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Everything posted by nucci

  1. How are we catching them at a perfect time? They're 9-1, won 4 straight coming off big road win in KC. This won't be a "letdown" or "trap" game for Eagles
  2. I used to walk barefoot to school in the snow.....
  3. It's not just that play, it's pushing the pile in general...RB near goal line and gets pushed in. It is starting to look like rugby. Used to be you couldn't push a player forward
  4. why do you want someone slower who has lost a step or two to play safety?
  5. all teams hide injuries. Pederson said Lawrence's knee has been the reason for his poor play and he's not on the injury report
  6. Maybe stop with so many substitutions after every play....leave these guys in to get them going......same players also helps play get called quicker.
  7. He's sounds dumb. It's a football game. Doesn't require deep thinking
  8. No, he's not and don't call me Shirley
  9. you're not the first to say the team is struggling and you can't compare us to a Superbowl winner facing adversity because we haven't won a Superbowl
  10. I hate when announcers say a team scored too fast. One of the dumbest comments ever created
  11. No one is giving up a draft pick for McDermott
  12. I wouldn't spend that on a PSL regardless of how much money I have. It's one of the biggest scams out there. $20K and then the cost of the ticket?
  13. next gen stats are stupid. watching games where they post win probability at 90% and that team ends up losing
  14. yep, that's worked well so far. Though I believe it's time for McDermott
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