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John from Riverside

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Posts posted by John from Riverside




    Let’s go back a couple of years, we knew that EJ Manuel…
    - was a project QB who would take 2 or 3 years to develop into a starting NFL QB
    - was being developed by the Syracuse coaching staff in the NFL environment
    - was a kid who needed to sit on the bench for at least a year before being asked to begin the process of becoming the team’s franchise QB.
    All of these points are valid and indisputable points that the haters just like to either completely ignore or call them “excuses” when they are confronted with them. They pine away for Kyle Orton. Ironically, a guy whose first 14 games stats makes EJ Manuel’s 14 games stats look like a QB who’s the second coming of Joe Montana. How long did Matt Cassel have to develop on the bench before he was given his chance and made some hay with it? Tony Romo? Aaron Rodgers? How long did it take Drew Brees to even look like a starting NFL QB? 30 games? These guys don’t understand how big of a leap it is from college to the NFL and that the NFL is going to have to get “old school” in a hurry and start sitting these QBs they picked early in the draft. Because the college game is not developing them properly.
    These guys here who love to hate on Manuel are just choosing to be in the “hot pocket” rather than understand there is real and valid hope Manuel can be the guy. What are the chances? IMO somewhere around the wide range of maybe 30-50%? It’s a wide range because we are going off of very little on the field proof. But from all that we’ve read, it seem alike there is still reason to believe that Manuel is and always was a guy who was a project and would take 2 to 3 years and he actually develops into a franchise QB.


    I honestly think that people that hate on EJ Manuel are being way short sighted team wise


    - Is there a chance he is not the guy.....yes there is (and there really is)




    Think about the alternatives


    Lets be honest here....Matt Cassell is NOT the long term answer. He is a band aid to bridge us to whoever is going to be that QB.


    Now lets say for arguement sake that EJ ends up not being the solution. That means drafting a QB in next years draft in the 1st round. First round QBs need time........just like EJ Manuel SHOULD have gotten (and by time I mean holding a clipboard behind a vetean...not ruining the chances of a super bowl caliber defense to play in the playoffs)


    THAT is what we have to look forward to if EJ Manuel ends up not being the answer


    Keep that in mind folks

  2. K-Gun,

    It's all about execution. There were not a lot of plays, or trickery, only up tempo.

    Levy used to say, if you execute, it does not even matter if the defense knows what your going to run, you will succeed.

    I could see Darius wearing down by the fourth, not really too sure about the others though.

    As was always the boon of the K gun though


    Yes your up tempo.......but if your not getting first downs your also off the field on offense quick....and your own D gets tired.


    If you run a K gun.....u better be putting up points

  3. The K gun did well because it kept opposing D from getting players on and off the field


    The big key to the top D's (like outs) is that guys can do several different things well.....so u dont NEED to change personnel to match what the K gun would have been doing


    Our D would win

  4. So, because other QBs have been reported as working and improving over the offseason, but then ended up not being great, that guarantees EJ sucks? Is that what we're going with now?

    I just think its because it has been SOOOOOO long since we have actually had a game changing qb......people protect themselves from believing a young QB might actually grow his game and improve


    I mean.....I get it....I really do. People dont want the let down


    At the same time.....we need to keep hoping the bills will actually fix this situation. EJ Manuel is that BEST hope because Cassell has reached his celing....and whatever the next QB drafted is an unknown.


    What we do know? EJ Manuel is


    - A hard worker

    - A good kid

    - Has ALL of the physical tools you could possibly want

    - A winner at the college level


    That is his foundation. Does it take more? Yes......but he does in fact have a foundation. If he can improve on that foundation is what everyone is waiting to see.

  5. My FIRST WEEK working as a pizza delivery driver I had my window halfway down because it was summer and hot as heck.........I was gone from my car for literally 20 seconds and someone reached in and snatched my brand new GPS.


    Thieves suck

  6. I think his best move is the fast juke after the gets through the line, without losing speed. (ironically that was CJ's best move too, only he doesn't quite have the vision to get to that point as well as Shady)


    If you're a strong safety or LB coming in a little late because you were playing pass and you try to nail him after he's through the line, the best you're going to get is a shot at an arm tackle.

    I just feel that CJ Spiller isnt at the same level as Shady when it comes to field vision......I mean not even close



    Well, technically, Rex and most of his staff were in the Jets dumpster when Pegs hired him...

    Actually......like a total soldier he and his staff didnt quit on the jets (like a certain HC did who is now a offensive line coach but I wont mention any names but his last name starts with M and sounds a lot like "MORON"


    but anyways


    Rex Ryan gave his all to the jets right up until they fired him.....even though the management above him OBVIOUSLY didnt give him the tools he needed to win at the end

  8. It's my contention that consistent QB's ARE good QB's, John.

    In that we are in agreement....


    I dont feel like we need a QB that has to take a team on their shoulders down by 5 with 2 minutes left and win the game on his arm every week......just make the handful of plays needed at specific points of the game to keep the offense on the field their offense off the field....and score points at the end.


    Dont care how its down......be it a pass completion.....a running first down.....etc etc....just make the key play


    This of course does mean that a reciever on the other end of the pass has to actually catch it....not fumble it....not pop it up in the air.....and that the OL doesnt allow immediate pressure on the qB

  9. Remember when everyone gifted the KC game to Orton's record because we had a terrible end zone fumble and a terrible PR fumble (something that was NOT Kye Orton's fault)? I don't.


    It's all terribly biased. "EJ just needs Seattle's defense." Okay.


    And you're right, both sides need to answer the call for the other. But a good offense is only going to be able to answer the call with a good QB. Everything else, as usual, is just noise.

    How many teams are there in the league?


    How many teams actually have franchise QBs?


    How many teams make the playoffs?


    I really dont think this is true Chan.....I think what you need is a CONSISTANT QB who is backed up by a solid run game

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