.e. Al Gore and his 16x energy consumption on a home he resides in on an occasional basis.) If 80% of costs come after someone is "terminal", do the math. You stop paying for terminal patients.....but who decides if/when one's condition is terminal? It will be some pipsqueak in the government....not you or your doctor. I'd rather fight an insurance company and live vs. have to die waiting for approval and then care from the government.
  17. Um....no he wouldn't. He wanted $11.5 per year. And $1.1 million gets you an All-Pro punter. Walker plays LT now.
  18. If I do find a squirrel, I'll make sure to turn it over to the proper liberal authorities so they can shoot it up their rears. Liberals: Willing to march thousands at a time to promote the naturality of guys putting PP's in each other, yet the guy with a few 22's is the whacko.
  19. Let's see....they move him out of his natural position, stick a rookie next to him, tell him to lose 40 lbs., and keep paying him RT money to play a position they were willing to pay his predecessor $5 million more to play. He's taking one for the team.
  20. Would you like to take on whacko right winger like myself in say......an IQ test? I would give you 5-1 odds that I can outscore you on a Wonderlic, or any other standard test. We could order a sealed test and have it shipped to the tailgate. Not only would I give you 5-1 odds, but your other flamer liberal friends could yell in my face the whole time I take the test. I'd even let them throw popcorn at me. Whaddaya say? I ain't lern too good......and I am obviously a crazy person who shouldn't even be able to figure out how to operate a mechanical pencil. You have nothing to lose....right? I am after all, a low information voter.
  21. For all the Homer, Litigious, Pansy Appologists......who want to act like these little punks have been framed, or that a 62 year old cab driver deserves any sort of manhandling from a 20 year old pro athlete and his 6'4" cousin........you make me sick. It is one thing to say "let the facts be heard".....sure, but you are making excuses for disgusting acts. There is no way around it. So sorry the autographed jersey you paid $300 for might be tarnished now. Where I come from, the next time a guy like Kane gets in a car....he will start out in the front seat...only to have the two guys in the backseat end up throwing him in the trunk. I can excuse Marshawn Lynch before I will excuse this clown if the story is even 15% true. It's probably closer to 85% true.
  22. I would have gotten a copy of Deliverance off the shelf, started calling the kid "Ned", then told him his punishment would be to watch the movie with me. He'd learn his lesson right about the time you reached for the hand lotion. You did fine......he was at least $8 scared I am sure.
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