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Everything posted by billfan63

  1. I like it, but in my scenario the Bills have a last minute signing of Chuck Norris and he roundhouse kicks the entire Pats defense allowing Fred Jackson to walk into the end zone time and tme again
  2. We all know how the Bills did the last decade, how about TO's numbers
  3. If he has more catches than drops it'll be a successful day
  4. Lets see play football for six weeks or hold a clip board and hope for an injury. He has made plenty of money so he's not chasing the dollar he's chasing a chance to improve and get back to the NFL.
  5. Since Schonert's knowledge of the Bills offense consists of three and outs and getting the ball in thecenter of the hash marks to set up a FG, I don't think he'll be of much help to NE
  6. Isn't there another group, people who occasionally watch for a laugh at how absurd these shows can get.
  7. I like how he goes back and forth, Micheal Weiner is a nice old guy who sails and talks about cooking, and his alter ego Micheal Savage is a screaming lunatic, who is a racist
  8. For good entertainment turn on the radio and listen to Savage
  9. 3-13, Ralph fires Jauron and staff, comes down from the box and coaches the last two games.
  10. There once was this man named Johnny Rauch,,,,,,,,,,,
  11. Grew up on the east side near Humbolt park, I got hooked by sitting with my father and neighbors on the porch stoop listening to the games on the radio, then listening to the roar coming from the rock pile as a reaction to a big play.
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