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Everything posted by dundy249

  1. not saying I think they will be fine as JP looks like Bledsoes ugly cousin. But the starterts did not really play the first half. Jp DId Willis was out in the 1st quarter and the O-line did not play much in the 2nd quarter
  2. where are they being pushed around??? Goal line stop. ! touchdown given up on a very short field
  3. 2.53 yesterday. 4.89 today try that And everyone is out of Gas
  4. Try 6.39 in Atlanta. 5.00 in Charlotte, NC (Just paid $64 to fill up my little sports car.)
  5. This coming from a guy with the nick of bring back RJ?
  6. You know we here this same stuff year after year...They lost this player and that player they will sick....Until someone takes it from them they are the top dog! I am Bills fan
  7. Lets see how Kyle does against starting units before he is made a God
  8. you A..hole its pre season..soryy thought I would get in on the insults.
  9. offensive....first good defense we have played in pre season
  10. It was a bad snap? the ball was laying down
  11. You forgot some key stats....Sacks, fumbles game winning drives...Funny how Beldsoe backers always forget that stuff
  12. Too bad you still can not get Sunday ticket DISH=RJ
  13. Try DIrec TV? then you get them all Screw the Cable empire!
  14. I would have to disagree. I asked my dog and he proceeded to lick himself and then sniff his own butt. I think we are looking at wild sex with underage girls here.
  15. What scrimmage were you watching? Favre looked like crap minus the 3 plays in goal line. He threw 2 near picks and was saked like 12 times
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