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John from Riverside

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Posts posted by John from Riverside

  1. It honestly has nothing to do with the height it has to do with


    - Understanding how to get low and get leverage

    - Have the...and exuse the term...the ASS to be be able to drive block and get that leverage while still being mobile enough to execute the other blocks needed



    The problem with Pears is he didnt have the ass......literally



    So, my question is still why does Whaley draft these huge O linemen that can't move to play the Zone scheme that requires agility?


    I'm just asking, as I don't understand how the drafting can be SO bad on the O line.

    What this could be is one of those examples of Marrone and Whaley not communicating.


    I'm holding out hope that Manuel looks like the real deal when they "roll the balls out there". The guy has put in a ton of work and when you do that sometimes that can be the difference between getting you over the hump or not. I'll bet that Manuel does have an inside track over Cassel in terms of knowing what Roman wants to see. I remember that Manuel and Kaepernick worked out together last offseason. So I'm sure they're buds and Kaepernick has probably given him some pointers regarding Roman's offense. IMO there's a real chance that Manuel's improvement is substantial.

    To me the biggest difference might have been that time EJ Manuel had to be able to sit behind Kyle Orton with the spot light off of him.


    He needed that.....and frankly that should have been how he was handled in his 1st year

  3. Duke got much better as the season went on. He is a hard hitter and sure tackler. I think he has what it takes to start and produce. He's not going to be a top 5 safety or whatever, but he will be a valuable member of the secondary and teams.

    I agree....I thought Duke got better the more he played.


    If you want to be a good team you have to draft well and play those guys.

    I feel like we knew both those things....

    To me i feel like there is a better chance we bring Spikes back then adding Landry

  4. I disagree about squats. Best lift is the deadlift and for football you want to add a power clean to the end which mimicks you exploding up and blocking someone or running them over

    In my opinion ALL olmpic lifts are needed for football.......and the squat is a big one of them.


    Being a former player.....a former coach.....and having a son obsessed with being a duck......I feel like I undertand the need for all of these lifts but in certain ways.


    - First let me say.....I dont think my kid would like this coach very much because he trains to go below parallel on the squats. My son had a ACL contruction and if he goes below paralell for too long that damn thing will start filling up with fluid again and start causing pain. He can rep 5 bills if he goes TOO paralel. The problem is as a football player....u want to do what the coaches are asking u to do and not ask for "concessions"......


    - One of the things that having a good squatting program will do for you is you can add that good weight by biulding up your legs (then you do other things to keep your fast twich explosiveness and speed) My son is basically a biult up college safety......but due to the right diet and training program went from 190 pounds in high school to 230 pounds he is right now without losing speed.......a large part of that is his squatting program.



    For my own part......I am just starting to get myself back into shape on the later side of 45.....and I dont heavy lift at all. I also cannot do a lot because I work 2 jobs. But I am about to give my notice on one of those jobs as I accomplished the project I set out to do......I will be increasing my TRX training.......I do plank movements a lot.....I do yoga..........and I watch what I eat which includes my own blend of protein and super green food......I am a diabetic and ever since I started taking Super Green food I have been feeling so much better health wise.

  5. Did you notice the Seamen's Bank in Ptown? The entrance is in the rear. (bad joke) :lol:

    There is a seafood place right as you get off the rotary from the Sagamore Bridge going onto the cap with a old beat up boat next to it.....


    I HIGHLY recommend eat at that seafood place the food is very good.




    If it is still there there is a small seafood dive in Sagmore next to the water.......water animals will get very close while you are eating if you like that sort of thing.

  6. NO. not at all. I hope they do.


    Reason: even with the 3 O linemen drafted last year, the O line is no doubt the weakest unit on the Buffalo team.


    We don't know if any of the O lineman drafted last year will develop, what the issues are and who will fall out. Also, competition is always a good thing

    in my book, and someone is going down along the way. The O line was very healthy last year and I would not expect that to occur two years in a row.


    Chris Williams notwithstanding.

    I recognize that coaching may have been a huge part of the problem


    My thing is.....if you are an athlete and you can play then you can play


    Which makes me nervous about Cyril and Kujo


    Richardson was having SUCH a hard time with stunts.....I mean he just looked totally lost




    Kujo? DID NOT SEE THE FIELD AS A SECOND ROUND PICK.........and looked so bad in training camp that many felt if he was not such a high round pick he would have been cut


    Chris WIlliams has back issues


    We are supposed to have confidence that they will develop?

  7. In a previous life I was "John from Cape Cod" when I was stationed out there on the National Guard Base.


    There are some good suggestions above....a word of advice? Dont go swimming where the seals like to play


    An interesting story there..my wife and her friends used to go playing in the water next to a spot where the season would show up every once in a while.....it was later found out that a 20 foot great white shark had made its home in that exact same area (because of the seals)

  8. Because we have other positions that are of equal or greater need and I find it impossible for you to tell me that there won't be a TE or LB significantly higher rated than linemen at 50 AND 81.


    We have 8 Linemen already on the team (12 but the other 4 seem like camp bodies)


    We have 3 TE's........ number 2 is MarQueis Gray and number 3 is Chris Gragg...... thats not exactly a stellar amount of depth.


    We have 3 TRUE Linebackers and 2 of them are strictly back ups. Yes Mario Williams, Jerry Hughes and Manny Lawson will be hybrid LB/DE's but i'm sure they would like an upgrade over Ty Powell and Randell Johnson.


    Why did I post the info about contract info? Because you can't just look at needs you have this year. You have to look at needs next year and the year after. You need to look at positions you know for a fact will either be open or will need to be sacrificed.


    We are going to draft at least 1 linemen this draft (I do not think we take 2 with the first 2 picks). That gives us 10. Chris Williams IMO is gone after this year, thats down to 9. The year after we let Urbrik go/retire, thats down to 8. IMO Kouandjio was a terrible pick and made me furious last year the second we took him. IMO we draft someone better in 2016/2017 and he's replaced.


    The Bills are looking for immediate starters with their first 2 picks. We do not have 2 spots on the O-line and with such limited picks, spending both of our first two picks attempting to fiddle with te O-line is a luxury we do NOT and can NOT afford. If we had a first, and a 4th this year, I would have no problem with the double linemen draft to start things off. But we NEED to hit on 50 and 81.

    A few things


    - I am totally not against a TE with one of those 1st two picks.....I recognize the need at TE and it is further stressed when you figure that our OC wants a run dominate offense and that is a 2 TE set (although I dont think they brought in Felton to just ride the bench


    - I agree that the 2nd and 3rd round picks need to hit....which is why if the best players available are OL then how would fans feel about that.


    There is some depth to the OL position this year.


    I would be upset, only in the fact that I do not believe picking 2 OL is A) Needed/Warranted with the 2nd and 3rd round picks B)would give us instant contributors to a team that needs individuals to come in and play in specific roles. I put this together for you guys to look at quickly, courtesy of Spotrac:


    I apologize for the long lists, I'll leave markers to make it easier to jump ahead to the point of this post:


    Key players contracts coming up in 2016:
    Marcell Dareus
    Matt Cassel
    Percy Harvin
    Stephon Gilmore
    Fred Jackson
    Nigel Bradham
    Cordy Glenn
    Rich Incognito
    Ron Brooks
    Bryce Brown
    Marcus Thigpen
    Nick Robey
    Stefan Charles
    Ty Powell
    MarQueis Gray
    Bacarri Rambo
    Chris Hogan
    Corbin Bryant
    Kenny Ladler
    Key Players contracts ending in 2017:
    Leodis McKelvin
    Manny Lawson
    EJ Manuel
    Kraig Urbrik
    Robert Woods
    Anthony Dixon
    Jarius Wynn
    Marquise Goodwin
    Duke Williams
    Johnathan Meeks
    Chris Gragg
    Jeff Tuel
    Players in my mind playing for their jobs the for the following seasons:
    Ron Brooks
    Bryce Brown
    Marcus Thigpen
    Nick Robey
    Stefan Charles
    Ty Powell
    MarQueis Gray
    Bacarri Rambo
    Chris Hogan
    Corbin Bryant
    Kenny Ladler
    Manny Lawson
    EJ Manuel
    Kraig Urbrik
    Jarius Wynn
    Marquise Goodwin
    Duke Williams
    Johnathan Meeks
    Chris Gragg
    Jeff Tuel
    Looking ahead, I would say with pretty good certainty that we will be sorting out our Safety, CB, and TE position in the next year or two. We have several players that are essentially trying to hold down their shots of being on the roster when their contracts come up. In terms of OL and this Draft. I would be ELATED to grab Ali Marpet in the 3rd if he is there for us to take. Other than that there are a few OT/G that I think would be worth the second/third round selection. I just think there will be a player of better value at other positions when we draft 50th overall. We are PAINFULLY thin at TE, and on paper we appear equally thin at LB although Mario Williams and Jerry Hughes will probably play some sort of LB hybrid position.
    Contract wise, the players I think that are done as far as being on the team a year from now:
    Lets start with the retirement of Fred Jackson, I love the man, but I think his time has come
    Bryce Brown and Marcus Thigpen: Brown is fumble prone and could easily be replaced with a new young RB in the 2016 draft especially if FJAX is let go(I would be more inclined to keep FJAX on a 1-2 yr contract to groom his replacement that would be drafted). Marcus Thigpen, I love the guy as a return man, but I could see us letting him go, mainly in an attempt to keep Harvin and give those duties to him.
    Kenny Ladler and Bacarri Rambo: One of these 2 is gone imo. Rambo might have been the hero in the game against the Packers, but i'm sure I don't have to point out how lucky he was on 1 of his picks that Rodgers didn't Nelson taking the top off our D. Kenny has not done anything to wow me.
    Ron Brooks and Nick Robey: 1 of these two is also gone. I know that Rex loves his CBs like Parcells loved his LBs, but sometimes you gotta sift through the dirt and decide when to dig a new patch. IMO Ron Brooks goes, Robey has done amazing when given the chance, even with the limitation of his size.


    Contracts that we will be watching unfold:

    BTW current Active Contracts for 2016 is 125 million and anticipated Cap will be 150+ million (need roughly 5 million for rookies)


    Mario Williams: Restructures to gain a long term contract, and save us money for........ (lets say 16 million so we can drop the active amount to 121 million)

    Marcell Dareus: Gets a 16 million a year contract eased by the restructuring mentioned above.
    Matt Cassel: New deal, who knows when this gets done, but we need a Vet - maybe we replace him with someone else.
    Percy Harvin: IMO does well enough to get the second and third years of his contract: That's currently 6 Million (or we could let him walk)
    Stephon Gilmore: 6-8 Million a year, bonus money upfront to ease the following years
    Fred Jackson: Gone (broken hearts forever)
    Nigel Bradham: 3-5 Million a Year
    Cordy Glenn: 4-7 Million a Year Pending Performance
    Rich Incognito: 3.5 Million a year - we drop Chris Williams contract and give it to Richie (we end up with a wash moneywise here)
    We are going to have to be really creative with our contracts, because I see us needing to come up with about 10 million that we don't have in 2016 unless we drop some contracts and restructure some other ones.


    OK but.....


    Why wouldnt you take 2 OL in the 2nd and 3rd rounds of this upcoming draft?



  10. Come on John. If Cassel had Rodgers career, you overlook that game. But he's had a lot of bad games. It's why he is Matt Cassel.


    He had a good year 5 years ago. If Cassel is the answer, you've got the wrong question.


    In his only start against the Pats, EJ left the field with the lead. In his last start against the Pats, Cassel threw 4 ints. :)



    I understand your position


    I guess what I am trying to say is that we cannot really point to one game against a common opponet as the barometer of whether the qb can succeed or not.


    In all of the Cassel vs EJ Manuel debate....it is in the BEST interests for EJ Manuel to win that job and by win that job.....WIN THE JOB....play better in training camp....better in pre season.....actually show that he can play better then he did last year....not just because EJ is the drafted player but Matt Cassell to me serves as a very good backup/mentor to a young qb


    The question is....WILL HE

  11. im sure it made it an even more pronounced difference due to the illness, but if you dont think hes giving just a little something extra knowing that its a big crossroads for his career.....


    thats not implying he was a lazy oaf before, simply that guys are a little less likely to take a day off here and there, or cheat on a meal when the carrot of a new contract is getting so close.

    First of all...I really like Cordy Glenn.....def mean no disprespect to him regarding the contract year thing......


    When no one knows what the illness was (and he isnt required to tell) we have no idea on how it affected his preparation.


    I personally hope we find a way to keep him......a VERY underrated left tackle

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