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Everything posted by ICE

  1. 'Of course if he plays well enough not to lose the damn game, he'll be lifted on the shoulders of his faithful throngs and marched right from Seattle to Canton.' What makes me want to puke is how correct you are. It almost makes you laugh if it wasn't so stupid and painful.
  2. It's fact and you know it. Pathetic is the fan that still defends bledsoe.
  3. It just doesn't get much better than that.
  4. Nothing would be better than them tacking 3 months extra to her sentance.
  5. Well then I guess I am a homo. Catherine Bell.
  6. Hey look I gotta give props to anyone that can piss off Michael Jackson so bad, the MJ Stands on a car during the taping of TRL and trys to give Eminem stevestojan
  7. Understand this if I am right and get to 'sit back and tell everyone how right I was' it HELPS the BILLS! Look JP doesn't have to be all pro. People misunderstand this. He needs to be Mobile, smart and make good decisions. Name for me how many games in the last 2.5 years Bledsoe has done that? Not damn many. Now if JP can do this on a CONSISTANT BASIS then we have all we need at QB. Oh and lets not forget that 'LEADER' thing as well. Somehow I dont see leadership being an issue with JP.
  8. And post a losing record. Seems to be a trend among teams the last few years. ESPN had a GREAT pregame special a few weeks ago that BIG OL's are NOT the way to go. Center and Guards are ok. Tackles are NOT. In todays NFL your tackles need to be lighter and quicker. Agreed they need to be strong (Size is not an indicator of strength) but quicker. some of the better OL's are the lighter ones. Athletic, strong with great technique. I hope this is something that mcNally and crew take note of this offseason. BTW...ESPN has Fat Mike listed as the biggest OLman in the NFL. Can you say guard?
  9. so tell me Fabio, what did I post that was incorrect? Nothing.
  10. What I want is what is best for the team. If losing gets rid of bledsoe then so be it.
  11. Agreed there isn't a man on that team that could take his ass one on one.
  12. Can you immagine how embarrassing it would be to lose to a team so devistated by injury and with players in the doghouse?
  13. I could start a statement that the sky is green. It could be repeated 500 years and still be incorrect. Your quote is as incorrect as it can possibly be. As for your Best player excuse...that is what it is, an excuse. when your best player absolutely sucks, you bench him. Esp in a LOSING Season. That said, you then play the kid that is your future to get him better. But that won't happen so don't worry. bledsoe will continue to drag this team down.
  14. "Quarterbacks generally get too much credit when the team wins and too much blame when the team loses." that is about the stupidest saying in all of football. They get EXACTLY the amount of credit and exactly the amount of blame. No one touches the ball more and has more of a direct outcome on a game like the QB.
  15. So many comments could be made.....
  16. learn how to win? Do it on the road. Do it consistantly against teams at home AND on the road THEN we are talking. Problem is you only have 10 men of the 11 that are capable of getting it together. Bashing aside at some point and time even the most ardent fans must recognise our starting QB does not have it. I don't care if he ever did or not, he does not NOW. He is not our answer. I don't expect a QB to carry an entire team, I DO Expect him not to be a liability. and that is what he is.
  17. I will say this IF we were to win this year on the road, this would be the best possible game to do so.
  18. Ok maybe you missed the point. It takes BOTH. Now if you go back and think...maybe one part of this equation isn't doing their job? Whom could that be?
  19. OR BOTH? I gotta go with option C on this one. I am seeing a common trend that most here want to ignore. it takes BOTH the QB and the OL 50/50 to help each other out. does a QB need time? Sure he does...about 3 seconds. but the flipside of that is a QB must help out the OL. By getting rid of the ball QUICKLY that takes a ton of stress off of the OL and places the stress on the defense. (Disclaimer...this is not a knock against any QB in particular) The Successful QB's in the league still get sacked. The Best OL's in the league give up sacks. NO OL in the world can block 8 men with 5. Esp if it is a well designed blitz. Even keeping in a back and TE it is still tough sometimes and drops the time a QB has to throw. QB's help by MOVING in or around in the pocket. In some cases they roll the pocket or even roll out on thier own (Favre is the best example). I saw a game last week where McNabb bout TEN Seconds to throw. TEN by moving out of the pocket. Result? 60 yard pass. This has to be a give and take folks. In the past we have had instances where our QB's have had about 1.5 seconds to throw. fine, THROW THE BALL. Just get rid of it. don't take a sack. Don't put it up in a lob pass to be picked off. Just fire it into the sidelines or about 5 yards off the LOS into the dirt, toward a WR. Observation by a QB has to be accounted for as well. Too many times across the league I see teams lineing up at the LOS ready to bring it. The QB goes ahead and snaps the ball with 10 seconds left. Me? I stand up, take a breath and see about where the Blitz is coming from. Hopefully if I am a veteran QB all I have to do is look at my WR's and they know I am saying "Blitz route" THEN we snap the ball. It is out of my hands on a 2 step drop. OR I walk back to shotgun to give me .5 to 1 more second in case it is a fake blitz. It is astonishing to me how only a handful of QB's have this skillset in this day and time. Manning being the top guy followed by Favre. Bottom line BOTH have to help each other out. OL's must make their blocking assignments and QB's must get rid of the ball.
  20. Sue you just described the EXACT way to shut down the Bills. shut down McGahee and force you know who to throw the damn ball. He will throw pics OR fumble when hit.
  21. No Steve, we all know no one can look at a post from 'ICE' and do anything besides B word and moan. It is funny though, for one so hated, one that contributes nothing to the board....why is it my post garner the greatest hit count?
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