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Everything posted by ICE

  1. Well to use your own words 'stocked with GOOD backs'
  2. Ah takes me back to Opening day Bills v Rams 1992. TT scored 3 or 4 that day inc the direct snap. It was also the day some dumb Ram decided that he wouldn't fair catch with Steve tasker flying at him....dumb move.
  3. And the guy deserves the love fest. He is simply the model for all QB's out there.
  4. - "If we dont trade Travis....he is gonna hold out." You can count on it. Also I disagree about him being better than he has shown us. We have become a different team with WM in there.
  5. He is a problem and will be a greater one this offseason. A team needs ONE Back that carry's the rock 25+ times. To me Joe burns will be fine as a backup. Shawd williams will be a very good 2nd to 3rd RB when he returns. with the news that he may not have a full broken bone, I still see a 2nd for him.
  6. Bill I said something yesterday in a post and I am sticking with it. You know this and are just trying to be an ass and make me break my word.
  7. My thoughts, I agree mostly. I still feel we need another Vet corner. Let McGee handle Nickle and KO's. THEN we have a very scarry Secondary. Honestly, Cut vincent this offseason. This D is becomeing one hell of a D without him and his cap number sitting the bench. Like you said, Baker may be the real deal by next year. WM, for a kid that doesn't have 'speed' he can sure hit the long ball Agreed on the way the NFL is. No matter what you MUST pass well to win. bottom line. If you can't back teams out from 8-9 fronts NO back will be successful. Nate clements got a knee to the Sac! LMAO! I'm sorry but when you see the replay and what happened you just gotta feel for the man....but laugh at the same time. HA! #7 believe it or not you and I are EXACTLY The same way. If I am up by 100...I put another 100 on them. You play to score...you score to win.
  8. Well they have the top WR corp in the NFL IMHO. They won't be dropping 1st downs and touchdowns like Seattle. they have a much better OL than any we have faced yet. Note: Seattle...we didn't get pressure on the QB until LATE in the game. Defense? They will show us blitzes we have never seen before. bottom line we don't match up well with Pitt right now. Make some changes at CB and FS, get Evans another year and get us a REAL TE (not 3 average ones...one damn good one) and add to that a full season under these coaches...THEN I think we match up well. Bottom line though...anything can happen. That is why they play the games.
  9. Travis henry isn't a cancer? Uh ok. Well if you don't think he has been so far, just wait until this offseason.
  10. did you read the post? Where is doom and gloom? Since when does reality and 'doom and gloom' meet? I say 3-2 or 4-1 over the next 5. Cinci bothers me on the road. They are starting to play decent football. Pitt even at home is a damn tough game. boy you guys take things WAY out of context.
  11. No but if we drop this one we are done. 7 losses and you are out of it in the AFC.
  12. It is a mix between what you and darrin said. We SHOULD hand a still beating to Miami, but I stand by my thoughts this is a trap game if there ever was one.
  13. I think it's time for him. The guy is missing games each season with old or new injuries.
  14. Miami is a W if we are not too cocky. cleveland putting up 50+ points? CRAZY! I say they shot their wads yesterday. Win at home Cinci on the road. I don't like it. They are starting to play well AND are the only ones in quite some time to give Pitt all it can handle. Don't know about this game. @ San Fran? BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHHAHAAHA! Ok ok, don't underestimate SF...snicker..... and lastly Pitt. sorry folks, the only way Cowher power sits his starters, and his jaw, is if NE drops 2 by then. Not gonna happen. They will be playing for HOA throughout the playoffs. 4-1 at best, 3-2 with losses to Cinci on the road and Pitt at home being more realistic. 8-8 on the season is my best guess.
  15. "but man, i still have a football erection from that game." Um you know after 4 hours you are supposed to call the Dr. right?
  16. You are correct. You don't get the cake you brought, but you do get free cake. So see easy cake walk.
  17. John, I created this post to bring some balance to the 'We are kings of the world' types of posts. Feel good yes, great win. Let me give you my take on competition. Long ago there was a great Judoka. World champ 4X in a row. His philosophy was this...he would train all year, battle hard and become champ. He would celebrate that night. Come the next morning he was not the 'reigning Champ' in his mind. He was just 1 of thousands that wanted to be champ this next year. THAT is why he continued to win. I have always felt that way about competing and it served me well. We won Sunday. congrats, now its time to go to work for the Miami game.
  18. Hey all I am saying is this...it is easy to get over confident against a weaker team. Esp after beating down two playoff teams from last year. Division games are always hard. Sunday is Miami's superbowl, we need to bring our A game and beat on them like they have never been beat on before.
  19. Nothing gives a team faith in it's self like a coach calling those plays. Going for it 4th and 1 on the 1 in Oakland for example. If we fail yeah it sucks, but the guys look at MM and say 'the sombitch believed in us' Honestly best damn coaching/playcalling in 4 years yesterday. Hands down.
  20. This team stays focused we hand Miami a beating to remember. If not...it's a perfect trap game.
  21. nnnnnnow timmm timmmm timmmuh ddddon't ttttell anyone abbbbout ttttthis...
  22. It is a very good reference. Any team on any given sunday. Right now I feel the Bills are prime to get beat by Miami. Coming off of two damn solid beatings on the Rams and Hawks. Easy to get over confident against a lesser team.
  23. I agree. Look any team on any day at any given time can win. Division wins are tough to come by PERIOD! Personally if I am MM I push their asses HARDER this week. It is easy to lose focus coming off a win like Seattle. We are AT a division opponant. One thing to keep in mind...all Miami has left for a season is handing the Bills a beatdown. Funny how teams play when they see your game as their superbowl.
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